Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 11

By Horoscope.com

On January 11, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 11

Mercury enters Capricorn from today until the end of the month. This is a get sh*t done aspect, a time to sign contracts and commit to new endeavors, to clean up your bank account and clean out your wallet. Capricorn rewards diligence; Mercury rewards action. Begin chipping away at your to-do list and all signs will see some pretty amazing things begin to happen. The key is consistency. Go to the gym every day for half an hour instead of twice a week for an hour. Spend five minutes cleaning your desktop (virtual or IRL) instead of letting clutter pile up. Put in the work and Mercury and Capricorn will reward you. This is a time when daydreams can be set aside to roll up your sleeves and begin to dig in. Here, your horoscope for all star signs for Thursday, January 11. 

Aries Daily Horoscope
Mercury gives you a push at work, and it may feel like quite a jolt. Mercury rewards ambition, and may set up challenges or obstacles in your way. Your boss might be playing you against a colleague, or you may feel yourself constantly rising to the challenge of trying to please an impossible to please client. Dig in, grit your teeth, and go for it—Mercury rewards hard work, and the more you rise to the challenge, the more you’ll be rewarded. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
The moon is still in your partnership sector, and you may be feeling pretty damn lovey-dovey, and pretty damn lucky. If you’re attached, know that a storm has recently passed, and you and your partner feel more deeply anchored than you may have a month from now. Single? Take things at face value. Sometimes, things truly are as good as they seem. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Mercury asks you to pick up the pace. Your mind is moving at lightning quick speed, and you’re “getting” things in a way that feels natural. You’re learning a lot, making connections, and feeling deeply intuitive. All great things, Gemini. Continue to lean into learning. Spend downtime reading; scrolling through a book on your phone is so much rewarding than five minutes on social media. The more you put in, the more you’ll get out. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Mercury is transiting your partnership sector, and now’s the time to deepen, strengthen, or start a relationship. You may need to be a bit more forthright than you’ve been in the past, and making the first move isn’t out of the question. It’s time to act “as if,” and if you have a role model who inspires you, it may be smart to do what you think they would do if they were in your shoes. You’re not being inauthentic, you’re shifting perspective. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
You are the decision maker for your family, and Mercury may put the pressure on a decision or situation that needs to be solved by the end of the month. Action is rewarded. It’s time to stop weighing pros and cons and dive in, especially in a matter related to your family or home, such as deciding where to live. This month is going to be stressful, but remember: You can either deal with the stress now or later. Don’t procrastinate. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Your feelings are all over the place today, and your first instinct may be to cast them to the side. Don’t. They’ll only emerge more intensely. This week is the week to unpack your feelings, have some difficult conversations with friends, a partner, or even yourself, and find the path that makes you happy. Bringing up difficult conversations has to happen to move forward—why wait? 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Libra, what are you waiting for? You have so many big, bold plans, but they usually end up in your imagination, where you’re waiting for “later.” Well, guess what? Later is now. The moon in your resources sector is committed to helping you, and today can be an excellent day for financial and professional advancement, but you’ve got to at least act like you care. Forget about being neutral. Show and go after what you want! 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Mercury connects the dots for you today, and today—and the rest of the month—could be an ideal time to network. It’s the type of aspect where you may meet the love of your life at a work function or find an amazing potential hire at a happy hour. Mercury is breaking down barriers in your life, and the more connections you make between people and places, the happier you’ll be.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may have had a setback this week, and may be feeling a bit “why me” with something that happened in your personal or professional life. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward into the future. Who knows why it happened? But the woe is me act is only holding you back. It’s a good day to make and follow an action plan. No one will do it for you. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Woah, Caps! With Mercury in your sign, you can’t go wrong! Mercury is asking you to dig deep and all it asks in return is for you to show up. Be bold. Communicate. Send the scary email. Take a risk. For the next three weeks, bold moves will be returned in abundance. Think big, talk bigger. This can be a golden few weeks for you, Caps! 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Today and the rest of the month are all about reflection. While Mercury encourages other signs to go, Mercury is giving you a bit of a reprieve, asking you to take stock of your past year, noting what worked and where you could have dug a little deeper, pushed a little harder, or taken a different road. Reflection with compassion—not judgment—is key. Be kind and forgive yourself. A yoga or meditation routine could be especially helpful in the upcoming weeks, Aquarius. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
The sun and Venus are circling in your social sector, and it’s a day to expand your social horizons. Just say yes! You sometimes hold off, waiting to be sure someone’s your type, but this is the day (and week) to get out of your comfort zone. You’ve become too comfortable in who your type is—what if you changed up the script and experimented a bit?

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