A Fiery Love and Money Spell for the Super Blood Full Wolf Moon Eclipse

This new year continues to light sparks with the second eclipse in a month — only this time it’s a total lunar eclipse in the sparkling sign of Leo! January’s full moon eclipse is called the Super Blood Full Wolf Moon eclipse, and it’s very powerful.
On January 21, 2019 at 9:15 am PST the January full moon in Leo will oppose the sun in Aquarius that will light up the sky! Total lunar eclipses are powerful moments in the cosmos that have the potential to bring in intense change — change that’s for our highest and greatest good. And because a total lunar eclipse is pretty much “a full moon on steroids” (as we astrologers tend to affectionally call it), emotions will surge, intuition should be called in and used, and events tend to reveal truths that are impossible to ignore. This energy is totally what we can expect for this Super Blood Full Wolf Moon eclipse!
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Leo is the sign that connects to the places in your life where you deserve to shine your light. You will be acknowledged for that magic that only you can bring!
Time for creative inspiration!
This Super Blood Full Wolf Moon eclipse will help you to connect with deeper waves of creativity and inspiration. Leo will show you how important it is that you move from your heart — the part of the body that it rules — in order to be creative and authentically express yourself. For some, you may feel uncomfortable in the limelight, but the universe understands how important it is to tell you that you’ve done an excellent job. That way, you’re likely to do more of what you love!
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If you’re feeling a lack of creativity, color, fun, and joy in your life, this eclipse will guide you to spaces where you will receive the most pleasure. Life is not meant to be so heavy all of the time and in order to have balance, you must have equal parts work and play; struggle and reward; giving and receiving!
You can go your own way
The Sun falling in the sign of eccentric Aquarius is a nod from the cosmos saying it’s safe for you to go your own way.
For example, if you have a lot of routines at work and you’re starting to grow tired of them, this eclipse will surge you with brilliant and colorful ideas that you’ll feel guided to share at the next meeting. Yes, you may feel uncomfortable speaking up, but when you share your idea it has the potential to be a hit. People will notice and the reward from that can come sooner rather than later.
How will your love life change over the next 12 months? Find out now.
Of course, follow your own intuition without forcing it — allow the ideas and concepts to flow to you. Creativity is something that can never be forced!
Are you ready to amp up your love life?
The total Leo lunar eclipse’s energy also triggers all types of creation, romance, play, and even children! Yes, children! Leo loves the energy of children and has the potential to plant beautiful seeds to grow your family! Also, Leo loves romance, so this is the moon to work magick revolving around the joy and pleasure of love and how important it is to invite its energy into your life if you are ready to receive it!
Read This Now: 2019 Is Gonna Be a Big Year. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.
If you’re single, you can use this moon to pull in an incredibly attractive and loving mate. If you’re paired up, you can use this moon to build more love and magic into your existing relationship! The world is your oyster and the moon will help you manifest your heart’s desires!
The planet of surprise and innovation
One thing that I want to mention is Uranus is squaring this full moon closely, but also sitting almost directly on top of the part of fortune. There may be some astrologers who say that the full moon and Uranus combined means we’re destined to receive upsetting news, but that is simply not the case. Of course, the potential is there if your natal chart makes you vulnerable to this transit, but from what I can see, all you’ll need is an open mind and flexibility. Even if the eclipse and Uranus have planned a surprise for you, you’ll be OK. When you see the part of fortune involved — the point of great luck within the chart! — you will be in good hands. What can seem like an inconvenience will actually turn out to be an incredible stroke of good luck. But again, remember not to force your intuition. Follow your gut instinct and your heart when they start to whisper to you!
~*~Leo Lunar Eclipse Love Spell~*~
When working with Leo, the best (and most powerful!) love or money spell should be with fire. So, for January’s lunar ritual, I will be focusing on candle magick.
What You’ll Need
- Sage or incense (preferably cinnamon)
- A gold candle
- Essential oils — I like rose, calendula, catnip, orange, cinnamon (essential oil or ground into a powder), and rose geranium.
- Paper
- Pen
- A picture that shows what you’re working to attract into your life during this eclipse, or something that’s a symbolic representation of it.
What You’ll Do
- Clear your sacred space or altar with sage or incense.
- Call in your guides and ask them to protect as well as work to help you with your magick now and as you move into the months to come (if it needs more time).
- Clearly know what you want and write it down in colorful detail using the pen and paper. Feel each thing with your heart! Clearly visualize it while you write. After each item, write down next to it, “thank you for bringing _____ into my life now!”; because even the universe and your guides love and want recognition!
- When you’re done, anoint the gold candle with a mixture of the herbs and oils. You do this by pulling the oil up the candle and towards you. Also anoint the picture or the object that represents what you’re calling into your life now.
- Burn the paper and the intentions (safely, please)!
- Carry the ashes to a plant or pot and add to the dirt. This helps the item you’ve called in materialize even further as earth energy always brings things to life!
- Light the candle for a total of seven days, each day thanking your guides for working so quickly on your behalf. Keep the photo or object with you or near you and each time you see it acknowledge your guides and continue to say a heartfelt “thank you.”
Photo: @eaz_ag via Twenty20