How Every Sign Can Make the Most Out of Libra Season!

By Maressa Brown

On September 21, 2018

In Astrology

How Every Sign Can Make the Most Out of Libra Season!

From September 22 to October 23, the sun will make its annual trip through social air sign Libra. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra season has the potential to stir up appreciation of the arts, an itch to makeover your wardrobe, your most fairy tale-esque romantic desires, or party invitations galore. At the same time, the seventh sign of the zodiac—symbolized by the Scales—tends to be concerned with diplomacy, finding balance, and seeking justice. This sounds lovely, it is, but the dark side of Libran energy can be a propensity to lean on passive-aggressive communication in an attempt to avoid confrontation at all costs.

How will your love life change over the next 12 months? Find out now!

Tapping into the powers of the cardinal air sign can help you up luck in all areas of life as you head into autumn. Here, how each sign can make the most of Libra season. (To get the full picture on what lies ahead for you in the coming month, be sure to read your rising sign, as well!)

Aries (March 21–April 19)
Whether they’re major undertakings or just minor to-dos, you’ll do well to grab your S.O., BFF, or closest colleague and get to work. Basically, if you can dream it, you can do it—with some help from one of your nearest and dearest, thanks to Libra lighting up your seventh house of partnership. The relationship-oriented energy of the moment also has your appetite for romance on a high, so definitely build in time for swiping and date nights (if you’re single) or even a lovey-dovey getaway (if you’re attached). You may very well feel like you’ve been cast as the lead in a classic rom-com.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Although you’re a creature of habit, you’ll do well to reimagine your schedule and wellness plan, given that Libra is moving through your sixth house of health and routine. Sure, it may initially seem unrealistic to work different hours, switch up your workouts, or explore an alternative therapy like acupuncture or sound healing. But Libra season gives you the fuel to think and act idealistically in order to level up the wellness quotient of your day-to-day. Bold experimentation now could bring even more balance to your work, life, and well-being.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Though you have the ability to go hard at work and put your playful side on a shelf in order to hit deadlines, Libra season presents you with the opportunity to have as much fun as your heart desires. That’s because the sun is shining through your fifth house of romance and leisurely activity, giving you the green light to embrace your spontaneous, child-like side, especially in matters of the heart. Inspired to play hooky to do a hike with your S.O.? Go for it! Want to spend the weekend bingeing Netflix, rocking a face mask, and doing Tarot card readings with your bestie? Why not! Basically, let your heart run the show, and you won’t be sorry.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Crabs are happiest at home and while spending time with loved ones, so you’re sure to love Libra season, marked by the sun’s trip through your fourth house of home life. Whether you’ve been wanting to do a weekend getaway with family or just spend your free time on all manner of domestic pleasures from gardening to baking, you’ll have the go-ahead to enjoy it all. And if an emotional issue has been weighing on your mind, having a diplomatic heart-to-heart now can help bring your relationship back into balance.  

Leo (July 23-August 22)
You rarely have trouble talking up the skills and assets you bring to the table in both your personal and professional life. But with Libra season throwing the spotlight on your third house of communication, you’ll have even more opportunity to pitch a bold idea and engage in animated, productive conversations with loved ones and colleagues alike. No need to force it, but if you feel that creative brainstorm coming on organically, see where it takes you. Sharing your most brilliant ideas could set you up for recognition and success.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Believing in the value of your vision, whether related to your career track or more personal goals, is key for you during Libra season. With its emphasis on your second house of income and self-worth, you’ll do well to tear yourself away from the details for a moment and think about the reality you want for yourself in the long-run. Don’t shy away from desires that initially seem too bold to be realistic, because Libran energy can support breathtakingly beautiful, big picture goals. Envisioning then acting, even in a subtle way, on these reflections could be the first step toward a more fulfilling and financially solid future.   

Libra (September 23-October 22)
It’s time to own and pursue your wildest fantasies! Thanks to the sun’s journey through your sign and first house of self, you’ll no doubt be feeling very much in your element: creative, social, and eager to turn up the volume on beauty and romance in your life. Throw that party you’ve been planning in your head for months, take that trip to the spa with your bestie, put that fancy dinner date on the calendar, and pitch that ambitious, creative project. Whatever pursuits speak to your soul right now are sure to amplify your confidence and personal power.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Though you pretty much always adore exploring the metaphysical side of life, burning sage, lighting candles, and bathing your crystals in the light of the full moon, Libra season presents a chance for you to tap into your subconscious in a new way. Trying a different form of spiritual exploration—be it talk therapy, journaling, or meditation—serves you well now. You’re the last of the signs to be turned off by going deep and dark, and embracing this fact can be especially conducive to personal growth now.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Independent free spiritedness is one of your personality hallmarks, but the more you can hook up with colleagues and friends during Libra season, the better. That’s because the sun is spending time in your eleventh house of networking, encouraging you to build, share, and grow through teamwork. Success in this realm could be as simple as attending that happy hour or seminar you were on the fence about, or as complicated as working diligently on a massive team project on the job. While you’re at it, infuse your interactions with a dash of Libran diplomacy. Sure, it’s the opposite of your straight-shooting style, but that just means there’s something to be learned from it.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Your signature razor focus on work and professional recognition is bound to be even sharper during Libra season, thanks to the sun’s position in your tenth house of career. But you’ll do well to open the windows and let Libran airiness shake up your typical, plodding, pragmatic strategy. In other words, your tendency is to go hard and work yourself to the bone, but you may find giving yourself room to play, dream, share ideas with colleagues and perhaps even take their suggestions into consideration, go out for lunch instead of staying at your desk, etc. actually fuels your professional drive and ups your potential for rewards more than the usual approach.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
You’ll do well to get out of your comfort zone while the sun makes its way through your ninth house of higher education and adventure. Libra season marks an opportunity to shake up your usual routine in a way that speaks to your soul. Maybe it means squeezing in meditation sessions via local classes or even an app or actually planning an eye-opening trip overseas. Although you may be one of, if not the, most forward-thinking signs, tunnel vision can be a real problem for you, so do what you can to let go, allowing your inner wide-eyed kid to take the reins. A memorably wild time could await.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
It may be challenging for you to enjoy sex if you’re not utterly in your feelings with your partner, which is completely fair. But the sun in Libra and your eighth house of sexual intimacy could bring a light-hearted tone to your between-the-sheets time. Libra’s Venusian-tinged energy can be flirtatious, coy, social, and sweet, so the more you can tap into that energy in your sexual experiences, the better now. This might look like flirting over text, going on a group date together, or simply feeling more playful when the clothes come off. Though it may seem a bit foreign or flip to you at first, an airier approach to romance and pleasure now may feel downright refreshing and end up bolstering your bond.

Photo via @danielacuevascastillo via Twenty20

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