January 2020 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes

The first full moon (and lunar eclipse!) of 2020 arrives on January 10 at 2:21 pm PT, in ultra-emotional Cancer. Our hearts are on our sleeves. But thanks to the sun conjunct Mercury (planet of communication), the theme of this full moon is about communication and expression. The desire to share our feelings will be high this week.
Our communication may also seem razor sharp—something we can blame on stern AF Saturn (planet of foundation) and Pluto (planet of transformation).
Given the Cancer spotlight, it’s likely that home, family, and intimate relationships are receiving some attention here. Those of us who have hidden our emotions will have to go back and check up on them. While we’ve been clocking every mistake made, however, this is likely all news to bae. Slow down and take a deep breath to keep tempers in check.
Right now, you could also find yourself spearheading a humanitarian cause that’s important to you. This transit makes you very aware of the injustices of the world and ready to speak up. There is a very thin line between advocacy, however, and the current “call-out culture” style of bullying so watch your words.
If you’re engaged in a debate on social media keep it to the facts and, as difficult as it can be, check your emotions at the door. The slope from peaceful debate to all out riot is slippery right now so you may want to keep off social media or risk posting something you will later regret.
Signs most impacted by this full moon:
How the January 2020 Cancer Full Moon Will Impact Your Zodiac Sign
Courtesy of @ameyasrealm
With a lot of activity in your career right now and a full moon transiting your fourth house of home and foundations, you can feel pulled in several directions at once. You’re known for being an adaptable sign, but even you may feel that balance between home and work is practically nonexistent. Work/life balance is a real thing, and you need some of it! Prioritize what’s most important and try to create some much needed equilibrium.
It’s time to reach out and text a friend, Taurus. With this full moon transiting your third house, your connection to your community plays a major role in being able to bring things together—especially in your career. Now is a good time to communicate your proposal or negotiate something that can bring major wins your way. Your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively is unmatched right now.
Money matters are going to play into this full moon in a big way for you. With the moon transiting your second house of material possessions, and a flurry of activity in your eighth house of other people’s money, it’s time for you to look at what’s coming in and what’s going out. Bring a little sacredness to your money by looking at what you value and making sure your expenses align with this.
Your relationship with yourself is front and center with this full moon touring your first house. Because of that, it’s time to come out from your warm, comfortable shell and step fully into your power. Your more reserved nature may resist the spotlight but this transit is tailored just for you. Come out of hiding and show the world what you’re made of!
Keep your favorite journal by your bedside, Leo. With a full moon in your intuitive twelfth house, your intuition is on point and your dreams will be almost prophetic. Now is a great time to devote space each day for meditation, to start working with crystals (carnelian is perfect for your sign), or maybe begin a moon journal to deepen your spiritual swagger.
With this full moon in your eleventh house, it’s time to take a good look at your social group, Virgo. Those you spend the most time with have a massive influence on how you feel. Who in your squad are you no longer vibing with? Be willing to let go of connections that you’ve outgrown and lean into those that leave you feeling empowered.
Though we’re already 10 days into 2020, the full moon transiting your tenth house is a prime time for setting intentions. This house rules your goals, purpose, and how you can bask in some well-deserved recognition for all your hard work. The intentions you set today have the power to be the reality you live tomorrow. Think big Libra!
It’s time to open your eyes to things you’ve never seen, Scorpio. This full moon transits your freewheeling and expansive ninth house, so travel may be in store. You could receive a business proposition to travel abroad, or of travel isn’t on your radar, it’s also a great time to take a course. Whether your horizons or your mind, expansion is the theme of this luminary.
You’re known for a being a confident sign, Sagittarius, but this month you are really strutting your stuff. The full moon is transiting your eighth house with a party of planets occupying your second house of values and worth. There is something powerful about knowing your worth and really feeling yourself. Authenticity looks so good on you.
Jim Rohn’s quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” is the best description of this full moon touring your seventh house of relationships, Capricorn. The light this moon is shining lets you see clearly your relationships. Your clarity makes now a very good time for starting fresh.
Did you overdo it during the holidays, Aquarius? This full moon is touring your sixth house of health and practices and is balancing out a riot of planets in your more inward twelveth house. Its time to unplug and make your healing a top priority. Its all about replenishing and restoring. With the deeply spiritual side of the twelfth house, now would be a good time to schedule an energy healing or Shamanic journey.
The Muse has come to visit and not a moment too soon, Pisces. The full moon transiting your expressive fifth house puts in you in prime position for turning an idea you’ve been tossing around into reality. Pull out your artistic medium of choice and simply surrender to the flow of creativity dying to get out.
Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm