The Best Hangover Cure, Based on Your Sign

Whether you’re a Capricorn who can’t get enough of the sweet simplicity of a glass of white wine or a Leo who’s all about trying the latest craft cocktails, what happens when you overindulge? Unfortunately, occasionally imbibing too much is one vice that may truly unite all signs. However, how they handle the throbbing head, vague feelings of regret, and other hangover symptoms varies wildly. Here, how every sign handles a hangover–or should handle one.
Aries — Exercise
You bring the party, Aries, and are often the one in your social circle still awake by 6am on the morning after an epic party. While you may claim hangovers don’t affect you, you’re just an ace at powering through them. A long run, a cycle class, or a swig of an electrolyte drink are all you need to keep on going, and going, and going.
Taurus — Self-Care
Bulls love luxury, and they have a hangover ritual down to a T. A Taurus will find elegance even in the most head-pounding AM. What bulls need are luxe pajamas, an eye mask, their favorite aromatherapy oils and a nap with the blackout blinds down.
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Gemini — Brunch
You love a good party, Gemini. But the morning after can cause you to tumble into a serious funk, as you second guess what you did, who you spoke with, and why that second (okay, fourth) marg was a good idea. What’s your get-over-it strategy? A carb-laden brunch with friends, followed by a funny movie. You’ll be feeling like yourself—and maybe even feel ready for another night at the bar—by nightfall.
Cancer — Yoga Class (Even Though You Want to Sleep)
A night out can make any Cancer feel emotional the morning after. You’re likely to want to stay under the covers all day long, but getting out and facing the world is your best strategy when you’re feeling emo. A gentle yoga class will help get your blood flowing and your mind in the headspace you want it in.
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Leo — Netflix & Chill
Life of the party Leo tries not to let a hangover interfere with their plans. It’s admirable, but can you really handle a boozy brunch in your condition? Learning the art of staying in and watching Netflix in your sweatpants may be the smartest strategy to be back in top form by tomorrow.
Virgo — Ibuprofen and Green Juice
When a Virgo goes out, they go all out. That’s why having a super-healthy ritual to get back on track serves you well. You love order, lists, and knowing exactly what comes next, so as soon as you wake up in the AM, stumble to the kitchen for some ibuprofen and an extra large glass of green juice.
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Libra — Be Good
You know that life is all about balance, and you don’t beat yourself up for going overboard. Still, your best strategy to fight a night of overindulging is a day of being relatively good. (Not your favorite, but you pick and choose your battles, Libra.) Making a healthy meal at home, hitting up a workout class, and tackling something major on your to-do list, like cleaning out a closet, can help you get back on track.
Scorpio — Brunch Cocktails
When you indulge, you love to keep the party going on and on. Still, there’s something to be said for a modicum of temperance, Scorpio. Instead of yanking out the vodka in the AM, which you’ve been known to do, hit up a new cafe that offers brunch cocktails with friends. Seeing people in sunlight—but still having a boozy beverage in hand—is the best way for you to transition to daytime and beat a hangover.
Sagittarius — Get Connected with People From Last Night
Energetic Sagittarians never let too many drinks gets in the way of a good time. You love the memories each drink brought, so use the morning to update your social media, re-start any text threads from last night, and, if you’re single, start flirting with that person listed as “Cute, Beer, Name?” in your phone.
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Capricorn — Take a ‘Sick’ Day
Caps rarely let loose, and when they do, they make every single glass count. You’re likely already up at the crack of dawn, but cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to declare this a “sick” day (because, let’s be honest, does your stomach feel healthy to you right now?) turn out the lights, and spend the day doing absolutely nothing. Order something oversize and full of calories on Seamless and enjoy slothing the day away for once.
Aquarius — Do an Activity
Try-anything-once Aquarians should consider a hangover the start of an epic weekend. Keep the adventures rolling by getting your crew and trying something you’ve never done before. Maybe it’s a game of Frisbee golf, maybe it’s inviting a few people over for a cooking marathon. Either way, a new activity or project will take your mind off your pounding head.
Pisces — Drink (and Walk by) Water
Watery fish need water, stat. The goal for Pisces is to drink as much H20 as possible. You also may find solace in hitting the pool. Not possible? Head for a walk, preferably by a body of water. Seeing the blue-gray water (as opposed to the red inside your wine glass last night) will give you the equilibrium your mind, body, and soul crave.
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