Your Weekly Horoscope: Things Are About to Get a Little Intense


On January 6, 2019

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Things Are About to Get a Little Intense

January 7 – January 13, 2019

There is quite a focus on the sign of Capricorn with the sun, chatty Mercury, sobering Saturn, and potent Pluto all here. In addition, fiery Mars continues to move deeper into Aries, with tactful Venus entering Sagittarius on Monday.

Tension is possible on Tuesday as lively Mercury angles toward dynamic Mars. It could encourage arguments unless a compromise can be found. The intensity continues as the sun aligns with relentless Pluto on Friday, which could prompt a key decision or initiate a change.

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Loquacious Mercury’s tie with sobering Saturn on Sunday isn’t so good for warmly sharing thoughts and feelings, but it can help with business matters.

Finally, expansive Jupiter angles toward nebulous Neptune on Sunday, which could cause people to be unrealistic and ready to gamble on what might be a lost cause.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

You’ve got a major focus on responsibility this week, Aries! And while it might feel intense, your hard work could get 2019 off to a great start. Ready to reach those goals? Time to put in that hard work and start building momentum! On Monday, luscious Venus joins expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius and your sector of far horizons, meaning it could be time to seek advice from an expert (teacher? therapist? life coach?) that could open up some new opportunities. Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

There’s an opportunity that’s ready for you to take advantage of — you know it and now is the time. Venus, your guide planet, moves into Sagittarius and a more intense sector on Monday, which could deepen the force of desire. You’re filled with passion, whether it be for romance or new business opportunities. Step out of your comfort zone and things could get very lucrative for you, Taurus.  Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

You’re restructuring and decluttering in the new year, Gemini. Embrace the change — even if it feels particularly intense. You might have to let go, and it can be hard, but some things have served their purpose, and some paths have run their course. It’s time. The weekend will provide an opportunity to assess situations that have been holding you back. Take time to process. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s time to set some boundaries with your family and put your foot down. You need to focus on the things that are important to you, Cancer, and you can’t do that with other people pulling you in their direction. It’s true, you hate confrontation, but there comes a time when taking care of yourself is more important. Now is that time. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

You’ve been working hard lately, Leo, and you’re probably really feeling it. Fortunately, the cosmos are offering you the perfect opportunity to restructure your lifestyle and routines right now. Venus moves into your sector of creativity and romance on Monday, and brings opportunities for you to showcase your skills or perhaps get back into the dating pool (or spend some quality time with your partner). Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

You want to promote yourself, Virgo? NOW IS THE TIME! You’ve got a very intense line-up in your sector of creativity and self-expression, which means you might be ready to put everything into launching a product or getting the recognition you deserve. But don’t force how fast it happens — better to plant a seed and watch it grow. Take your time, because timing is everything. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Issues at home have been taking up a lot of your time and attention. However, with lovely Venus, your guide planet, gliding into Sagittarius, you might decide it isn’t worth beating around the bush and say exactly what you think. Stand firm in your beliefs, and don’t play the peace keeper. It’s better for your true self to be seen right now. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

There’s currently a powerful focus on your sector of talk and thought right now, Scorpio — your mind is working on overtime. Just be sure not to overthink trivial matters and to make sure something’s important before putting too much energy into it. On Monday, you might want to splurge on something big — it might be better to hold onto your coin. Think it through first! Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

You want to be adventurous right now, but you also need to think practically. Especially with your finances — don’t ignore the nagging feeling that maybe you should save that money instead of spending it. It might be the wiser decision. And with Venus entering your sign on Monday, you might be encouraged to enhance your image and make the most of what you’re working with. Get out there and make it happen, Sagittarius! Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

You’re on fire right now, Capricorn! You’re working hard and firing on all cylinders. Just remember that all work and no play isn’t always the best ideas — take some time to do something nice for yourself. You might have some big decisions headed your way this week. Go with your intuition, especially if it’s about an opportunity that might seem too good to be true. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

You might feel seriously checked out of regular life and checked into your inner-self right now, Aquarius. You’re realizing that it isn’t so much what you do but who you are that counts. Use this — it can help you release unwanted emotional baggage. This week you’ll also want to seek out the company of friends who make you happy and lighten your mood. Have some fun, Aquarius! Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Your social life is still on fire, Pisces! Whether it’s with friends or a charity you really care about, you might be called to help in an organizational or volunteer capacity. You might not be having the most fun, but you’re really helping out. It’s a good time. However, you might try to bring more fun into your work/professional life. You’re on track to impress people in high places, and the work you’ll be doing will be interesting, forward looking, and likely challenging. Just make sure to think through any opportunities that seem too good to be true. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo:  @JulieK via Twenty20

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