I Partied With a Psychic and It Was the Best Thing Ever

Simone Paget is a freelance writer based on the West Coast of Canada. She’s a nationally syndicated sex and relationship columnist for the Toronto Sun and the author of the blog SkinnyDip.ca. Her work has appeared in/on publications such as the Washington Post, Elle Canada, Food Network, Reader’s Digest Best Health and The Toronto Star. For more adventures and insights, find her on Twitter and Instagram.
If someone had told me that I’d be spending my Saturday afternoon huddled around a kitchen table with my female coworkers, anxiously sipping rosé in preparation of my first psychic reading, I probably never would have believed them — but there we were.
The plan was simple. Get a bunch of girlfriends together, hire a psychic for the afternoon, and take turns getting individual psychic readings. Copious amounts of wine and snacks included.
At the time I worked in an office with mostly women. We were all in our early to mid-thirties and most of us were single or questioning our current relationships. At the time I was living with my sweet, lovely boyfriend of six years. We’d recently gone through a rough patch, where we’d broken up and gotten back together. I loved him, but was unsure of our future together.
What exciting new developments will unfold over the next 12 months?
When my co-worker Jill suggested we plan a “psychic party,” I saw it as a chance to get some answers and enjoy some boozy, shade-filled conversation with some of my favorite people without the ever present danger of the boss walking into the lunch room. When my friend came into the kitchen and announced, “you’re next!” I chugged down my glass of rosé and headed upstairs to the spare bedroom where the psychic had set up camp.
I remember my legs feeling unsteady as I climbed the stairs; a mix of nerves, excitement and what I now realize was probably one glass of wine too many. When I opened the door, I was initially taken aback. I don’t know what I was imagining (a crystal ball?! Flowing tie-dyed kaftans?! A cape?!) but the psychic was nothing like I expected. With her motionless soccer mom hair, prim cardigan and calm but world-weary expression, she looked eerily like the human personification of Mrs Krabappel, Bart’s teacher on The Simpsons. She introduced herself as Maureen. Not Celestia. Not Indigo. Maureen.
Despite her unassuming appearance, Maureen had a powerful presence that filled the entire room. (Friends, I was feeling the magic!) The next thirty minutes flew by in one of the most intense, fascinating experiences of my life.
Maureen started the reading by explaining how she uses her intuitive abilities to see your past, present, and future by tuning into the spirit energy that surrounds you.
Read This Now: 7 Real-Life Psychic Predictions That Were Accurate AF.
I got chills when Maureen automatically knew the name of my then-partner and described his personality to a tee. She was also able to tap into specific aspects of my personality and life experiences, despite having never met either of us before.
We also discussed past-lives. For awhile, I’d felt as though my then-partner and I were more like roommates than lovers. Maureen said the reason the relationship was lacking in passion was because we were brother and sister in a past life, except with one twist — our genders were reversed. “That’s why you’re the more dominant partner in this life,” Maureen explained. (My then-boyfriend and I used to joke that I “wore the pants” in the relationship.)
Okay, so no one really wants to hear that their boyfriend was their sibling in a past life, but it explained so much about our relationship dynamics and innate connection. Maureen urged me not to take this the wrong way. “He’s a good partner. There’s a lot of love there. If you decide to stay together, you’re going to have a good life.”
No one can tell definitively tell you whether you should end or relationship or take that job opportunity or even what you should watch on Netflix tonight. That’s stuff you have to figure out on your own. But in my experience, psychics can help you tap into your intuition and reaffirm things you already know are true.
My friends knew I was nervous, so when I came back downstairs after my reading they offered me a congratulatory tequila shot. “To the newbie!” they shouted, as we all raised our glasses.
The next few hours went by in a haze of lively chatter as we racapped our readings. Maureen had managed to communicate with my friend Jill’s late father (“he’s in a good place, sitting on a beach and enjoying a margarita with extra salt,” she said) and confirmed that my single coworker Monica will meet her husband (she’s now engaged). Most importantly, my psychic reading made me feel more secure in my own intuition.
I walked into the party skeptical and uncertain, but left feeling confident, at peace and grateful that I took a chance on this his unconventional girls night — even though I don’t need a psychic to tell me that rosé paired with tequila will never, ever be a good idea. — By Simone Paget
Photo: @criene via Twenty20