Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21

By Horoscope.com

On February 21, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21

As Venus and Neptune converge in Pisces, you may feel dreamy, romantic, and ready for love. Life can be charming today, where things just seem to flow. People seem friendlier, compliments flow, and connections seem much easier to make to other people. A Mercury-Saturn sextile is at play as well today, allowing us to actually make something more beyond these pleasant moments we will experience today. Here, the daily horoscope for all star signs for Wednesday, February 21. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
A Taurus moon anchors any decisions you may make and gives weight and gravity to the words you say. You’re a natural leader today, and people are looking up to you. It’s a great day to revel in responsibility; people are watching you who you may not even be aware of, and the moves you make today may have resounding impact for months to come. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
This can be a romantic day, Bulls, especially as the extra energy of the moon in your sign is making you incredibly appealing to all sorts of people. Work your magic and charm, and it’s also a good time to stop playing coy and move full speed ahead when it comes to a romantic decision. You know what you want, so what are you waiting for? 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Your inner voice has great instincts, but right now, it’s on overload. You have too much on your plate, Gemini, and your decisions may be affected by panic and adrenaline. Take a deep breath, and remember that everything will turn out fine. You’re in control. You’ve got this. Focus on one issue at a time, and then allow your intuition to take the lead. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Saturn are combining to spur you to go deeper with someone in your life. This may be a commitment, a trip, or just a conversation, but the stars say that you’re the one who has to bring up the issue. You may be playing the leader more times than you are used to, but the position is growing on you. Shaking things up is good for your soul. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
You have opinions, and today is the day you should voice them. You may have been counseled to keep your mouth shut, but it’s important to find the best tactful path to acknowledge the other person’s POV while sharing the way you would fix or handle a problem. If you don’t speak up, you’ll feel resentful. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Nothing is as it seems today, Virgo, and the universe suggests ditching plans and going with the flow. Who knows what will happen, and that’s exactly the point. By saying yes to something unexpected—whether it’s an invitation or just something that crosses your mind—you’ll start a cascading chain of events. Enjoy!

Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re a total dreamer today, Libra, and it may be smart to get other people’s opinions and thoughts when it comes to a new project or venture. Your instincts are good, but some outside tweaks can make your venture truly work. Fine tuning from other people isn’t a failure. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your instinct are on point when it comes to work, and it’s important to keep information and plans close to the belt. You may not know who is a friend or enemy in the office; for now, cool professionalism is the order of the day. Everything will become clear soon enough, but you may need to keep quiet these next few weeks as next steps unveil themselves. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You desperately need some TLC, but right now, retreating into yourself isn’t the best course of action. Finding trusted friends, and spending time talking, laughing, or even crying together could be the thing that fills your cup. Spending too much time solo may deplete you further. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling extra creative with the Moon and Venus in your sector of creative expression. You may find sharing your creativity—especially if it feels uncomfortable—galvanizing and helpful in keeping you at it. Doing something solo without outside opinion may feel like playing with an imaginary friend. Your art is real, share it with the world. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
You’re feeling drawn to your home, and small improvements or decluttering can make a big difference. Decluttering can also spur major lifestyle decisions. Choose items that represent your biggest, brightest, happiest self and get rid of the rest. You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Two powerful planets in your sign—Venus and Neptune—combine to give you powerful energy. You may feel more caring and empathetic to others, and more in tune with the world at large. This is a great time for romance, and it’s a great time to spark up a conversation with a stranger. Not only are you irresistible, but you can almost see into other people’s souls, giving you a leg up on sussing out who’s worth your time. 

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