Daily Horoscope for Monday January 29

With an upcoming lunar eclipse stirring up emotions across signs, this week is poised to be a turbulent one. But with the moon in sensitive Cancer today, it’s a great day to shore yourself up by performing self-care and maximizing your own emotions and needs. You may feel a sense of “the calm before the storm” this week. But don’t panic before situations happen. Just let things unfold, keep your friends close, and make sure you have plenty of downtime to regroup and allow yourself to feel your emotions this week. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Monday, January 29.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
You’re usually in the driver’s seat, but today is a good day to chill out, kick back, and take the backseat. Your mind feels fuzzy, almost dreamy today. Usually, you feel razor sharp, but the good news about your state of mind is it allows you the opportunities to make connections and connect the dots in ways you might not have in the past. Let your mind wander, and focus on creative tasks rather than just to-do list stuff. The more you can allow yourself to play, the more successful the day will be.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Your emotions are running at full-tilt today, and you may feel an overwhelming sense of injustice, both for personal circumstances and situations as well as global issues. You may feel helpless. The best way to augment these feelings is to do something. Charity can be a good place to turn to—helping others can help make you feel more like you can make a difference. And sharing your concerns can help make you realize that you’re not alone—open up, give, and let the universe enter into your confusion and uncertainty.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
You’re daydreaming a lot today, Gemini. The upside of this mindset is you’re seeing possibilities and connections you may not have seen previously. You’re on the precipice of a major change, and you’re ready to make the next leap. Today is a day to see patterns—what are you going toward? What is holding you back? Observing some of these things can help you figure out what your next steps are. Today is a great day to make a fresh start.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sign makes you almost psychic. You’re feeling a lot of other people’s emotional drama, and it can suck you in if you’re not careful. Today is a day where self-care is critical. If you do get pulled into deep conversations, it’s incredibly important to set up boundaries. You are not expected to be anyone’s savior. You can help people without losing yourself in the process. Watch your own back, Cancer—your shell is not as strong as you think it is today.
Leo Daily Horoscope
As Venus opposes the North Node in your sign, things are confusing AF. Today is a day to cross i’s, dot t’s, and make absolutely sure you’re on track. Conversations can be confusing today, and you may find that your actions are being judged by someone. Don’t necessarily leap into the defensive position. Today isn’t a day of action. Today is a day to stay in your lane, look after yourself, and know that you’ll be in a much better position and have a greater perspective later in the week.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You had a tough weekend, and the moon in your friendship sector encourages you to reach out. There may be a needling issue that you need to unpack and discuss. Do so, but beware of crossing the line into gossip. Diplomacy is everything today. People who you may not expect are listening—look behind you before you spill!
Libra Daily Horoscope
You can sometimes be your own worst enemy, Libra, and that’s especially true today. The moon in your career sector is pushing you to be bigger, bolder, louder. Pluto, however, is suggesting you turn inward, wait a while, do more research. The answer: When in doubt, make the bold move. It’s important to triple-check your work today, but the bold move will be rewarded. Go for it!
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re always striving, Scorpio, but today, the universe may be urging you to relax, take a step back, and rest on your laurels. Try to move past this urge. You may need to really push yourself out of your comfort zone, but making the hard choice is worth it. Luckily, the moon in your adventure sector lights a fire under your ass, however, you may be tempted to sit back and chill by friends or family members. It’s okay to be the lone wolf today.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may be tempted to take the easy way out today, especially when it comes to someone else’s feelings. Resist the urge to lie. You may need to have an uncomfortable conversation. Empathize with the other person, but stick to the truth. It’s not your responsibility to protect other people’s feelings.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
An angle between Mercury and Neptune can lead to some confusion, especially when it comes to relaying the wishes or directions of another person. Whenever possible, avoid playing the middleman today. Today is a good day to be especially mindful of your posessions and money—keeping track of exactly where your money is and any bills you have due is important. Don’t allow paperwork to fall through the cracks this week.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Money can be tricky today, Aquarians! Avoid any big purchases and wait until later in the week, if possible, to sign any contracts or documents. Today is a good day for standing back and observing. The pieces will all come together, and you’ll know when it’s the right time to make a move. Today is not a day for action.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
You’ve been in an emotional rollercoaster these past few days. Today, though, a Venus-South Node connection cranks up your playful side. You may feel like today is the reward for a lot of hard work in the past. Go with the flow! Enjoy. You’ve earned it.
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