How to Use Numerology to Find the Best Wedding Date for You

By Ellen Ricks

On September 23, 2020

In Astrology, Love, Numerology

How to Use Numerology to Find the Best Wedding Date for You

Wedding bells in the air? If you and bae are planning to tie the knot, then you know there’s a lot of hard work to get through before saying ‘I do’—dress and tux shopping, guest lists, and venue location are just the beginning. Many of these things you’ll have to figure out on your own, but there’s one wedding must-do that numerology can help with: setting the wedding date. Here’s how to use numbers to find settle the right time for your marriage.

How To Pick Your Wedding Date Using Numerology

If you’re familiar with numerology, you know that life path numbers can tell you about different aspects of your personality. Well, your wedding date life path number can give you similar insight into the future of your marriage, such as what the partnership will be like or what traits will be valued most in your relationship.

Read This Now: Easy, Life Path Number Calculator

To do this, you can go about the process in two different ways: 1) calculating the date to fit the energy (or “personality”) you want the marriage to have, or 2) calculating the date to fit a date that’s compatible with you and your partner’s life path numbers.

How to Pick the Best Date For Your Ideal ‘Marriage Personality’

Something to consider when picking a date is the type of wedding you want to have. Are you looking at a big family affair or a small ceremony? Is this wedding traditional or more spiritual? All these can factor into the date you’ll pick. For example, if you’re considering a destination wedding with a few close friends in attendance, you’ll want your wedding date’s “life path number” to add up to a 5 (celebration, travel), or a 3 (laughter, excitement), or put those number in somewhere in the date. If you and your partner have children from previous relationships and your marriage will create a blended family, have the date add up to a 6 or a 9.

To calculate your wedding date’s number, you’ll want to sum the whole date into a single digit. For example, if you plan to get married on July 6, 2019, your wedding would take on the energy of the number 7 (because: 7+6+2+0+1+9=25, 2+5=7).

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Here is a handy list of each number and their meanings:

1: Independence—or “becoming one”  

2: Love

3: Laughter

4: Security, commitment

5: Celebration

6: Nurturing, children   

7: Spirituality 

8: Success in money—can also represent infinity

9: Family

Picking Your Wedding Date Based on Life Path Numbers

love stars ash_mcfly

Courtesy of @ash_mcfly

It’s also extremely important to consider your life path number and your partner’s life path number in your date decision. Some numbers are natural matches while others are toxic—and you do not want a toxic number surrounding your wedding. For example, if you’re a 6 life path and your partner is a 3, having a 9 wedding date would be perfect because 6+3=9 and because 6 and 3 are natural matches to the number 9. If you’re 1 life path and your partner is a 7 life path, stay away from 6 because that number is toxic to both of you.

Read This Now: How to Decode Your Relationship Using Numerology

To make things easy, we’ve made a list of natural and toxic matches in numerology. Before you start though, if you’re reading and thinking, “My partner and I are toxic numbers, this marriage is doomed!”—don’t panic (or call off your wedding).

The solution is easy: If your life path numbers are toxic matches, try finding a number that is common ground for both. For example, if you’re 3 life path engaged to an 8 life path, get married on a date that adds up to a 2 since 8+3=11, 1+1=2. 2 is a natural match to 8 and 2 is compatible with 3.

 You can also insert your life path numbers into your wedding date so you both get to feel the vibrations of your number. So if your 3 life path marrying an 8 life path, August 3 or March 8 may just be the perfect day to tie the knot. Again, it’s important to play around with these numbers in order find the perfect day for you.

Get a look at what 2019 has in store for you, according to numbers.

 Life Path Number Compatibility

If you have a 1 life path number…

Natural Match: 1,5,7

Compatible Match: 2,3,9

Toxic Match: 4,6,8 


If you have a 2 life path number…

Natural Match: 2,4,8

Compatible Match: 1,3,6,9

Toxic Match: 5,7


If you have a 3 life path number…

Natural Match: 3,6,9

Compatible Match: 1,2,5

Toxic Match: 4,7,8


If you have a 4 life path number…

Natural Match: 2,4,8

Compatible Match: 6,7

Toxic Match: 1,3,5,9


If you have a 5 life path number…

Natural Match: 1,5,7

Compatible Match: 3,8,9

Toxic Match: 2,4,6


If you have a 6 life path number…

Natural Match: 3,6,9

Compatible Match: 2,4,8

Toxic Match: 1,5,7


If you have a 7 life path number…

Natural Match: 1,5,7

Compatible Match: 4

Toxic Match: 2,3,6,8,9


If you have a 8 life path number…

Natural Match: 2,4,8

Compatible Match: 5,6

Toxic Match: 1,3,7,9


If you have a 9 life path number…

Natural Match: 3,6,9

Compatible Match: 1,2,5

Toxic Match: 4,7,8

Now, you’re armed with all the information you need to get started. Time to break out your calculators and set that date!

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