Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 19

Whether or not you’re working today, it’s a good day, where all signs feel like they’re firing on all cylinders. A collection of planetary aspects add a sense of purpose and busy-ness to the day, but busy doesn’t feel overwhelming or constraining. All signs may feel excited about new opportunities, as Mars and the North Node trine. In addition, an Aries moon adds a sense of urgency to the day, where you stop putting things off and get them done. Today can also be pretty magic in a social sense, too, with a Venus-Pallas sextile giving our connections an extra boost. Here, what all signs can expect on Monday, February 19.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Your intuition is cranking up, and as Mars moves away from dreamy Neptune, you may feel more ready to do something now, instead of “someday.” You tend to react according to your rational side, but today, your heart may lead the way. Let it.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
You may get into conflict with others today, and it may be due to things that happened in the past. Before you react, try to empathize, and try to see the situation from their perspective. You may not be at fault, but realizing where you may have inadvertently contributed to the situation can help mitigate it.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Five planets circulating in the water element of your chart may make you feel more emotional than usual, while Saturn in your chart may be piling responsibilities and tasks upon you. In short, you’re overwhelmed! Talking out the issue can be helpful; so can earmarking time to socialize. For you, socialization can help refuel you. You can’t work 24 hours a day.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Mars urges you to think outside your same-old routine, and you may be playing some games of “what if.” You’re not as stuck in your life and routine as you think you may be, and expanding your horizons as far as possible—whether it’s researching higher education, a long trip, or a new skill or job—is exactly what you need today. Spending time imagining is not time wasted.
Leo Daily Horoscope
A tie between Mars and the moon encourages you to look ahead. You’ve been mired in some daily drama, and have had a lot of small fires to put out in both your work and personal life, which can make it tough to begin to think farther ahead. But thinking about where you want to be a year from now is important. Also important: Taking the steps to begin to get there.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’ve been dealing with other people’s drama, and it’s important you put a stop to it before it begins affecting your work or mood. You may have gotten roped into a situation that has nothing to do with you. You know the phrase, “not my circus, not my monkeys?’ Learn it. You may find it easier to wash your hands of whatever is going on and move on.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to focus on your health, Libra. Make a doctor’s appointment, try the gym, or take a yoga class. It also might be smart to think about your eating habits. When you’re overwhelmed, your health takes a nose dive. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends, and now is the day (and weeks ahead) to take care of your body. After all, you’ve only got one!
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
As Mars moves through your money zone, you’re considering investments and longterm strategies, and may be making some big and bold money moves. It’s important to make sure that you’re handling these monetary decisions with the rational part of your brain. Don’t let your oversize passion get mixed up in your finances.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Venus and Neptune light up your home zone, and you may be dying to redecorate or do a larger scale renovation. Why not? It may pay to invest in your home. After all, you can’t be on vacation all the time. The more home feels like your anchor, the more settled you’ll feel no matter where you are in the world.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Your communication sector is lit up, and the planets and stars are telling you to stop playing things so close to the chest. People around you have valuable opinions and connections, and sharing your own experiences, concerns, and questions can only help you get the info you need. Open up! What can you lose?
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Saturn and Pluto advise you to look to the past to step toward your future. You may be feeling stuck, but you may not be stuck so much as tied to things you did before. Seeing what is holding you back can help you move forward. Today, get out of your routine. The more you stop doing the same old things, the better position you’ll be to try something new.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Jupiter urges you to step out of your comfort zone and be bright and bold. Pack your calendar this week—the more you have on your plate, the better position you’ll be in. While you like to reserve your energy, today is a day when you’re fueled by being busy. It’s a glittering day for your social life, too, so make plans to go out!
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