Mercury Retrograde in Leo May Ruin This Water Sign's Life for a Bit

Mercury Retrograde in Leo May Ruin This Water Sign's Life for a Bit

It’s that time of year again: Mercury, the planet of communication, is going retrograde. From July 7 to July 31, Mercury retrograde will hit in fire sign Leo, bringing all its familiar challenges. This is the second of three Mercury retrogrades happening this year.

From missed text messages to technological glitches, this time period is always filled with communication and technological mishaps. Thus, signing contracts, purchasing new electronics, or taking a big trip (think, plane glitches) at this time is not advised. If you can’t avoid them, allow yourself plenty of time and triple check the details on anything you commit to. It also wouldn’t hurt to check out our ultimate Mercury retrograde survival kit!

Which Signs Will This Mercury Retrograde Affect the Most?

Most intense for: Cancer

Most challenging for:  Virgo, Gemini

Most beneficial for: Leo

Important Aspects of Mercury Retrograde July 2019 

With this fire sign behind such a volatile retrograde, this can be a frustrating time. You’ll be raring to go with this fire energy, but this planet could get in your way. Instead of making key decisions, now would be a good time to instead do some productive brainstorming as you wait for the retrograde to simmer.

On July 21, Mercury is conjunct the sun (as the sun closes out Cancer season), which puts focus on your self image and how you express your personality. This might serve as a bit of an ego check, but ultimately you’ll feel a renewed sense of confidence.

While Mercury retrograde does start in Leo, it’ll close its period out in water sign Cancer, which enters on July 31. What does this mean? Waterworks. Emotions are running high, and the influence of sensitive Cancer puts the focus on feels. It might be difficult not just to express your feelings, but to even identify them to yourself. While this aspect happens on the very last day of the retrograde, it’s important to remember that there is a retrograde “shadow period” for a few days after. So be patient and gentle with yourself until Mercury stations direct.

Mercury Retrograde July 2019 Horoscope for Each Sign

dorian legret art

Courtesy of @dorianlegret


You tend to communicate with a unique sense of energy and enthusiasm, but during Mercury retrograde you would be well served to slow down and make sure you’re getting your point across. This is a good time to work on your listening skills! Retrogrades can be frustrating for Aries, as you tend to like things to move quickly and Mercury retrograde is packed with delays and informational traffic jams. If you’re dealing with a sense of frustration or impatience, physical pursuits are your best bet to manage that anxiety. Sports or exercise will combat your natural drive to push ahead and keep your emotions in check.


You’re used to moving slowly but surely Taurus, so you already have habits that serve you well during Mercury retrograde. Don’t neglect your finances during this time, and avoid making big investments if possible. You derive a great sense of pleasure and safety from your home life, so be conservative with any updates or improvements in that area—this isn’t the time for a remodel or home makeover! Frustrations may arise with friends or family members. Try and be generous and patient and you’ll see that effort come back to you. You work hard to cultivate a sense of security in your world, so if you find yourself frustrated by an increase in chaos and confusion around you, give yourself time for a mental or physical rest.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so the twins always feels a retrograde significantly. Gemini is a natural charmer, but you’ll want to keep an eye on your tendency to gossip or flirt, both could be misconstrued during this time.  Because you understand the world and the people around you through communication and language, Mercury retrograde can be frustrating for you. Mercury retrograde’s effect on electronics could be problematic for you, so opt for in person communication whenever possible. As frustrating as it might be, this is a good time to challenge any existing habits or relationships that have been causing you stress recently. Mercury retrograde won’t necessarily be the time to act on it, but it can be useful for seeing things from a new perspective.


Stock up on the tissues Cancer, this Mercury retrograde looks like an emotional roller coaster! While your water element’s influence on the tail end of Mercury retrograde can slow down some of the more intense communication errors, you might still find yourself struggling to make meaning of things. While signs like Gemini and Virgo experience some disruptions in their thoughts and speech, you’re experience the effect on your feelings. With Neptune still retrograde as well, it’s exeedingly difficult to tell truth from fiction. You have a tendency towards passive agressive communication when you feel your needs aren’t met, which you’ll want to try and avoid. This is a good time to work with techniques that connect you to your body, like meditation or breathwork.

Read This Now: 5 Things Cancer Needs for Self-Care


Since this retrograde starts in your sign, you’ll be feeling the effects in a real way. Expect frustration and roadblocks ahead, Leo. You like being a natural leader and moving things forward, but Mercury retrograde has a way of complicating your plans. Blow ups and temper tantrums are inevitable if you don’t take the time to de stress regularly. Fear not though, this month is still your time to shine. It takes a lot more than Mercury retrograde to dim the Leo spotlight, after all. If you feel like you’re being misunderstood, try and relax instead of doubling down. Take your time making decisions, as things will make more sense soon.


Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by Mercury and particularly susceptible to retrograde periods. You appreciate clarity and efficiency—two things sorely lacking during Mercury retrograde. Feeling tongue tied or flummoxed is normal for the next few weeks. Be aware of your body language during this time, which can also be misinterpreted. If you find you’re doubting yourself, don’t be afraid to check in with friends and loved ones for a second opinion. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, especially when things feel out of control. Avoid making any long term business decisions or starting new ventures for the time being. 


You may find that making decisions is a nearly impossible task, Libra. You always try and weigh every possibilty before arriving at a conclusion, but during Mercury retrograde finding a clear and balanced answer is more difficult than usual. The good news is that it’s ok—don’t beat yourself up for slowing down and waiting a bit before making major committments or decisions. You take care to show respect and kindness to your friends and associates, so miscommunications or misunderstandings during this time might sting. Try not to get caught up in petty drama, which will seem insignificant in a few weeks.


You may find yourself reevaluating even your closest relationships during this Mercury retrograde, Scorpio. Now is the time to listen and observe. Feeling restless or unsatisfied with where you life is going or how people perceive you is natural (especially with the Leo influence), but you’ll want to avoid making big career or physical transformations right now. When Mercury moves to Cancer later in the retrograde, deep feelings may arise for you as a fellow water sign. You generally enjoy doing deep inner work, but don’t distress if you have a hard time finding answers, even within yourself.


Hold off on that plane ticket, Sagittarius—this isn’t a good time to spread your wings! Mercury retrograde’s effect on travel could be a major bummer on your natural sense of wanderlust, so hold off on any trips until Mercury goes direct. You’re a person of strong opinions and intense curiosity, but those things may not be well received right now if you’re not careful in how you communicate. You might find yourself feeling stubborn, like you need to dig in your heels to get your point across. Try to see things from other people’s perspective. If you’re in school, working in academia, or taking any kind of classes, there might be a hitch in your work, so take your time.


You like a tight ship, Capricorn, so Mercury retrograde’s influence on matters of business and productivity are no picnic for you. If you’re in a leadership position, you might find difficulties communicating with your team. It’s Leo season and you probably want to direct that fire into launching something new, but you’d be well advised to wait. Intense conversations with loved ones should also be on the back burner until Mercury goes direct. There could be disruptions with your normal routine, but this doesn’t have to be all bad. You tend to get set in your ways, so use this as an opportunity to break out of your cycle and see if there is something new that suits you. Necessity can be the mother of invention.


Your intimate and personal relationships are under the microscope during this retrograde, Aquarius. Conversations around love or romance may leave you confused or frustrated. You might even find yourself dealing with unexpected feelings for past relationships. Stop and think before you send that text! Instead of acting on them, you would be better served using this time to explore what you need to heal any past wounds that are holding you back. Patterns that haven’t been resolved yet could be resurfacing, and this is a good time to examine them and move on.


With your ruling planet, Neptune, also in retrograde right now, it’s hard to know which way is up! You’re having a difficult time telling truth from fiction right now Pisces. How do you know if the information you’re getting is correct or sincere? This is an important time to hone in on and listen to your intuition. Your powerful sense of empathy will help soothe the worst of any misunderstandings that come up, but take measures to protect yourself as well. Like Cancer, you’re a water sign who is at risk of getting your feelings hurt during this confusing time.

Lead photo courtesy of @dorianlegret

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