How Every Zodiac Sign Can Navigate Cancer Season

From left to right, cards for: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.
It’s time for an emotional spring clean, Gemini! You’ve been holding on to old memories, clothes, and visions for way too long. Get rid of the elements in your life that won’t propel you forward into your best life: Sell old clothes, meditate and clear your mind, and create new dreams!
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From left to right, a card laydown for: Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.
Virgo: LOVE
You will be faced with many choices and decisions to make this month. Let your verdicts be driven by love. Choose to expand instead of contract. Give without worrying about reciprocity. You already have more than enough!
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From left to right: Cards for Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
You have reached a point in your journey where you are ready to take a deep breath and start a new project. It’s time! Point yourself in a fresh direction, and get excited. This whole universe is yours for the taking.
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Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces card laydowns.
Pisces, Boo, even if you’re wading in a pool of “never enough,” I want you to take a moment to recognize all the ever-present gifts and blessings in your life. In fact, if you sit down and think about it, you already have everything you’ll ever need.
Images from the Mary Elizabeth Evans Vessel Oracle deck.
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