December 2019 Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign


On November 29, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope

December 2019 Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign

With the holidays on the horizon and a jam-packed month of aspects on the way, this is going to be a crazy four weeks!

It all starts on December 2 when Jupiter (planet of abundance) travels from its home sign, Sagittarius, into Capricorn—for the first time in 12 years. Yep, that’s right.

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On December 11, we’ll see a bright full moon in Gemini that encourages us to tend to our relationships.

On December 21, we’ll bid farewell to party-centric Sagittarius season, and start up more work-centric Capricorn season.

On Christmas Day, December 25, we’ll see a new moon solar eclipse happening in Capricorn. Now, this is going to be a pretty exciting time because Jupiter will also be conjunct with the sun and moon in Capricorn—enhancing our optimism for the future and our abilities to seize what we want.

Read Me: 2020: The Year of 4 and What That Means

December 2019 Horoscopes for Your Zodiac Sign

Courtesy of @broken_isnt_bad


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn at the beginning of the month is going to turn your levels of responsibility and authority on its head over the next year. Career is going to be huge for you in 2020, so get those New Year’s resolutions ready, Aries. This career boost starts on December 21 when the sun enters Capricorn, putting focus on your intensity for success.

Your full Aries monthly horoscope.


Being one of the most determined signs in the zodiac, and with Jupiter joining Venus in Capricorn, you’re feeling expansion on every level this month. Boundaries such as law or education are nothing to you this month. As you head forward, remember to keep yourself grounded. This expansion will be made easier with the new moon on Christmas Day. Open yourself to the possibilities, Taurus.

Read your full Taurus monthly horoscope.


Relationships are a big deal for you right now. Make sure, as Jupiter enters Capricorn, that you’re taking things on as they come—as this aspect is bound to bring high-intensity situations your way (think: buying property, getting married). That full moon in Gemini is going to highlight relationships that need some attention, and potentially growth. The new moon is about letting go of old relationships that are no longer serving you.

Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn is heading toward your sector of relationships, Cancer. One-on-one partnerships and friendships are about to come into the spotlight. It’s the best time to strengthen that connection with those relationships that need some love. Shining light on your relationships again, the sun entering Capricorn is going to reveal the things that aren’tworking and ask you to acknowledge them.

Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.


December is going to be big for you, Leo. Jupiter in Capricorn is asking you to take your health into account. Whatever you’re putting off, whether it be that dentist appointment or your yearly check-up, get those loose ends tied up now. The new moon and solar eclipse in Capricorn is going to be great for starting a new routine.

Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.


The full moon mid-month is bound to bring you some career movement. Get ready to take your ambitions and refocus them—if you don’t, you may risk losing authenticity in what you’re trying to do. As we enter Capricorn season, you’ll be asked to look back on what has (and what hasn’t) been working in your life. Ask yourself, Virgo: What can be better next year? Overall, this is a month of heartfelt understanding between what and who you want to be.

Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.


There is a lot going on for you this month, Libra, and the full moon is certainly highlighting the perspectives needing to change. As the sun moves into Capricorn, your domestic arenas are being touched in a sensitive way. There may be a family issue or some reason for sentiment this month. Lastly, plenty of movement on the home front is coming with the solar eclipse in Cancer: This could mean buying or selling property, moving, etc.

Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.


Your self-esteem and emotional well-being has grown immensely over the past year as Jupiter in Sagittarius touched on some deeper issues. Now, as it moves into Capricorn, you’ll be asked to identify communication tactics. If something huge needs to be addressed, this coming year is the time to do that. Finances may be affected with the full moon mid-month, putting you in a place that makes you feel stagnant. Make sure you’re attributing value to yourself, Scorpio, and not the possessions or amount of money you have.

Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.


This month concludes the last half of your season! A new chapter is on its way and so is a newfound sense of security. The full moon will highlight your closest relationships. Be honest here (not like you need help with that!). Lastly, the month closes with a solar eclipse that touches on a financial situation. You have all the tools you need to be successful. All you have to do is have faith in your abilities to achieve your goals.

Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.


Your season is on the horizon! But it’s not just the sun that will brighten up your life in Capricorn season, it’s also Jupiter that brings some extra good luck for you over the next year, as it heads into your sign as well. This will start a journey of expansion, a rebirth, a renewal. Start visualizing what this might look like during the Gemini full moon, as it opens a great channel for Capricorns to mediate and solidify their new plan of action.

Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.


Jupiter moving into Capricorn is going to instigate a super spiritual time for you, as it moves through your twelfth house. Over the coming year, really try to start meditating—it’s going to be the best way to connect with your inner self. The Gemini full moon brings up questions surrounding a friendship. If you listen to your heart Aquarius, you won’t be sorry.

Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.


The full moon is reaching your domestic zones Pisces, asking you to draw your attention to family. And with the sun in your career zone, you may want to start by focusing on creating a better work-life balance. The Capricorn new moon is bringing a whole new meaning to the word, “rebirth.” A clean slate comes your way here as you become even more inspired by social settings to do what you feel you were born to do. If you can let go, success will be on its way!

Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @broken_isnt_bad

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