December 2020 Full Moon in Cancer Horoscopes

By Nina Kahn

On December 28, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

December 2020 Full Moon in Cancer Horoscopes

The December full moon in Cancer on Monday, December 29 at 7:28pm PT marks the final full moon of the year. And after the sheer chaos of 2020, its energy feels like a warm and much-needed lunar hug. This cosmic moment is made extra special by the fact that it’s the second Cancer full moon of the calendar year (the first one heralded in the New Year back in January), so we’re revisiting the issues we’ve been dealing with over the past months and bringing our feelings to a climax as we prepare to move forward into 2021.

Watery Cancer (the sign ruled by the moon itself) is the most nurturing and maternal sign of the zodiac. During this lunation, pent-up sentiments may come swelling up and hit us like a wave. Full moons tend to stir up extra emotions, but this one in particular really asks us to feel our feelings—allowing them to wash over us completely. Handle your emotions (and everyone else’s) with care. This is a chance to transform all the fear and uncertainty we’ve collectively experienced this year into strength.

Expect to feel the build-up of emotional energy but know that this is also a time for release, healing, and possibility. The full moon forms a harmonious sextile with unpredictable Uranus (planet of surprises), reminding us to stay open to change as we charge forth into the year ahead. The future holds unlimited and unimaginable potential for love, deep comfort, and boundless positive shifts. This Cancer-ruled lunation can gently open our hearts, ensuring we’re ready to receive it.

How the Full Moon in Cancer 2020 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology


This lunation is hitting close to home, Aries, and it feels like a good time to retreat into an emotional safe space—but don’t isolate from the ones you love. Surround yourself with comfort and reach out to the people in your inner circle so you can start healing old wounds and airing out your feelings. Even a firecracker like you has to slow their pace to tend to matters of the heart.


What have you been distracting yourself from throughout the past six months, Taurus? The full moon in your house of communication will break you open, inspiring you to speak your truth and connect with the world around you in a more emotional way. It’s a good time to release resentments and have heart-to-hearts with friends or change up your routine and environment to eliminate anything that keeps you from feeling at ease.


Go ahead and splurge on something special to soothe your soul. Pamper yourself and elevate your self-care routine, Gemini—because you’re worth it. The full moon is illuminating your sense of self-worth and inspiring you to take care of yourself before prioritizing others. Moderation may be key—but loving yourself enough to know that you deserve to indulge in life’s pleasures is also a good idea. Right now, that’s even more important.


In what ways have you invested in yourself over the past six months, Cancer? How about over the past few years? The full moon shining in your sign will bring the seeds you’ve sown to fruition. You’re blooming now in ways you never imagined—against all odds. This has been a bizarre year, but you can use the energy of this lunation to celebrate how far you’ve come and bask in the glow of your personal growth.


You can discover new ways to heal yourself now, Leo, but only if you’re willing to create the space your soul needs to level up. Don’t be afraid to go full winter-hibernation mode and check your FOMO at the door. Commit to spending time exploring your spiritual side and catching up on much needed rest. The more you sleep, the more you’ll dream—and your subconscious mind may show you the key to your healing.


Use your natural sense of altruism to build deeper bonds within your social life now, Virgo. This full moon casts light on your house of groups and friendships, illuminating just how essential your gifts are to the community you’ve built around yourself. Spend time connecting with your crew and nurturing the energy of the collective. Working together—and healing together—is the perfect intention to carry with you into the New Year.


All the effort and care you’ve been putting into your career is paying off, Libra, as the energy of this full moon is bringing your momentum to a climax and shining a spotlight on your professional accomplishments. But instead of letting this taste of success drive you further into workaholic mode, allow yourself to pause and bask in the warmth of your hard work. If you don’t stop to celebrate your success, who will?


Take extra care to protect your dreams and aspirations now, Scorpio. Coddle them, nurture them, and give them what they need to blossom into a marvelously mind-expanding reality for yourself. With the full moon illuminating your house of expansion and knowledge, you’re seeing your higher-minded goals with clarity. Remember that all things grow with love, so conquer with kindness and continue to expand your horizons with an open heart.


It’s time to release yourself of the burdens you’ve been carrying for other people, Sagittarius. Perhaps you’ve been accumulating emotional baggage from current relationships or harboring resentments from past ones without realizing it. The light of the full moon will reveal exactly what’s been building up beneath the surface. Use this as an opportunity to gently clear the clutter and make room for personal transformations.


When it comes to love, feelings hold just as much weight as facts, Capricorn. And with the full moon lighting up your house of partnerships, you’ll have to work through current conflicts with your heart in addition to your head. It’ll be easy to spot problem areas in your relationship now, but you’ll also be working through a whole bunch of sensitive emotions. Try to approach any romantic drama with compassion—both for yourself and your partner.


This nurturing Cancer moon has a simple message for you, Aquarius: Slow down and prioritize your wellness. It’s easy to forget to do the basics (like drinking enough water and getting in your daily steps) when you’re caught up in a seemingly never-ending flow of work meetings, Zoom hangs, and to-do lists—but even a cerebral air sign like you will benefit from being more in touch with their body. Don’t wait to burn out before you rest and recharge.


This year’s final full moon will sail you into a wave of pure passion, Pisces. Whether things are heating up with a potential love interest or you’re coming to a creative climax on an artistic project, now is the time to treat pleasure like a priority and make the most of this inspirational lunar vibe. Channel your deep well of emotions into playfulness and try to find joy in the little things. Under this lunation, it won’t be hard to do.

Lead photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology

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