October 2020 Full Moon in Aries Horoscopes

All full moons hold particularly powerful energy, but the one taking place on October 1 at 2:05 pm PDT in Aries is really packing some heat. Aries energy is fiery, impulsive, and charismatic—just as it is aggressive, forceful, and domineering. Aries natives are prone to be quick-tempered thanks to their ruler, Mars. They’re always down for a fight whether it’s for the right reasons or not.
Adding to this mix is the fact that Mars (planet of passion) and Chiron are also in Aries. Chiron is hoping to show where we’ve grown and where we haven’t, while Mars is going to put us in a position of needing to choose between doing things the old way or the new way. We will have old wounds poked at. And for many of us, we may fly off the handle and cringe later. But the choice is always ours.
This transit is about shedding: be it attitudes, behaviors, or all the useless stuff that holds us down. Aries needs speed and freedom. They need room to roam and they can’t accomplish this by holding too tightly to anything. This is not a time for perfection, but a time for doing our best. Perfectionism is the death of creativity. Instead of waiting for things to happen, know that you have the ability within you to make things happen. If there’s one thing that Aries teaches us, it’s not to waste time. When good gets going, they know to exit.
Let’s see how this full moon will impact your sign.
How the October Full Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Courtesy of @ameyasrealm
This full moon taking place in your first house, Aries—and it’s all happening next to Chiron and Mars, which is putting you in a total mood. The great thing about it all is that we have the power of free will. You’ve been doing a great deal of inner work this year and have taken a good look at who you are and where you’re going. So today, when something triggers you, you have the chance to show just how much you’ve grown in the last few months.
It’s time to offload some baggage, Taurus. This could be in a literal sense for you, seeing as you’re one of the zodiac’s best packrats. It could also be more on the emotional level. Whatever it is, thanks to the full moon rolling through your twelfth house of healing in Aries, next to Mars and Chiron, it’s time to look at what you’re holding onto and why. This is a chance for you to free yourself from the past in more ways than one. Take it.
With everything going on in the world today, you’re feeling the need to get more proactive in the causes you believe in. With the full moon, Mars, and Chiron rolling hanging out in your eleventh house, you’re ready to put on your best protesting gear. Let your voice be heard, Gemini. You have no lack of causes to champion and the world needs your insight right now.
With all the change you’ve faced this year, it should come as no surprise that your career zone is lit up with this full moon, Mars, and Chiron all in Aries. You’ve been here before. Something is shifting and you’re not sure where you stand. But rather than getting anxious and throwing yourself down that rabbit hole, Cancer, you’re cool as a cucumber. Because in the end, your determination trumps any potential worry you may have.
You’ve done too much of the same thing, Leo. You have fallen into a rut. With the full moon, Mars, and Chiron, all in Aries in your ninth house of travel, it’s time to get out of dodge. Whether it’s grabbing your besties and hitting the road, or taking a solo trip to someplace you’ve always wanted to be, now is your time. Don’t let this cosmic boost pass you by.
Well, I’ll give it to you, Virgo. When you do something, you go all the way! With the full moon, Mars, and Chiron throwing down some major vibes in your eighth house, it’s clear that you’re tackling all the bills and responsibilities you’ve left hanging. While this may not be your favorite activity, you’re hitting it like a boss. It’s far better than fielding those annoying collection calls.
It’s time to don your sexiest outfit, Libra—or perhaps, none at all? Either way, you have to get your seduction on. Whether you’ve got someone special in your life or you’re just going to find someone you can toy with, the full moon in Aries in your seventh house of relationships is throwing some major sexual vibes—especially since it’s opposite the sun in your sign. Venus is having a field day with Aries, so this is sure to be a day and night full of fireworks.
Hey Scorpio, quarantine or no quarantine, you’re done avoiding the gym or using this huge mess as a reason to let your fitness go. With the full moon, Mars, and Chiron all in Aries in your sixth house of wellness, you’re in beast mode. Aries loves to be physical (and get physical exercise) so you can bet that when you get your fitness on, it’s going to be the real deal. Just take it slowly if it’s been a bit. No need to hurt yourself.
There is always someone with an opinion about who you are, what you do, and how you do it. And for a long time of not caring, you’ve started to let it bother you, Sagittarius. But now, with the full moon, Mars, and Chiron rolling through your fifth house of authentic expression, you’re in your full glory and determined not to allow anyone else impact how you live your life.
You’re a doer, there is no denying that, Capricorn. But with the full moon rolling through your foundational fourth house in Aries, you’re not just cleaning house, you’re practically tearing it apart and starting from scratch. Not a single corner will be left untouched. Every book will be moved and dusted. Old papers, letters from ex-lovers… they’re all gone. You’re ready to start fresh and have the cosmic boost to get it done.
You sometimes feel as though no one really gets you, Aquarius. Perhaps it’s that your jokes come across the wrong way or that, in general, people just find you odd. There’s nothing wrong with that! You are unique, embrace it. And with the full moon in Aries in your third house of communication, you’re going to express yourself in any way you feel—without a care of what others think.
You’re a giver; everyone knows that. And even if your lover or friends sometimes take your giving nature for granted, you still give because that’s just who you are. But right now, with the full moon, Mars, and Chiron, all in Aries in your second house of worth and value, you’re not taking any crap. You know that you deserve to get just as much as you give, so you’re not settling for anything less. Good for you, Pisces.
Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm