November 2020 Full Moon in Gemini Horoscopes

The November full moon in Gemini crests during the wee hours of the morning on Monday, November 30 at 1:32 am PT, bestowing us with beams of change and curiosity as we wrap up the month. But this isn’t just any old full moon—it’s also a lunar eclipse. That gives a fateful and finalizing feeling to what would otherwise be a lighthearted lunation.
The full moon in quick-thinking air sign Gemini lights up our logical minds and brings out our inquisitive sides, inspiring us to be more communicative about our thoughts and feelings and interact more meaningfully with the people, places, and things around us. We’ll seek to better understand our emotional complexities and start putting together the puzzle pieces of our private lives.
But don’t expect to solve these riddles just yet. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon on hyperdrive, and these cosmic shake-ups tend to bring swift and significant changes. Expect sudden endings, unexpected revelations, or climactic conclusions to longstanding issues—especially when it comes to things like communication, thinking, and day-to-day logistics.
It’ll be tough to sit still and submit to your cosmic fate with the moon in capricious Gemini opposing the sun in adventurous Sagittarius—but remember that the universe is in the driver’s seat now. So, wait for the dust of this eclipse to settle before you take any action.
How the Full Moon in Gemini Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Talking your way through your full moon feelings is fine, Aries, so long as you don’t get so caught up in the mental chatter. With the full moon eclipse in your house of communication, the way you think, express yourself, and move through your day is officially in an adjustment period. Connect with the people around you if you need some cosmic support.
If there’s a business endeavor or money matter that’s been in flux, Taurus, then this lunation could deliver game-changing news or a climactic conclusion that’ll finally propel things forward—or bring things to an end. Keep your wits about you and think logically about where your values lie to ensure that any full moon fluctuations end up sliding you into an even more financially favorable position.
Welcome to the annual full moon in your sign, Gemini! As the multi-faceted sign of the Twins, you’re naturally comfortable embracing new sides of yourself—and this supercharged lunation brings an exciting opportunity to shed old skins and emerge with a fresh perspective. It’s the beginning of a period of deep growth and self-realization for you, so stay open-minded to whatever lunar surprises the universe has in store.
Your brain is buzzing with energy now, Cancer—but your soul is asking for rest. Resist the urge to be a busy-body and allow yourself to retreat into the emotional safety of your Crab shell. With so many changes taking place deep within your subconscious, prioritize rest and introspection.
Your social life is on fire, Leo. Normally, it may be hard to keep up with so many friends, followers, and new faces when you’re also trying to focus on your own passions. But you’ll find that you’re thriving as part of a group. So, while your social circle and overall vision might experience some eclipse-induced twists of fate, feeling so mentally and emotionally interconnected with your community will keep you grounded.
This lunation could serve as a powerful clarifier for you when it comes to your career aspirations, Virgo—even if things feel unsteady at first. Keep your ears open to new information, your eyes open to new opportunities, and your heart open to influence and inspiration. The full moon will set you off on a poignant professional path.
You are so ready to spread your wings and fly, Libra. This lunation will generate a powerful gust of cosmic wind that’ll set you sailing. Whether it’s embracing a new way of thinking, traveling to a new place, or finally jumping into a new field of study, know that it’s time to take a leap of faith. The full moon may close some doors, but trust that more will open—and when they do, well, walk on through.
Getting deep and managing all those beneath-the-surface feelings is your area of expertise, Scorpio—but the shadow-dwelling pieces of your inner self will suddenly find themselves at the center of this full moon’s spotlight (and the scrutiny of your logical mind), which isn’t easy. It’s okay to allow your vulnerability to come out of hiding now. Just be sure you’re setting boundaries and protecting your magic during this time of chaotic transformation.
With the sun in your territory (and a new eclipse season on your sign’s axis), you’re in the midst of some major self-examination and evolution, Sagittarius. This lunation is here to remind you that your closest one-on-one relationships can serve as an additional spiritual mirror, showing you all sorts of valuable information about yourself that you wouldn’t have been able to see clearly otherwise. Love might feel rocky now, but trust in the lessons you’ll be learning.
This challenging year is slowly but surely approaching a climactic end—which means it’s probably time for you to start doing some things a little differently, Capricorn. While the eclipse might temporarily throw your routine into chaos, embrace the disarray as a beautiful opportunity for new growth. Changing your daily habits is the easiest way to change your whole life, so don’t be afraid to start anew.
Excitement is in the air under the light of this full moon, Aquarius, so let go of expectations and embrace your most playful nature. Romance is blossoming, passion projects are taking form, and you’re brimming with a unique artistic vision—but exactly how all this creative energy will manifest into your future remains to be seen. Be adaptable and focus on the things that truly bring you joy instead of being distracted by fleeting flirtations.
With the full moon shaking things up in your home and family sector now, Pisces, you might find yourself with no choice but to face the deeply-rooted issues within your private life head on. While it’s tempting to distract yourself from these closely guarded vulnerabilities by throwing yourself into your work or social life, this eclipse brings an opportunity for deep, heart-centered healing if you turn your focus inward. Don’t fear what’s already inside of you, water baby.
Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz