Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 9

By Horoscope.com

On February 9, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 9

A semi-square between Saturn and the sun can create some unexpected drama this AM, seriously interfering with #Fridayvibes. However, the Saggitarius spirit of the moon can help you shake off any drama and go into the weekend like a champion. Today is a day when you feel stronger when you rely on, and confide in, others. Become a part of a team and reap the rewards. Here, your daily horoscope for all star signs for February 9. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Your social life gets a boost, but you’ve gotta think longterm. It’s okay to be a bit pragmatic: What’s your end game? Knowing what you want—is it to meet a significant other, is it to align with others in a different social circle than the one you’re in, is it to be happier and have more fun—can help you feel more purposeful and not get lost going from happy hour to happy hour.  

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Mars pushes you to be brave, bold, and take a step beyond your comfort zone. This may be in your personal life, and this may require you to make the first move, or put yourself out on a limb. You can do it. Today is the best day, so stop pushing things off until tomorrow. Today is your tomorrow. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope     
Your confidence and enthusiasm rubs off on everyone. You’re the point person for plans this weekend, so go big! Chances are, everyone will be on board with what you’re proposing, and planning something memorable will pay off in a big way. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Next week’s solar eclipse is going to have an exceptional effect on you, and you may already be feeling the stirrings, both in feeling more emotional and in tune with those around you. The more you partner with your emotions—even the unpleasant or scary ones—the better it is for you.

Leo Daily Horoscope
Relationship issues take front and center, Lions, and you may have to give more than you usually do in relationships, or be the person who may be a little more vulnerable. Venus moving toward Pisces makes you feel sentimental and emotional—two unusual feelings for you. Revel in them. Learn from them. Follow them. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
The moon aligns with Mars, and you may be feeling frustrated and prone to rash decisions, especially when it comes to spending money. Hold yourself back. You can accomplish a lot more with some patience and a dose of reality. It also may be good to outsource, instead of putting too many expectations and tasks on your shoulders. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
As your guide planet, Venus, begins its shift in Pisces, you may feel a shift in your friendships, or find one friendship is far more important to you than you may have initially given it credit for. Could it be time to take a step back? Only you can tell, but an intense friendship that leave you feeling on edge or confused may not be the connection you need. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
A tie between the moon and Mars tells you to treat yourself. You’ve been careful about money, and you may feel like self-care is self indulgent, but it couldn’t be anything less, especially today. It’s okay to splurge a bit because it makes you feel good, and you may need a little bit of retail therapy. If you’ve been eyeing something for awhile, now’s the time to buy it. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Messenger planet Mercury urges you to think of the conversations you’ve had in the past, as one may hold a significant key to an issue you’ve been grappling with in the present. It’s okay to reach back out to an old contact, and today might be a prime day to restart a conversation. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Neptune may be muddling the message, and you may be acting without getting the full picture or relying on gossip in order to move forward. It’s time to actually figure out what facts you have, and focus and step forward with those in mind. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
The moon in your social sector encourages you to play! Don’t overthink. Live in the moment, say yes to what sounds good, and see this weekend as a great time to really celebrate the levity in your life, which may have been missing these past few weeks. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Venus is about to move into your sign, and life is about to get a whole lot brighter. You know the phrase, rose-colored glasses? Get ready for that to be your life. With Venus in your sign, life is sexier, more luxurious, and a whole lot more sensual. Take it slow, minimize your use of electronics, and enjoy every single moment. 

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