How the New Moon Partial Eclipse Can Bring You Closer to Your Lover


On July 5, 2018

In Sex

How the New Moon Partial Eclipse Can Bring You Closer to Your Lover

Maressa Brown is a writer, editor, astrologer, and author of Centennial Presents’ 2018 Astrology Guide. Her work has appeared on/in various publications such as, The Washington Post,, and Women’s Health. Find more of her celestial insights and lifestyle features on Facebook @MaressaSBrown and on Twitter @MaressaSylvie. — editors

When you think of powerful astrological aspects, a full moon might be right at the top of the list. But new moons can be just as intense. In general, the dark period of time, when the celestial body is at its least visible from our perspective on earth, signifies an opportunity to metaphorically plant seeds we want to see grow. That could mean taking a step toward a goal in a figurative or literal way: setting an intention in a meditation or journaling session, asking the object of your affection out on a date, or applying for a new job.

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Eclipses—which occur four to six times a year and sync up with both new and full moons—carry even more magic-creating weight. Their purpose is to deliver wake-up calls that shake you out of conscious and subconscious patterns.

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On July 12, a new moon eclipse in cardinal water sign Cancer will oppose Pluto, the planet of life, death, and rebirth, currently in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. Cancer energy is sentimental, maternal, nurturing, and occasionally a bit moody, while Capricorn vibes are stoic, hard-working, pragmatic, reserved, and perhaps even conservative. Here, how this transformative aspect—which will be felt for at least four days before and after the 12th—could serve to crank up the intensity of your relationship.  (If you know your rising sign, you’ll do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)
Stress over a deadline, long hours on a major project, or an annual review could put you at risk of lashing out at your partner, as the eclipse in your fourth house of domestic life clashes with Pluto in your tenth house of career. Pinpointing how you can strike a healthier balance between work and home now makes for more harmony—not to mention romance.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You may be torn between having an emotional conversation or sharing an eye-opening experience, since this eclipse pits your third house of communication against your ninth house of adventure. This inner conflict over whether its more effective to talk or act could inspire you to approach your partnership in an exciting, game-changing way.    

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
A shift around joint income, a household budget, or an inheritance could be a source of tension for you and your partner, as the eclipse’s position in your second house of income opposes Pluto in your eighth house of emotional and sexual bonds. Taking a different tack than you have in the past can help you head down a more healing path.  

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Since this eclipse falls in your sign, you may feel almost like it’s your very own New Year’s, spurred to set sweeping personal goals that you feel passionate about. But you’ll also do well to figure out how a partnership can support your intention. In fact, making room for teamwork could take your efforts to the next level.

Leo (July 23-August 22)
If you’re feeling like spending time solo, bingeing Netflix or meditating, but have anxiety around that mounting list of to-dos, know that it’s the eclipse in your twelfth house of spirituality opposing Pluto in your sixth house of daily routine. Self-care is crucial, but when you’re up for it, lean on your partner for support. It’ll bring you closer and offer a sense of peace.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Networking with friends and colleagues could set you up for an exciting career opportunity down the road, as the eclipse is lighting up your eleventh house of groups. At the same time, being that Pluto’s in your fifth house of romance, you’ll be tempted to play hooky with your partner or current crush. Letting go of the impulse to make any of these experiences “perfect”—and just going with the flow now—offers the deepest satisfaction.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You may be on the brink of a game-changing professional move, as the eclipse occurs in your tenth house of career. But you may find its essential to lean on loved ones and your partner for moral support right now, thanks to Pluto in your fourth house of domestic life. The more straightforward you can be about your needs across the board, the happier the result.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You may feel a bit restless around the eclipse, thanks to its position in your ninth house of adventure, opposing Pluto in your third house of communication. The more willing you are to talk to your lover about what’s on your mind, the less anxiety you should feel. Plus, getting in sync on big-picture goals should set a heartening tone.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You’ll sense that you’re on the brink of a seriously sexy new chapter with your partner or a new lover, thanks to the eclipse’s effect on your eighth house of sexual and emotional bonds. It’s time to zero in on exploration, and with the opposition to Pluto in your second house of career, intimacy may also serve as the perfect way to relieve everyday work stress.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
You may be torn between pursuing personal goals and allowing room for a lover’s needs, given that the eclipse in your seventh house of partnership opposes Pluto in your sign. Now’s the time to identify a productive new way to work through this conflict, bearing in mind that being more willing to adapt could promote success on both fronts.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Your tendency to push through chores, even when you’re feeling rundown, could get the best of you, and the eclipse in your sixth house of wellness encourages you to make concrete changes to your daily routine. Given its opposition to Pluto in your twelfth house of spirituality, self-reflection is key, so solo time spent away from your lover could bring you closer in the long-run.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Making room for spontaneity and fun in your relationship is one of the main lessons of this eclipse, which falls in your fifth house of romance. One deterrent: demands from others, thanks to Pluto in your eleventh house of groups. Resolving to act in your own best self-interest and prioritizing self-care and joy sets you up for a lasting win.

—By Maressa Brown

Photo: @sasha.azoqa via Twenty20

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