I Did Everything Tarot Cards Told Me for a Week and Here’s What Happened

Everyone who has ever worked with Tarot deck knows they have personalities. Some Tarot decks are sweet, some are direct, and some are vague. I’ve worked with tarot for a few years now and my cards have to be the BOSSIEST cards out there. In-your-face blunt honest. Do I listen to my cards? No. Should I? Probably.
After a series of questionable life choices, I thought it might be helpful to call upon some otherworldly sources for guidance: my Tarot cards. So, I decided to listen to my Tarot cards for a whole week, following the advice without argument or reshuffling. Hey, they can’t do any worse!
The Rules: For this, I used my sassiest deck: The Kawaii Tarot by Diana Lopez. Do NOT be fooled dear readers, these cards may look sweet and innocent but are highly skilled at throwing shade.
I started my day with a one-card reading, asking for a piece of advice for the day. I also consulted my tarot whenever I had any decisions that I wanted a second opinion on.
Here’s what happened.
Day 1
Daily Card: The Star
Interpretation: The Star means faith, hope, and positivity. I took it to mean: be still, things will get better. It’s the “hang in there, baby” of Tarot. I was very stressed before my reading so this comforted me. It’s also a card of patience, which is so not me.
How I took this advice: First, I took it to mean I should play “Faith” by George Michael as I got ready for the day, so it was already helping me make good choices. During the day when I got stressed about work, I meditated for a few minutes, visualizing what I wanted, knowing the universe wanted me to have it. It really boosted my mood and changed my mindset the rest of the day.
Read This Now: How to Pick a Tarot Deck: Where to Buy and More
Day 2
Daily Card: 5 of Swords
Interpretation: I was wondering when I would get swords. I hate swords; swords mean conflict which I do not do well with; the 5 means change, which is something I also don’t do well with. This foreshadows conflict/change in a relationship. Don’t keep things bottled up. Be assertive! Take a stand!
Oh dear.
How I took this advice: I actually had a lot of unresolved issues with many people so narrowing down the list was a struggle. First, I thought of my ex who I had a nasty breakup with almost two years ago. Maybe it was time for healing?
Nope! Because when I asked if I should reach out to my ex I pulled two cards: The Devil, and The Tower (Reversed), which are the worst cards. The Devil is vice, addiction, and the Reversed Tower means holding onto a bad situation. Well played, Tarot.
So I thought about confronting a friend I was having issues with. I got the Emperor which is the bossy authority figure. That’s the one! I called him and we had a long conversation where I told him how I was feeling. Our relationship is different, but I’m healing.
Day 3
Daily Card: Page of Wands
Interpretation: This card means learning about power, inspiration, or passion. Clearly my Tarot is telling me I needed to learn something new that day.
How I took the advice: I spent the day getting organized, career-wise. I read a few career-related articles, and learned how to write a decent cover letter. Knowledge is power!
Read This Now: 6 Tarot Tips Every Beginner Reader Needs to Know
Day 4
Daily Card: 6 of Cups
Interpretation: This card means nostalgia, old friendships, and connecting with the past. Cups and the number six are creative, so maybe I should look at things from a new angle?
How I took the advice: I decided to look at things from a different perspective and did creative work I didn’t normally do. I even wrote a poem. I treated myself with old childhood throwback: Coloring, to de-stress.
Day 5
Daily Card: 9 of Cups
Interpretation: This is one of my favorite cards in Tarot, not only because I connect to it (I’m a 9 life path) but it always gives the best news. 9 of cups means satisfaction, accomplishment, and indulgence; all things I enjoy.
How I took the advice: I did a LOT of online shopping. Hey, it’s the “Treat Yo Self” card. Plus, I asked my deck before I checked out if I can buy it, and I got yes after yes. So Tarot is the reason I shop (she lies to herself).
If you think I was being overdramatic in the beginning when I said my deck was sassy because it’s letting me color and buy clothes, don’t be fooled. Later I asked about the future of my relationship with this guy I’ve been talking to and drew the 7 of cups, which means illusion and fantasy. Please get me some Aloe, because I just got burned.
Day 6
Daily Card: Knight of Pentacles
Interpretation: This was a spooky experience. As I was shuffling my cards to do my morning reading my hands suddenly started shaking and my heart rate spiked as I rapidly shuffled my deck until I pulled out a card from the middle of the deck. It was the Knight of Pentacles, which is the responsibility card. Honestly, that was a really dramatic way to tell me to be more responsible. Chill, Tarot.
How I took the advice: Pentacles represent everyday actions, and since this is a card of patience and responsibility, it means I should get prepared for something coming in the next few weeks and months. So I got my finances in order (after my shopping “spree”), double checked that all my bills were paid, and finished most of my assignments for the week. I don’t know what’s coming, but I’m ready.
Read This Now: The Spookily Accurate Power of a Single Card Tarot Draw
Day 7
Daily Card: 5 of Cups (Reverse)
Interpretation: I felt it was sort of fitting that on the last day of the challenge, I got the “acceptance” card. 5 of Cups is also about moving on and letting go.
How I took the advice: As much as I hate confronting the past, I have a hard time letting go. It’s something I need to work on. I took the day to reflect on my goals, tried to center myself, and let go of negative energy.
When I started this project I didn’t think I was going to get much out of this, but I was wrong. This project made me reflect on emotions I hadn’t acknowledged. The deck was both comforting and honest. This was a great opportunity to analyze things and look from a different perspective. I enjoyed getting back into Tarot and plan to consult my cards more often. It might not predict the future, but it gives me the power to shape my mindset.
Lead photo courtesy of @cerisenuage