Daily Horoscope for Wednesday January 31

The full moon lunar eclipse today is a big deal for all signs. The moon ratchets up tensions, emotions, and feelings, and all signs may experience a major epiphany. Today is not for the faint of heart, but the good news is, when you approach a full moon with curiousity, intellectual openness, and a sense of expansiveness, wonder, and appreciation, the full moon can be magic! In addition, Mercury enters Aquarius today for the next few weeks. Messenger Mercury may help you think of new ways to reach out to others, share your thoughts, or stand apart from the crowd. It can be a great day to be creative, think outside the box, and try something new. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Wednesday January 31.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
The lunar eclipse focuses on relationships, and you may find out some surprises about your partner or newish date. Trust, be expansive, and ask questions with love and concern, not suspicion. Mercury shifts into Aquarius, and your communication skills are much needed. You may be networking, talking about potential jobs, or making connections. It’s also a great time to communicate to a potential romantic partner, if single. But don’t get caught in a smooth talking trap. Genuine feelings win the day.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Family issues may come to a head today. Breathe through it. Eclipses may signal endings, but they may also signal beginnings. Think with optimism and think of the positive outcome. For example, a blowup may be the end of festering emotions and the beginning of a more positive way of speaking, connecting, and loving. Approach everything as beginnings, and be gentle with yourself, and with others.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
The lunar eclipse is giving you so, so much energy and so many thoughts, plans, and desires. The key, Gemini, is focusing your energy. What do you want? Where is your heart leading you? You’re being pulled in so many directions, but centering is key. Even though your brain says go, go, go, pay attention to your heart. Stay still. Think. Breathe. Know exactly what you want and know you are going to get it.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You’re always sensitive to the moon, and this one brings up issues in your financial sector. Your lesson is to learn to separate your emotions from your finances. This is a lifelong lesson, so don’t expect to learn it all at once. But today, look at the numbers and react to the numbers—not to the emotions behind them. Emotionally charged decisions will backfire.
Leo Daily Horoscope
A lunar eclipse in your sign signals tranformation. What do you want? This particular eclipse illuminates your relationships, and you may be ready to start a new relationship, turn over a new page, or get even closer to your partner. The same old is no longer acceptable. You deserve extraordinary and you can get it, Leo.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Mercury shifts into Aquarius into your fitness sector, and this is a great day for transformation. Remember: You can’t do it alone. If you do want to do a fitness or diet challenge, don’t keep it a secret. Shout it from the rooftops. Having friends in your corner is key in accomplishing your goals.
Libra Daily Horoscope
This lunar eclipse can bring change, and change can be hard for you, Libra. Embrace it. Lean into it. Look at this as a beginning, not an ending. Because some great things are brewing. But in order to move forward, you may have to let go. It’s a process, it’s okay to be sad, and it’s okay to cry today. But change is good. Trust in yourself and the universe.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your ambition is cranked up high, and today—and throughout this lunar cycle—expect things to happen at a fast pace. This could occur in your career, or could be in a passion you never considered a career. Go with the flow. Fear will pull you back. And share your enthusiasm. Mercury in Aquarius wants you to communicate your moves and next steps, and you may just be starting a much larger movement than you thought when you set out, inspiring loads of people on the way.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may be introduced to a new opportunity, and feel like you need to act fast to make sure it happens. Dynamic Mars adds to the urgency. Yes, you may have to act quickly, but make sure to do due diligence before you act.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Dynamic Mars pulls up the past. This, combined with the lunar eclipse, may lead to some revelations or epiphanies focused on the past, which could be the very deep past. Your goal is to find the right balance: Do you let sleeping dogs lie, or do you wake them up and deal with the potential hurt that could come from doing so? Only you know the answer to that, Caps. Act with integrity.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Mercury in your sign may make you want to share thoughts for a business plan. You may be looking for partners, investors, or other people who can help you grow your idea. Don’t get too caught up in the “shoulds.” Yes, having a vision is important, but so too is flexibility. Find the balance.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
The full moon may add extra stress and uncertainty to your life. You may feel like something big is about to happen, but the “what” may not be clear, and that uncertainty is driving you nuts. Let go. You don’t need to see the full picture now. Trust that you’re going in the right direction.
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