Planetary Aspects for March 12 to March 18: How Will a Pisces New Moon Affect Your Mood?

A Capricorn moon starts the week with a severe case of the Mondays—it’s a day to get things done and focus on to-do lists. A Venus-Saturn square also complicates the early part of the week, bringing up some interpersonal conflicts as well as leading to some issues between figuring out what you have to do and what you want to do—which aren’t always the same thing. On Saturday, a Pisces new moon gives all signs almost psychic powers and provides a portal to a new life chapter—use the Pisces new moon as a tool to guide you where you want to be. Here, the planetary transits for March 12 to March 18 that affect all Zodiac signs.
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Monday, March 12
Get Things Done
A Capricorn moon plays taskmaster, and tomorrow’s impending Venus Saturn square can make us feel suspicious of social engagements. People are misunderstood, communication has underlying tension, and things can feel overly complicated. Your antidote for today is to buckle down, keep your eyes on your own paper, and focus on things you can control. The end of the week may be hectic, so hitting your deadlines early can be smart.
Tuesday, March 13
Duck and Cover
Hello, Venus and Saturn. When a square occurs early in the morning, all signs may feel some conflict with others. This is a challenging aspect, and the more you can expect and anticipate discord, the better. Try not to get caught up in drama (especially if not your own) and avoid gossiping and talking behind other people’s backs. The less waves you make today, the fewer messes you will have to clean up later in the week. If you have to choose between having fun or making the responsible choice, sober Saturn says to choose responsibility.
Wednesday, March 14
Have Fun!
What a week, right? And it’s only Wednesday. Shake things up and break out of your routine. Yesterday, the sun and Jupiter linked, and you’re still feeling this pleasant planetary aspect. Today is a great day to mingle, to enjoy downtime, and just to celebrate the beginning of spring and all that’s good in your life, because, despite some recent hiccups, you’ve got a lot of great stuff going on.
Thursday, March 15
Unlock Your Creativity
An Aquarius moon urges you to think outside the box, which doesn’t need to be a bold move. Even watching a movie you’ve put off watching for months because of lack of time can help shift your perspective. Or tap into your creative side. Even journaling can be really helpful as the week wraps up.
Friday, March 16
Go to Bed Early
New moon energy—a new moon in Pisces is occuring tomorrow—can be weird. It can be intense and can play with your emotions. Water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—may be especially susceptible to the rhythms of the moon. If this sounds like you, don’t torture yourself. Having a low key night and hitting the hay early could be the best way to prepare for this new moon without letting it get to you.
Saturday, March 17
Pay Attention to Your Dreams
A new moon in Pisces unlocks your psychic side, and dreams mean everything. Pay attention to the dreams you have, the feelings you get, and the frequent gut checks you receive. A new moon can always be the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. It’s exciting! And sad. And also, so, so necessary. Step forward and stop focusing on the past. In addition, a square between Mars and Capricorn can lead to fights and disagreements—try to stay above the drama and don’t get yanked into a petty argument, which could all too easily and quickly erupt without either of you truly knowing what happened.
Sunday, March 18
Welcome to Your New Life
Whether you wanted to or not, or whether you were ready or not, the Pisces new moon ushered in a new perspective, some new opportunities, or maybe even some new ideas for directions for your life. It’s a great day to begin to sort through all these ideas and get comfortable with this new energy—it’s a great energy to usher in spring and a prime opportunity to ditch habits that no longer serve you.
Read last week’s planetary aspect guide here.
Read this week’s horoscope here!
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