Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 28

By Horoscope.com

On March 28, 2018

In Astrology, Date, Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 28

Change is coming, whether we like it or not. A flurry of planetary activities occur as the moon shifts into placid Virgo, and we may feel like we’re being pulled in several different directions: Can we stay, or must we shift our beliefs, actions, and habits? It is likely to be the latter, as Venus and Uranus align in Aries, giving voice to our need for change. We want to shake things up, question the status quo, or begin thinking about the movement and progress we can make in the next few days. Everyone may seem on edge. Try to stop focusing so much in the unknown and more in the here and now. Here, daily horoscopes for all signs for Wednesday, March 28. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Don’t have midweek plans? Make some! A lovely connection between Venus and Uranus makes this Wednesday evening a night to remember — if you want to. Have fun, go out, mingle, and just feel the moment, Pitbull style. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
What’s holding you back, Taurus? Cautious Saturn may be coming up with excuses as to why you can’t get something done, but trust that today is the best day to do that thing you’ve been putting off. Done is better than 100% correct in this case — you’ve gotta learn to let the small mistakes go.

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Today is all about small steps. You’re feeling overwhelmed, but Mars recommends moving forward with slow and steady steps. Once you take even the tiniest two minute plunge, you’ll find it that much easier to keep going. Promise! 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Today is a day to take your headphones out of your ears and pay attention, Cancer! You are hearing and seeing things that you can help put together, but right now, it’s important to really look up and pay attention to the patterns going on around you.

Leo Daily Horoscope
As the moon shifts out of your sector, your brain may be spinning, and you may feel like you’ve got way too much on your plate. Truth: You might. It’s up to you to really schedule things out and figure out the best way of moving forward for the future. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sector may have you pay extra attention to a money issue — there may be something that you’ve let slide, and now is a good time to pay attention, pay up, or get rid of that service. The more liquid money you have right now, the better, Virgo. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Jupiter and Pluto make you optimistic, which is great, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. You may not be truly seeing the full picture, and it may be best to pull back a bit — or at least not talk about the issue publicly quite yet.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Mercury retrograde is affecting your sign more than others, and you may be feeling on the defensive and insecure about when the other shoe will drop. The more highstrung you feel, the more likely mistakes will happen, so as much as possible, try to go with the flow. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may think you’re finished with a project, but the universe says otherwise, Sags. It may be frustrating, but consider this time to truly let your work shine. Avoid multi-tasking and really apply some laser focus to the task ahead.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
An issue comes up — and you may not feel equipped to deal with it. Seeking advice from others can be helpful, and you may not need to take immediate action. Letting your emotions settle is key. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Today can be a lovely day to socialize and forget about some of the larger issues that may have been stressing you out. You may feel overwhelmed by a larger issue, but taking a break from thinking about it could give you the valuable perspective you need to move forward. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You may feel like you need to make a move now to get something you want, but trust that you have a lot more time than you think. Slow and steady may be the smartest and simplest way forward. 

See the future. Know the future. Download your premium astrology report today. 

Read your weekly horoscope here. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope here.

Cover image by Dorian Legret. Find Dorian Legret’s Society6 store here. 

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