February 2018 Monthly Horoscope: What Will Eclipse Season Bring Up For You?

By Horoscope.com

On February 1, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

February 2018 Monthly Horoscope: What Will Eclipse Season Bring Up For You?

The edgy lunar eclipse on January 31 is only the beginning of eclipse season, and the first few weeks of February unfold to lead up to the solar eclipse in Aquarius on the fifteenth. For the first two weeks of February, the universe is open and expansive, inviting in new career opportunities, relationships, and opportunities. But no lie. These weeks are going to be intense. It’s only in the latter part of the month where all the shake ups surrounding the eclipses become clear. 

The weekend of February 17 holds a Mars-Neptune square. This could be a great weekend. Don’t overthink it or try to find meaning. Just enjoy. On the twenty-third, a quarter moon in Gemini in aspect to Saturn inspires you to take a risk. All month, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn crank up the responsibility, but no pain, no gain. This is a very powerful month. Take advantage of it.

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries February Horoscope
You start the month with some chaos from the past full moon. Ride it out and don’t get yanked into conflicts that aren’t your own. You have enough on your plate. On the eigth, the moon conjoins Mercury in fiery Sagittarius. Expect action. You need to nail down what you want and go for it. But you’re also pretty used to quick outcomes, and may be frustrated that nothing seems clear in the beginning of the month. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Patience. Everything will become clear in time. Do what you can, but don’t rush anything, especially contracts or commitments. The new moon and solar eclipse on February 15 urge you to hang back and let others lead the rest of the month. Your time to shine is coming.
Standout Days: 4, 14, 28
Challenging Days: 1, 25 

Taurus February Horoscope 
Your social life is uplifted at the beginning of the month, and it can be tough to prioritize work and play. On the tenth, when Venus enters Pisces, your romantic life could receive a boost. You need to be proactive, though. If you’re single, join some apps and start swiping. This month, for you, is about deepening friendships and commitments. You may not have realized just how much you missed socializing. The new moon and solar eclipse on February 15 could lead to a breakthrough—this breakthrough may be one you didn’t expect. For example, maybe a new friend has a lead on a new job or a coworker has a person to introduce you to for a potential relationship. In other words, stop sticking people into categories. This month is all about mixing things (and people up.) Making time for fun is not a luxury or indulgence.
Standout Days: 5, 16, 21
Challenging Days: 3, 25 

Gemini February Horoscope      
You’re in a social mood, Gemini, but be careful. Your work may be sliding, and you may need to get things back on track before the new moon of the fifteenth. It can be hard to reign in pleasure. You’re enjoying so much of your life, but some schedules, routine, and order could be needed. On February 25, Mercury conjoins Neptune and a dream could come true—but you have to put in the work first. You’ve been living in a bit of a dreamy space this month, but day dreams need anchors. It’s time to get some discipline.
Standout Days: 10, 12, 20
Challenging Days: 23, 24

Cancer February Horoscope
Woah, last month was an emotional roller coaster, right? Your immense vulnerability can be a gift and a curse, and at the beginning of the month, it may feel like it’s the latter. You wore your heart on your sleeve and things didnt turn out as you hoped. It’s horrible and it’s okay. Learn to be okay with the in-between. The new moon on the fifteenth sheds light on your innate talents and abilities, and the few days surrounding this date could be a huge career and confidence boost. On February 17, Mercury enters Pisces, encouraging you to move on. You’re braver, bolder, smarter, and stronger than ever. Own it. Believe it.
Standout Days: 6, 16, 25
Challenging Days: 10, 23

Leo February Horoscope
The Leo full moon at the end of January may have been intense and chaotic, but now things have calmed down a bit. So what do you want? Love is confusing, and mixed messages may crop up in the weeks leading up to the new moon and solar eclipse of February 15. Deep breaths. You need to listen to what the other person wants. In the beginning of the month, you may be too invested in a reality that’s all your own making. It’s time to change the script and listen to others for a full reveal of what’s really going on in your life right now. On February 18, when the sun enters Pisces, it’s time for a change. Have you been frustrated with how life is going? Change up your routine or commit to a new habit.
Standout Days: 4, 13, 17
Challenging Days: 1, 14 

Virgo February Horoscope
This is your total life makeover month, Virgo. You’re feeling on an even keel, and feel like everything in your life is going in a direction you’re contented with. Because of this, this is a month where little fixes can make a huge difference. In particular, pay attention to your finances. If you feel like they’re confusing or all over the place, shore things up, with professional assistance if necessary. On February 15, the new moon turns over a new leaf, and you may realize that you could do without something you’ve been using as a crutch these past few weeks or months. February 25 the conjunction between Mercury and Neptune can make wishes come true. Put in the work, reap the rewards.
Standout Days: 3, 17, 20
Challenging Days: 13, 28 

Libra February Horoscope
Your emotions are all over the place at the beginning of the month, thanks to late January’s full moon. Because of this, it’s hard for you to figure out next steps. Your best course of action is to breathe, wait, and relax. Things will become clear toward the new moon. It’s not bad to rest and hold back the first few weeks of the month. Regrouping can put you on more sure footing, and reacting based on emotion may not be the savviest move. The new moon on the fifteenth lightens up everything, and you have the clear perspective you crave. On February 21, a conjunction between Venus and Neptune may invigorate a love or relationship from the past or reignite passion for a hobby, job, or project. Love yourself this month, and the universe will love you back.
Standout Days: 3, 10, 27
Challenging Days: 3, 25

Scorpio February Horoscope
Your ambition is high at the beginning of the month. You know what you want and are poised to get it. But you can’t let emotions get in the way. Passion is great, but in order to make positive next steps you must lead with your head and your heart in cooperation. The new moon and solar eclipse on the fifteenth may bring up a family issue. Confront it head on. You may need to be the leader for this, and it’s best to accept the responsibility rather than pass the issue off to someone else. You can handle it best. February 27 can be a magical day as Venus sextiles Pluto. Use this day when you need an extra dose of strength or bravery.
Standout Days: 12, 22, 26
Challenging Days: 2, 19

Sagittarius February Horoscope
This month can be busy, hectic, confusing AF and also pretty damn memorable. Perspective is everything. The month starts with a bang and you may have to put out some fires that have come up from various issues stemming from the eclipse. It’s a good time to sort out best practices so these issues don’t happen again. You may have been burning the candle at both ends or stretching yourself too thin. The new moon on the fifteenth encourages fun, relaxation, and maybe an unexpected vacation or day off to take care of you. The Moon-Jupiter quincunx on February 24 may cause some self-doubt … let it run its course. You may want to get an outside opinion; hearing someone tell you how great you are may give you the shift in perspective you need.
Standout Days: 2, 7 26
Challenging Days: 10, 28

Capricorn February Horoscope
You’re feeling in love with love, just in time for Valentine’s Day. You’ve had a serious 2017, and this year is one where you’re experimenting with the right balance between work and play, between fun and intensity. And it’s working. You may have some fun, passionate nights, just because. A good time doesn’t need to “mean” anything. Losing the quest for meaning can actually imbue more meaning and purpose into your life. The new moon on the fifteenth may be time to let go of something. The more gracefully you can do it, the better. On February 25, as the sun sextiles Saturn, you’re in a position of authority. You are up for the challenge. 
Standout Days: 6, 11, 20
Challenging Days: 3, 23 


Aquarius February Horoscope 
You’ve been feeling pulled in different directions and impatient with a stop-start situation happening in work or a relationship. You want everything to go, go, go, and are feeling frustrated when forces beyond your control may be pulling back on progress. The beginning of the month is an ideal time to focus on your social life, focusing more on fun and adventure than any longterm plans. The Sun-Uranus sextile on February 13 can shift your mood and can be a fun, random day where anything can happen. The new moon on the fifteenth is all about luxury and indulgence. On February 26, a Uranus square with the moon may cast self doubt on a project. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re doing pretty great.
Standout Days: 1, 6, 24
Challenging Days: 12, 20 

Pisces February Horoscope
You’re feeling emotional coming out of the late January full moon eclipse. Lead with your heart, but think with your head. Don’t make any decisions that don’t need to be made at the beginning of the month. The new moon on solar eclipse on February 15 can be a turning point and a time to start a new project, on a fresh page. And mark your calendar for February 21, a romantic, dreamy day where love comes first. In the weeks leading up to your birthday, you may be turning inward and doing a lot of mental work and reflection. Expect for things to happen and changes to occur after your birthday; right now, you’re doing the valuable work to put the building blocks in place for a productive, fun year ahead.
Standout Days: 10, 21, 25
Challenging Days: 9, 28 

Read last month’s horoscope here. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

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Rock February With These Articles!
Self Care Strategies and Goals for Eclipse Season
Your Love Horoscope for February: What Does Valentine’s Day Have in Store?
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