Your Leo Season Horoscope: Embracing Bold Beauty

From mid-July to mid-August, summertime is in full swing, playing host to big blue skies, hours of sunshine, followed by romantic evenings paired oh-so-perfectly with cinematic, star-blanketed skies.
Whether you’re spending time with a lover, friends, or family, the simplest activities are both sweeter (like making a twilight-lit ice cream run) and sometimes more dramatic (like seeing a beloved rock band play an outdoor amphitheater alongside fireworks). All in all, Leo season marks nonstop fun, sun worship, and sweet, occasionally theatrical displays of romance.
When Is Leo Season?
From July 22 to August 23, the sun moves through the fixed fire sign Leo, ruler of the fifth house and the realm of all things romance, emotional pleasure, children, and creativity.
What Are Typical Leo Characteristics and How Do They Affect Leo Season?
Leos are known for loving the spotlight and being natural-born leaders, but they’re also theatrical, loyal romantics. As the fixed one of the fire group, they tend to be action-oriented and relentless, occasionally struggling to stray from whatever bold game plan they’ve set their mind to following. Although Leos have huge, generous hearts and are known for infectious optimism and confidence, they might occasionally suffer from egotism and vanity. They can easily command a crowd, are naturally charismatic, and often come off as positively effervescent in social settings. People gravitate to upbeat Leos who radiate friendly, sometimes playfully flirtatious warmth.
Leo is ruled by the sun—which oversees self-image, confidence, vitality, identity, and life purpose. This fills Leo season with vibrant, fun-loving energy. This tends to inspire child-like playfulness with loved ones, dramatic displays of affection, an appreciation for the arts (like Shakespeare in the Park or rock concerts), showy social events (summer weddings are the priciest), and an urge to devote time, energy, and our whole hearts to the people and activities we care most about.
Because this sign is so dramatic and difficult to ignore, this season perfectly sets the tone for a steamy summer romance, as well as other fun-loving moments. That said, Leo season can skyrocket your confidence enough to achieve success in any of your personal and professional dreams.
Here’s what each sign should focus on this season to make the most of this bold, beautiful chapter of summer 2019. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)
Your 2019 Leo Season Horoscope
Courtesy of @becca_reitz
Aries (March 21–April 19)
You’ll be enjoying playful, romantic vibes and getting in touch with your most creative side, as the sun moves through your fifth house of romance. You’re also sure to be feeling proud of your sweetest relationships and want to make a statement about them—to your loved ones and the world. At the same time, letting go of any preconceived plans and embracing spontaneity will be crucial to making the most of this dynamic time. The sky won’t be the only place you see fireworks, Aries!
Read your Aries 2019 horoscope.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
While the sun moves through your fourth house of home life, you could feel like even more of a homebody, preferring to plan game nights or Netflix and wine evenings with your nearest and dearest. Basically, you’re craving connection while making the most of your domestic sanctuary (bonding over BBQs, gardening, or sprucing up around the house). But no matter how you choose to spend your downtime Taurus, your priority now is to spend quality time with loved ones, building your bonds and making the most of the vibrant summer days.
Read your Taurus 2019 horoscope.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Leo season, and the sun’s journey through Gemini’s third house of communication, is going to light up your social calendar even more than usual. From animated conversations with friends to lively brainstorms with colleagues, you’re in the midst of a nonstop information bonanza. Make the most of it by zeroing in on a couple topics you really want to do a deep dive on, perhaps ahead of pitching a professional project or diving into a new wellness routine. What you learn could set you down a successful, confidence-boosting path.
Read your Gemini 2019 horoscope.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
While the sun moves through your second house of income, getting after a brand-new gig comes more naturally than it may have previously. Or if you’re content with the work you’re doing, you might be fired-up to go to bat for more cash from your current employer or a side hustle. Reflecting on the amount of time and energy you’re willing to devote to all of your income sources is key now. If your heart isn’t in a particular commitment Cancer, you may realize it’s time to make changes that allow you to pursue your passions. After all, that’s what will bring the real returns.
Read your Cancer 2019 horoscope.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
The sun’s trip through your sign and first house of self can feel like your most blissed-out, sun-drenched vacation and spa treatment all in one, because you’ll be feeling even more confident and in love with life. Whatever you can dream now, you can do, be that hitting the ground running with a proposal that would get you even closer to making a professional goal real, diving into an ambitious fitness plan, or opening up about what you really want to a romantic partner and connecting on a whole new level. Your confidence and, in turn, vision for the future will be off-the-charts!
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
While the sun moves through your twelfth house of spirituality, you might not feel as social as usual and need a little more time to prioritize self-care and downtime. If you need to bow out of that happy hour or take on one less assignment on the job in order to keep your vitality up, there’s no need for guilt. In fact, this moment, in the lead up to Virgo season, is perfect for meditating on what you really want and planning game-changing moves. If anyone can fill a journal with awesome to-do lists and copious, detailed notes, it’s you. And take heart—you will turn those words into actions.
Read your Virgo 2019 horoscope.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
While the sun moves through your eleventh house of networking, you could organically be called to be a part of team efforts on the job, among friends, or within your community. And being a Libra, means that you’re a social butterfly so the nonstop party invites and copious number of texts and emails from friends keep on comin’. You’ll thrive within this flurry of connection, but to preempt burnout, you may do well to prioritize the projects and get-togethers that mean the most to you to get the most out of this productive and celebratory time.
Read your Libra 2019 horoscope.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
While the sun moves through Scorpio’s tenth house of career, you’re bound to be even more focused and driven than usual when it comes to chosen professional path. Higher-ups will see you as capable and magnetic, and you could very well be recognized when you take the opportunity to step into the spotlight or volunteer to step in and handle a challenging situation. Ultimately, you’ll be focused on making an impression and not just being seen but being respected by those you respect. Just don’t forget while you’re on this path to your world’s domination, having fun mattters, too.
Read your Scorpio 2019 horoscope.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Leo season, and the sun’s trip through your ninth house of adventure stirs something innate in you to get out of your usual routine and see the world. Even if you can’t hop a flight overseas, you’ll want to plan daytrips, do local sightseeing, try new restaurants, go for hikes or nature walks on trails you haven’t previously explored. You’re also interested in eye-opening experiences of the educational variety and might want to try a meditation class or course at the community college. You’ll do well to follow your gut Sagittarius, and when it comes to taking action, be bold and uncompromising. It’ll have a positive effect on your heart, mind, and soul!
Read your Sagittarius 2019 horoscope.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
While the sun moves through your eighth house of emotional and sexual intimacy, you’ll be focused on forging an even deeper connection with your significant other or a potential partner. If you’re a partnered Capricorn, grappling with issues of joint resources and give-and-take might be your focus during Leo season. You’ll do well to find a warm, open-hearted way of sharing your needs and hearing your loved one out on theirs. Then, you’ll put your heads together to come up with a way forward that suits—and satisfies—you both.
Read your Capricorn 2019 horoscope.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
The sun’s trip through your seventh house of partnership will light up your desire to enjoy quality time with your significant other, a potential love, or your closest friend. If you want to make headway on an ambitious project Aquarius, you’ll have the wind in your sails to do that, as well. Bouncing ideas off of one another and leaning on one another’s strengths, while acknowledging individual weaknesses, not only allows you to get ahead on the task at hand but brings you closer.
Read your Aquarius 2019 horoscope.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The sun’s trip through Pisces’s sixth house of health gives you a boost of confidence and drive to take on a bold wellness plan. But the ideal strategy for you now will be as fun as it is ambitious. If you feel like you’re more comfortable in your own skin during and following that new fitness routine, or your new clean eating protocol leads to more energy and has you radiating from the inside out, you’ll know you’re on track. Bonus points if it is sustainable for everyday life—and has a social component (think a new gym with a pool and guest passes!), to boot!
Read your Pisces 2019 horoscope.
Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz