January 2020 Horoscopes: a New Decade

By Horoscope.com

On January 1, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

January 2020 Horoscopes: a New Decade

As we step into the first month of the new decade, get ready for a fully transitional year coming up. According to numerology, 2020 will be the year of foundations—meaning we’re taking past lessons and building on them to finally reap success.

But success doesn’t come without some ups and downs. After the Capricorn solar eclipse last month, you may have thought the things couldn’t get crazier. But on January 10, the full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer comes forth to shake things up.

Venus moves from Aquarius into empathetic Pisces on January 13, which should switch up our social gears from networking and friends to one-on-one time.

On January 24, the Aquarius new moon beckons us all to expand our boundaries and social networks.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope for January 2020

saturn galaxy

Courtesy of @ameyasrealm


Aries‘ ruling planet, Mars, is in traveler sign Sagittarius, making you itch to get on the road or expand opportunities globally. Know that you can do whatever you’re dreaming up—just make sure you have a long-term plan. Coming from the Cancer full moon, you’ll be challenged with tempering all the moving parts of your domestic life. As it comes to the Aquarius new moon later in the month, you’ll be able to make moves toward a goal.

Read your full Aries monthly horoscope.


As you move through January, opportunities to sign important contracts may be available to you. Know that you’ll need to read between the lines here. The Cancer full moon, with all its feels, are bringing some pretty intense feelings to light between you and a partner. Lastly, the Aquarius full moon floats through your business zones. Career opps are bound to come your way, Taurus!

Read your full Taurus monthly horoscope.


If you’re dealing with some power struggles in a relationship or at work, this is the month the scales will start to break even. You bring value, Gemini; the Cancer full moon will make you understand that. As the month continues, the Aquarius new moon should give you a whole different outlook on what you’ve been contemplating—making you feel like the world is your oyster.

Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.


Your relationship, as you may have noticed, is getting pretty intense for you these days. Those feels are running wild and you’re running along with them. When the full moon hits in your sign, you’re being asked to go deep into what you want. As Venus moves through Aquarius this month, intimacy is about to get real. And when the Aquarius new moon hits, you’ll be ready to take total control with all those thoughts.

Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.


As we hit a brand new year, we’re also tapping into a new health routine for you. Career and health are going to be focuses this month as you prep for the rest of 2020. The Cancer full moon is a great place to start—working from the inside, out. Ask yourself what your weaknesses are and how you can heal, Leo. The Aquarius new moon is launching a new (or renewed) relationship into the next phase.

Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.


Being a Virgo, all the action in Capricorn (the solar eclipse, the new moon cycle, Mercury, etc.) are happening in a zone in your chart that relates to your inner child. This is the besttime to reconnect to your true self. Live it up! The full moon this month asks you to let go of relationships you’ve outgrown, and the new moon will ask you to leap into a new beginning.

Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.


This month, Libra, family dynamics will be brought to the light—especially around the time Venus moves into Aquarius. The Cancer full moon will shine bright on your domestic zones, asking you to clean up house and start a new life from scratch. With Venus entering Pisces mid-month, your health is being highlighted. Lastly, the Aquarius new moon might entice you to take a step forward in your relationship.

Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.


Mars in Sagittarius is traveling through a zone that asks you to look at your finances. Being in eclipse season, these moons are really bringing communication to the forefront for you. From the Cancer moon, you’ll start to see opportunities fade away, but also arise. It’s up to you which path you take, Scorpio.

Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.


Your ruling planet, Jupiter, connected with the solar eclipse in Capricorn, jumpstarting you in a new cycle. And with Mars in your sign, there’s no better time to go after what you want. Venus in Aquarius is encouraging you to only spend time on what you’d like to spend time on. Lastly, the Cancer full moon brings lots of new (and exciting) changes to your love and money life.

Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.


We’re in your season! And with the eclipse cycles happening in your sign and during your season, you’ll be dramatically affected here. Prepare to be faced with past lessons you’ve learned. With the Cancer full moon arriving, your most intimate relationship is about to go even deeper. Get ready to fall hard. And finally, the Aquarius new moon is giving you a huge confidence boost. Go after what you want!

Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.


Venus is in your sign this month—giving you all the attraction and charm in the world. And because we’re between eclipses, you’re also being asked to take a look at fears and doubts especially in the love realm that Venus rules. Thanks to the Cancer full moon, a health or work situation is highlighted. And lastly, the new moon in your sign gives you power to start anew.

Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.


The New Year starts off with a powerful spiritual journey for you. Things are changing for you around social standings, community, and friendships—particularly around the Aquarius new moon! The Cancer full moon is the perfect time to dive deep into feels, as this moon will be about connecting to your inner needs. And when Venus enters your sign mid-month, you can bet that your need for self-love is going to skyrocket. Take care of yourself this month—you deserve it.

Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm

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