How to Make the Most of Every Moon Phase

By Gala Darling

On September 18, 2020

In Astrology, Moon

How to Make the Most of Every Moon Phase

Astrology is so delicious. The more you learn about it, the more riveting it becomes. So let’s talk about one of the most integral and magical planets of the solar system: the moon. We know from studying the tides that the moon has a powerful influence on water, which makes up about 60 percent of the human body. Does it not stand to reason that it should have immense effects on us as well? 

The great thing is, the moon doesn’t have to rule over you—you can rule with the moon! As this planet waxes and wanes, it also moves through the zodiac signs, staying in each one for a couple of days. It’s a never-ending cycle. And every month, the cycle can take on different energies, depending on which signs are dominant at the time. The more you know about it and tune into its mystery and science, the more you can use its cycles to empower yourself and live your fullest, most magical life. Sound good? So, let’s start with the basics:

Moon Phases for Beginners

The moon goes through phases. Each phase is defined by the shape of the sunlit portion of the moon, as seen from earth. The first phase is the new moon. This is when the sun and moon are aligned, and the moon cannot be seen from earth. From there, the moon builds up—this is called waxing—to a full moon. After that, it decreases—or wanes—back to a new moon again.

New Moon

Considered the best time to set intentions, the new moon is seen as a growth stage and is an optimal time to think about what you really want in your life. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, farmers even used the new moon to help guide them to plant seeds since the ground was considered fertile and wet. Once you’ve planted your own idea, write it down. Keep it on your altar, with your favorite crystals and candles, and watch as your idea is honored, energized, and grows.

Read This Now: Things You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Do During a New Moon

Waxing Moon

This is the time to be creative. Put your energy into projects that fill you with joy. This is a time for building, so however you spend your time, your project will grow more quickly than it would at other times. And just like the moon is becoming more lit and fuller each night, your intentions and project goals (and how to achieve them) will become more illuminated as well. 

Full Moon

A full moon, directly illuminated by the sun, is the best time to express gratitude for all that you have, and take stock of what did—and didn’t—work over this past month. Harness this powerful lunar event and take the opportunity to release those negative attachments as well as cut the cord on what you no longer want or need.

Read This Now: 10 Things You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Do During a Full Moon

Waning Moon

As the light of the moon begins the diminish, the energy is starting to slow down too. This is a good time to figure out what really works for your life and what doesn’t. Put a stop to old habits that don’t serve you, implement a budget, or set up new systems to help your life run more smoothly.

What It Means When the Moon Is in Air, Fire, Water, and Earth Signs

emoji_of_a_wave art

Courtesy of @emoji_of_a_wave

Each moon phase is accompanied by a sign. While each element (air, fire, water, earth) has their own personality to add to the moon’s phase, it’s important to note that each sign within those elements have their own style as well. To make things a little more simple, we’ve grouped them together by element.

When the Moon Is in a Water Sign 

Expect to be in your feelings Pisces, Cancer, and ScorpioYou can ricochet off of other people’s emotions more than usual during this time, but you can use this to your advantage by choosing to gather with people who are loving and supportive. Express your emotions, whether through writing or talking it out.

When the Moon Is in an Air Sign 

Let your curiosity take the lead Aquarius, Gemini, and LibraSign up for that class, speak to a charismatic stranger, watch a documentary. All of these things will feel fantastic under an air moon. The more you can make your world feel beautiful and interesting, the more nurtured you will feel.

Read This Now: What His Moon Sign Says About How He Handles Sex, Emotions, and Love

When the Moon Is in an Earth Sign 

When the moon is in an earth sign, we’re looking at you Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, when you’re more drawn to practicality and the material world than usual. Make a list, plan your future, and start ticking things off. Move your body and break a sweat. Enjoy food, and go buy yourself something nice!

When the Moon Is in a Fire Sign 

Spontaneity rules for fire signs Aries, Leo, and SagittariusSeek out pleasure and adventure—sex toy shopping (perhaps for one made of crystals) followed by a trip to an amusement park would be a perfect fire moon day. Change something, start a fun new project, or surprise your loved ones. When the moon is in a fire sign, you’ll feel more energetic: Put it towards something fabulous!


moon in the signs

moon phases

Lead photo courtesy of @emoji_of_a_wave

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