Crystals Make Dreams Come True. But Not in the Way You'd Think


On March 27, 2018

In Date, Life, Success

Crystals Make Dreams Come True. But Not in the Way You'd Think

Crystals are powerful manifestation tools, and although certain crystals have certain powers and attributes, the ways crystals interact with the mind, heart, and soul vary from person to person. Here, writer Sasha Brown-Worsham shares her sometimes rocky relationship with crystals, and how she embraced them as an adult. — editors

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My mother used to bring me crystals from all her trips. A small turquoise inside an obsidian bowl from a trip to Taos. A bit of desert rose selenite from a trip to Peru. A citrine she found on the ground while she was walking near La Jolla. These small bits of rock and sparkle went into little boxes on my bookshelf and bowls by my bedside. I slipped them into my pockets and my wallet and ducked into metaphysical book stores to see what each bit of Earth could do for me.

But I never felt anything. I never thought they could be the key to helping me manifest all the good things in my life. It would take me years and multiple trainings in yoga, Reiki, sound healing, and finally, in crystal manifestation to finally realize the power held in these beautiful and varied gems.

“This one reminds me of you,” my mother told me, handing me a turquoise Eagle fetish, she’d bought outside of Santa Fe. It was beautiful with a small arrow made of Carnelian for motivation and endurance on its back. I put the eagle in a little bowl and fed it pinches of flour each day. I was manifesting strength. I was manifesting fire.

After my mother’s death, I put the crystals in the same jewelry boxes that held her rings and bracelets and dangly earrings made of Native beads. I had never felt the power of the crystals the way she had anyway. But it seemed wrong to throw them away.

I didn’t find them again until I decided to become a yoga teacher.

All the yoga teachers in the studio where I practice and teach bring their collections of crystals every time they come to class. They line them up at the front of the mats. Clear quartz for clarity of mind. Green Adventurine for cash flow. Amethyst to tap into the third eye and find what’s being sought.

The idea is simple. We all have a vibration. When we want something, we send that desire into the universe. When we state it out loud, it moves a little faster. When we pursue it, it moves even faster. What we want starts seeking us in return. These crystals, each one with their specific power, helps raise our vibration even higher and power that desire to go even stronger. Quartz crystals are used to power everything from our cell phones to our watched for the same reason. They conduct the energy and help to increase the power of our thoughts and dreams and wishes.

But crystals don’t work if you don’t use them. I’d palmed smooth rocks for years and help them to help me calm down. But I’d never known the specific uses for each crystal. I’d never practiced cleaning my crystals and charging them with Reiki or under the moon. All of that came to me later, when I was ready.

People who study crystals report losing them frequently, almost as frequently as they report finding them. Crystals find us whether we are ready or not. They will seek the person who needs them most. And so I found myself in a crystal store, paying for a workshop on manifesting.

The workshop was a simple series of meditations and discussion around crystal grids, a powerful way of setting intentions using stones that vibrate at different frequencies and once center stone that pulls it all together. As I sat in the store, a spiritual teacher came to mind.

“I owe her a call. I really want to sign up for her next workshop.” Until that day, her workshops had been full. I left the crystal workshop feeling content. Within five hours my teacher called me.

“There is a drop out. You can take her place in my Monday workshop.”

I came back to yoga because my mother was a teacher. I came back to crystals because I came back to yoga. Watching these women on their mats with their crystals, I wondered. I started carrying a moonstone to call on the feminine energy that brings answers. And when I asked, I received. I was invited to a class on manifesting with crystals. The class has turned into book after book and class after class. And when I manifest, that which I seek always ends up seeking me back.

I set up a crystal grid to sell my home. Within a week, we had an offer. I have used crystals to help sort out relationship issues and to get things I want in my life. My husband and I wanted to move abroad and I set up a grid to help push us in that direction. Now we are leaving. It’s not that crystals make your dreams come true. It’s more like an equation:

Wishes Intention Energy Crystals = Magic.

Different crystals have different vibes, but the most important piece is not which specific crystal you use, but how it makes you feel. A crystal meant for me will almost vibrate in my hand. I feel a tingle that travels from wrist to shoulder, I breathe a little deeper, my heart beats a little faster. Then I know this is the crystal I need to help me on my path.

Crystals aren’t magic alone. But they help amplify the energy and passion we already have for the things we want. They make our desires louder and clearer. And they work if you let them. — Sasha Brown-Worsham 

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Sasha Brown-Worsham is a writer and editor and yoga teacher whose work has been featured in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Boston Globe, and countless other publications. She was the lifestyle editor at both Cafe Mom and She Knows Media for many years and was also a staff writer at both publications. Find her on Instagram. 

Want to Add Crystals to Your Life? Start Here: 
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