Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 8

A Libra quarter moon demands balance for all signs. Venus conjuncts the sun to support this, but an aspect between Venus and Pluto can also fan the flames of desire. It’s the type of day where a last minute date may come up—yes, even on a Monday night—and you have to weigh the pros and cons of going out late on a Monday evening or hunkering down and finishing up work. There isn’t a wrong decision! Today is about trusting your inner voice for all signs, and all signs would do well to think before they speak or act, and think longterm ramifications of their actions. Something might feel good in the moment, but will it feel good a week from now? That’s the litmus test question to ask yourself today. Here, your daily horoscope for all star signs for Monday, January 8.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Venus encourages grand gestures today. Today is a day to make a big move, a bold move, or an extra romantic move. Think flowers, think reservations, and think putting your partner on a pedestal. Single? It’s time to play for keeps and take a risk. You sometimes play aloof and expect things to just work out in romance, but today is a day to work your charm to the max.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
All work and no play, Bulls? Oof. Today is a day to shore up your week with some fun plans. Maybe the weather has been dragging you down or maybe you have the January blues, but you don’t need to punish yourself. If your calendar seems bare of fun activities, now’s the time to add some stuff to the schedule. It doesn’t have to be over the top, even a lunch with a friend will do wonders for your mood, and your soul.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
It’s all about the money, Gemini. Today is a day to do some organizing of past financial decisions, either to get your papers in order for the 2018 tax season or to make good on your New Year’s Resolutions. You may find that a lot of people ask and respect your advice and opinions—it could be something you could charge for. Think about ways to amplify a side hustle; tuning into the law of abundance today is smart.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Love has been an intense rollercoaster, ever since January 1. You know that things can’t continue the way they are; the intense highs don’t justify the stressful AF lows. Today (and this week), Venus wants you to get on a more even keel with your partner or newish date. And it’sall about communication, Cancer. It’s time to shove aside the games and actually say what you want. How revolutionary is that?
Leo Daily Horoscope
Leo, you’re back after a brief period of hibernation! Love is in focus today, and you may find things becoming quite serious, or may be making a serious step with your partner. The key today (as always!) is to make sure you both have an equal voice in any decision—if you’ve been doing most of the talking, today is a day to quiet down and listen to what your partner has to say.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You need balance, Virgo. You may have overindulged over the holidays, and are still nursing an emotional holiday hangover. Today is time to let go of the holiday you imagined you’d have, forgive any grudges that may have come up, and move confidently forward into 2018. Focusing on a new goal or plan—especially a physical fitness goal—could be optimal today.
Libra Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your sign, you’re feeling an extra obligation to get your life on track. Bring on the bullet journal! But beware of trying so hard for things to “look” organized that you get caught up in how your system looks to outsiders, rather than how it feels to you. Who cares if you’re a person who lives by writing messy Post-its? You do you! But definitely figure out a system, because you’re losing too many opportunities with the current one you have.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today is a day to recalibrate after an exceptional weekend. You may have some emotions that are overflowing into this week, and it’s important to acknowledge and process them. Ignoring them won’t work. A yoga class, a cry sesh, or even just awareness that your emotion is coursing around you, and it’s good and healthy and real, is essential for the day.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Sags, keep your head up. You may find yourself trapped in gossip, hearing some thirdhand information about yourself. Try not to get caught up in the who said what. There may be a grain of truth in whatever’s being said, but far more important is how and why you’re so affected by it. That knowledge gives you the intel you need.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Today is a day to get back on track after a whirlwind and uncharacteristically spontaneous week. You have more people in your social sector, and more possibilities in your romantic life, than you did a week ago, but you may need some time to process everything. Spending some solo time today or making sure to tune in to yourself can help you figure out what you really want and why you really want it.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Today can be a frustrating day, Aquarius, as you may feel a little off track or on a different page than the people you’re spending time with. Things will sort themselves out toward the middle of the week, but today is a good day to let go of your agenda a little bit and really communicate with the people in your life. Getting back on the same page starts with a conversation.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Your imagination is soaring today, and you’re seeing longterm possibilities. You may be thinking of a big project or trip to undertake during the summer. Go with it. Now’s a good time as any to get a head start on planning, and thinking in the future can help boost your mood, which may have flagged these last couple days. Chase the sun, Pisces!
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Art by Maria the Witch. Find her work on Society6.
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