Heat It Up With Your November Love and Sex Horoscope

Your November 2018 love and sex horoscope has arrived!
With the colder days of mid-fall here, bundling and snuggling up with your lover is sure to be your priority. But November, with one foot in spiritually-attuned Scorpio season and the other in buoyant Sagittarius season, brings a mix of opportunities to enjoy one-on-one time and holiday season festivities with the object of your affection.
It does bear noting that Venus remains retrograde—in Libra, the partnership-oriented cardinal air sign—until November 16, setting an introspective tone around matters of the heart. Relationship-ruling Venus is generally at home in Libra, spurring social butterfly behavior and romance. But when retrograde, your focus may be more on working to heal old emotional wounds and tapping into your most diplomatic side to set boundaries and balance inequities in your relationships.
How will your love life change over the next 12 months? Find out now!
Just as November 16 marks Venus’ direct turn, it’s also the day that the planet of communication Mercury begins its final retrograde of the year in Sagittarius, potentially fueling misunderstandings, technical difficulties, and transportation snafus until December 6. If planning a date night seems to require constant clarification or your attempts to enjoy a spontaneous hookup with that Tinder match seem to be thwarted by glitchy texts, you’re not alone!
Luck and confidence set the stage for joyful fun with loved ones around November 25 when the sun and abundance-bringing Jupiter meet up in Sagittarius. Whether you’re going to a family dinner, a reunion with friends, or spending the night in with your S.O., carefree, lighthearted, and adventurous fun is sure to abound.
Here, what each sign can expect in matters of love and between the sheets this November. (If you know your rising sign, you’ll do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)
Aries (March 21–April 19)
Until November 16, Venus will be retrograde in your seventh house of partnership, requiring you to take a microscope to imbalances in your closet relationships. You rarely have trouble speaking your mind when you’re distraught, but taking a diplomatic, versus aggressive, approach can be particularly helpful for getting in sync. And around November 23 when the full moon is in your third house of communication, expressing your desires—and being especially detailed, given that communicator Mercury will be retrograde!—can help you turn that X-rated daydream into a reality.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Around November 7, the new moon in your seventh house of partnership opens the door for you to set an intention around your relationship desires. Whether you want to take your current arrangement to the next level or redefine your needs with your lover, you’ll do well to make a move now. Then, Mercury moves backward through your eighth house of sexual intimacy from November 16 to December 6, urging you to reflect on and perhaps even revisit past sexual connections, deeply-rooted fantasies, and emotional wounds. There’s certainly a spiritual twist to this transit for you, so meditating, journaling, or having deep conversations with your significant other can offer valuable insight into your closest relationships. Greater awareness can ultimately set off fireworks.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Venus moves backward through your fifth house of romance and fun until November 16, slowing down your most impromptu plans with your current or would-be lover. Though you’re the queen or king of flying by the seat of your pants, you’ll do well to plan ahead and take careful consideration into how you’re nourishing your heartfelt connections now. Then, your key planet Mercury’s retrograde from November 16 to December 6 in your seventh house of partnership may require that you go back to the drawing board on a joint project with your S.O. It’s possible you’ll feel like you’re speaking different languages at times, so patience is imperative.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
With Venus retrograde in your fourth house of home life until November 16, you may be dealing with stressful circumstances that keep you from feeling completely harmonious on the homefront. A little extra self-care (like taking baths or cooking your favorite meal) can have you feeling more centered, which can be especially helpful around November 7 when the new moon is in your fifth house of romance. You’ve been in your feelings lately, but opening up to your lover about it can feel therapeutic and bring mutual trust and adoration to a whole new level.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
While Mercury is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from November 16 to December 6, don’t be surprised if you have a run-in with a lover from your past. Emails, texts, calls, or an in-person encounter may throw you for a loop, or even spur you to indulge in your signature grandiose romantic fantasies. Ideally, you’ll pinpoint the lesson from this past love that will bolster your present and future. Around November 23, the full moon in your eleventh house of friendships sets the stage for fun with your social circle. You’ll want to celebrate with your current lover then keep the party going one-on-one!
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Around November 7, when the new moon is in your third house of communication, you could get a burst of confidence to share what’s in your heart and exactly what you need with a lover. Whether you know that you need more than what they’re capable of, or you want to explore steamy fantasies you’ve only allowed yourself to Google til now, speaking up now can feel truly empowering. Then, while Mars is in your seventh house of partnership from November 15 to December 31, creative date nights and conversation that stimulates your imagination makes for a dreamy romantic connection.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
While your key planet Venus is retrograde in your sign until November 16, it’s normal to feel slightly out of whack in terms of your own personal balance and with your S.O. Centering and romantic activities like meditating together, partner yoga, or simply spending a night in can have you feeling more grounded—and maybe even send sparks flying. But around November 24, when Venus in your sign forms a positive angle to the moon in your ninth house of adventure, you might feel called to get out of your comfort zone. Experimenting with a fetish or taking a sexy seminar with your sweetheart could have you falling in love (or lust) all over again.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Until November 16, Venus will be retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality, requiring you to do some deep soul-searching in terms of what you really want out of your relationships and, perhaps more importantly, the kind of spiritual work you need to do for yourself to ultimately fulfill your desires. Owning what you discover is the first step to feeling satisfied by all kinds of love—for others and yourself. Around November 23, the full moon in your eighth house of sexual intimacy can crank up the drama with a partner. Though it’s not your forte, being direct, honest, and especially communicative may very well be the best way to avoid friction now.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
While Mercury is retrograde in your sign from November 16 to December 6, you might feel like you’re speaking a different language than your partner—and everyone, really. Let’s be brutally honest (since that’s your jam): Having to go back to the drawing board on personal projects and hitting snags with your big picture plans will most definitely have you bent out of shape. The key to coping: sexual stress relief obviously! Being even more clear and direct than usual about what you need from your lover works wonders. And around November 23, when the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, you might hit a milestone with your significant other. When the time comes to celebrate, you should definitely go big!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Around November 7, the new moon in your eleventh house of friendship sets a joyful social tone that is perfect for a group date or hooking up with a platonic connection. Then, while Mercury is retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality from November 16 to December 6, you may be hitting the books—or therapy couch—to better understand deep-rooted emotional struggles. Though your tendency may be to keep what you discover to yourself, consider opening up and sharing with your partner, as it could feel emotionally gratifying.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
While Mercury is retrograde in your eleventh house of friendships from November 16 to December 6, you might reconnect with a former friend with benefits or end up at a post-Thanksgiving drinks gathering only to reconnect with an old crush. Then, around November 23, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance, making room in your busy schedule for a spontaneous, playful time with your lover can lay the groundwork for a seriously hot time. Because Venus in your ninth house of adventure forms a positive angle to the moon the next day, bringing a new toy or activity into your bedroom routine could make for crazy exciting sparks.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Around November 7, when the new moon is in your ninth house of adventure, consider planning a trip or taking a class with your partner. Any opportunity to learn together feeds your intellectual bond, which can crank up the intensity of your physical connection too—now and going forward! And while Mars is in your sign from November 15 to December 31, you’ll feel compelled to take action on your most artistic, creative, seemingly out-there activities—including those that usually happen between the sheets. Allowing yourself to get swept up in the moment can feel empowering and infuse your relationship with a dreamy quality.
Maressa Brown is a writer, editor, astrologer, and author of Centennial Presents’ 2018 Astrology Guide. Her work has appeared on/in various publications such as Cosmopolitan.com, The Washington Post, Parents.com, and Women’s Health. Find more of her celestial insights and lifestyle features on Facebook @MaressaSBrown and on Twitter @MaressaSylvie. — Horoscope.com editors
Photo: @dashapats via Twenty20