Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 2
A full moon in Cancer on the first of the year may give you an emotional hangover today—even if you didn’t touch any alcohol. Today is a day you can begin to forge forward with resolutions, and you may find yourself impressed with … yourself! You truly can make major headway on resolutions, and may be quite pleased with how much you accomplish today. Here, horoscopes for all star signs for Tuesday, January 2.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
The sun and Neptune strengthen your intuition, specifically around career issues. You may have a sense of the way the wind is blowing at your office. Don’t wait for confirmation. Today is a great day to begin sending out feelers for new jobs or update your resume on LinkedIn.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
The moon in your communications sector seems to open up the world for you. Everything you ask for, you get, and you may have realized that the only thing holding you back from past opportunities was yourself. Learn from the lessons of today and make a pledge to ask for what you want in 2018.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
As Uranus turns direct, you may find things changing—especially in your social life—without you having to do very much. You’ve had five monhs of upward battles, and now, you’re coasting. Remember: Things could feel like this all the time. Maybe time to slough off toxic friends?
Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon in Cancer shines a light on your deep, empathetic, emotional, intuitive side. You may be tested today. A friend or family member may ask for something that seems to violate your boundaries. You need to speak up.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Uranus signals a major shift, but you may not be ready to deal with it just yet. Trust that it’s coming, and take note of any signs you see today. Things will become more clear next week. For now, don’t make waves.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Uranus brings some situations, habits, or behaviors out of hiding, and you finally have the motivation to deal with them. Stop putting off that project and just get it done. It may be a ridiculous aphorism, but remember: If you want to eat an elephant, start with one bite at a time. It’s time to eat the elephant.
Libra Daily Horoscope
You were expecting a battle when you went back to your everyday routines, but things are easier than you thought, Libra! You may have noticed today that the biggest obstacles you face are ones you set up for yourself. Check in with reality before getting caught in a what-if fantasy today.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
The moon in harmony with your sign gives you one of those blue sky days where everything just works. It’s an unexpected $5 in an old jacket pocket, meeting with an old friend, getting a compliment from your boss sort of situation, so make the most of it. The more generous you are, the more will be reflected back to you.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Thanks to retrograde Uranus, you may have felt like you were stuck in mud these past few months. Today, everything seems to move effortlessly. But it’s not effortless. It’s because you’ve put in the work. In any case, obstacles are over, so enjoy the even-keeled road ahead.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Uranus is helping you finally put ideas into action, and may even nudge you a bit today, vis a vis a random encounter with a friend or acquaintance who may be able to help you get a new job or get your idea off the ground. Open up, explore, and have conversations today!
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Uranus is your ruler, so you feel the shift to direct motion more than most. It may feel like a dam has burst, and things finally work. Enjoy. But also know that conflicts will come up in the future, and the lessons you learned from these past few months can help you learn how best to handle them.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
A Cancer moon brings up some latent emotions, and these can galvanize you to finally make a change. Remember: You control your reaction to events. If you’ve been playing the victim, time to try a new tack.
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Read yesterday’s horoscope here.
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