The Best Self-Care Routine for Every Zodiac Sign

By Amanda Lauren

On March 17, 2021

In Astrology, Wellness

The Best Self-Care Routine for Every Zodiac Sign

Having a self-care routine for when things get tough is vital to maintaining a positive state of mind and well being. It is truly essential to take time out and focus on yourself (especially if Mercury is retrograde!).

But remember: Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be complicated; it just has to be personal. Your self-care activity should be one that you’re naturally drawn to or will help create balance in your life. Every sign benefits from different treatments, rituals, and processes. Don’t fret, though, we’ve done the hard work for you. Simply scroll through this list to find the perfect self-care routine your sign needs.

Aries — Spin Class

Passionate Aries thrives on competition so you naturally excel in a group fitness class like spin—especially with a leaderboard like FlyWheel or Peloton, Orange Theory or even CrossFit. Sweating it out and releasing endorphins won’t just help you physically, it’ll also help you release stress from work or other areas of your life.

Taurus — Sound Bath

We know you work hard Taurus, but also know you enjoy the fruits of your labors and like being aware and in touch with your body. A reiki treatment, a sound bath, a psychic reading, or a massage is exactly what you need to relax your stubborn muscles and clear your mind.

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Gemini — HIIT Class

Gemini loves to move quickly and try lots of different things. This is exactly why taking a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class is perfect for you. The variety of exercises and rapid changes are challenging but exhilarating for you.

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Cancer — Meditation

Emotional and intuitive, Cancer loves easily and connects deeply to spiritual practices. Try metta meditation, which is all about giving love out to the world. Even just ten minutes of meditation each morning can start the day off right for you. If you want to get connected to your spiritual side, and your ruling planet (the moon), get a natal moon report to find out how the moon affects your moods. For an extra special touch, you can try making moon water to use in meditation and manifestation rituals.

Leo — A Quick Nap

The consummate fire sign, Leo is a hardworking leader, but even the loudest lion has a finite amount of energy. Your self-care routine can be as simple as taking a short nap. Because the upper back and spine rule Leo, it’s best to keep your body supported on a comfortable mattress—skip the sofa even for short siestas.

Virgo — DIY Project

Virgo loves home organization and decor. So a fun DIY project, such as refinishing an antique chair and then painting it will feel naturally relaxing to you. The mindfulness of crafting will be as rewarding as the end product itself.

sewing machine

Courtesy of Twenty20

Libra — Hot Yoga

A hot vinyasa flow class is perfect for Libra. As a sign that not only likes to sweat but also feels inclined towards routine, this type of yoga will bring peace and balance.

Scorpio — Talk Therapy

Scorpios can have trouble expressing their emotions—or perhaps, they are simply more guarded than other signs. Invest in talk therapy for the ultimate in self-care. Taking an hour each week to meet with someone you trust can be an emotional game changer.

Sagittarius — Reading

Sagittarius is independent and loves to expand their minds. Take some time daily to do something simple like read a book. Because Sagittarius people tend to be big dreamers, you’ll find loads of inspiration from reading memoirs and non-fiction books, such as J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy or Michelle Obama’s Becoming. A Sagittarius will love learning about different perspectives, expanding their minds.


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Capricorn — Hiking

Extremely ambitious, Capricorn does what it takes to get the job done. However, you can overwork yourself. Take some much needed “me time” by going for a hike. It will give you both the break you need and the sense of accomplishment you crave.

Aquarius — Facial Treatments

Known as the “water bearer,” it’s no surprise that Aquarius can rejuvenate from a luxurious facial treatment or nice bath. (Using Herbivore Botanical’s exfoliating serum is a great start!) Epsom salts or any mineral salt will help you clear your energy fields. Add some essential oils such as lavender for added relaxation.

herbivore prism

Courtesy of Amazon

Pisces —Pedicures & Foot Massages

Since Pisces rules the feet, taking time for regular pedicures must be a guilt-free indulgence. In between treatments, this sign can give themselves a daily treat by massaging their own feet with their favorite lotion or cream.



Lead photo courtesy of Twenty20

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