Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 10

By Horoscope.com

On March 10, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 10

A Capricorn moon gives all signs a busy, purposeful sense to the day. Today is a good day to actually get projects done, make plans, and feel busy, productive, and really enjoy every second of the weekend. But be aware: A Mercury-Saturn square could lead to some disagreements or tension later in the evening. Don’t let this situation spoil your night. If things get tense, leave and find something else to do. You have a jampacked itinerary anyway, so it shouldn’t be hard. You control your destiny! Here, horoscopes for all Zodiac signs for Saturday, March 10. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Mars and Uranus ensure this isn’t a boring day. It’s a day to try new things, branch out, and splash out in a big way. You may be feeling some upcoming anticipation before your birthday, consider today a preview and go out, enjoy, and celebrate, Rams! 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
There are big things on the horizon, but fun plans popping up today. What do you do? You need to have enough time and space to reflect, and it could be smart to not automatically say yes to plans, even if your schedule is technically free. Giving yourself some time and space today is important. Yoga class, anyone? 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
It’s a Saturday, but you are under pressure to perform. Remember: Your social life will still be there next week. Turning down invites to get things done can be beneficial, but don’t deprive yourself. Having a fun activity to look forward to in the evening can motivate you all day long. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
This is a tricky weekend, with a lot of people competing for your time, attention, and resources. What do you do? You put yourself first, for one. You also may be so ready for something new that you say yes to a plan without thinking longterm ramifications. Some checking in with yourself is smart.

Leo Daily Horoscope
The moon pushes you to take your downtime seriously. Weirdly, the more you schedule your weekend, the more relaxed you may feel. Pack it full of plans, and enjoy being a social butterfly. Today is a great day to see as many friends — and “friends” — as possible.

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Your home needs attention, Virgo. Doing some home improvements can make a big difference in your health and happiness levels. Cleaning, decluttering, and considering any decor shifts can manifest in making you feel a lot more comfortable on a day to day basis. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Today is a good day to listen to others. You have an agenda and are pulled in many different directions, but people may think you’re flighty or not listening to what they have to say. When you listen, not only are you showing friends you value them, but you also may get some intel or insight on a problem in your own life. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today may be a day to splurge. You don’t need an excuse, and you don’t need to feel guilty. You’ve been working hard, and if you have your eye on something, you should get it. Of course, don’t spend beyond your means, but treat yourself like you’re worth it—because you are! 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
The sun and Pluto shining in your values sector urge you to do more than just talk, and actively engage or volunteer with something that is important to you. You may feel a lot better being able to turn talk into action. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Pay attention to your dreams—your intuition is on point and may be saying something you can’t, or won’t, see in your life just yet. You may have to push some practical considerations to the side, but following your dreams isn’t the worst. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Uranus, your guide planet, urges you to pay attention to coincidences, they may be giving you a pretty strong message. Today is a good day to act on intuition, don’t overplan, and leave things to chance. Feel like leaving a bar to go somewhere down the street? That place might be where the magic happens, so follow urges like that. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You may need outside perspective, and while it may feel like you’re repeating yourself, talking through an issue with a few different groups of people can help shed light on the next steps you need to take. People want to hear what you have to say! 

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