April Monthly Lovescope: The Universe Turns up the Heat. How Will Your Love Respond?

By Virginia Mason

On April 1, 2018

In Aspect, Horoscope, Sex

April Monthly Lovescope: The Universe Turns up the Heat. How Will Your Love Respond?

Aries energy and Mercury retrograde rule the first half of the month. It’s time to evaluate the role fire plays in your life. Fire is your creative energy, your passions, your lust, your ability to make things happen. It can fuel you and take you far, but it can also burn like wildfire and take you out.

From April 1 to April 15, let go of any passionate expression that burns you. Those habits you just can’t seem to break? Break them. Channel your passion and energy into people and partnerships that give you stability. With Venus in Taurus and Mars in Capricorn, you need a solid foundation. One that you can plant both feet on before bending your knees, reaching your arms toward the sky, and soaring.

The Aries new moon on April 15 conjuncts the sun and Uranus. It will free you from all of the bullshit that’s still holding you back and help you tune into your true self. This is also the same day that Mercury goes direct. You’ll move full steam ahead from here with increased clarity and greater self love. This will help you shine. This will help you be seen and appreciated—not just by your love interest but by society as a whole. Klio, the fame asteroid, is giving you a boost on this new moon.

Post-retrograde, we’re all rewarded with some sensual, committed loving on April 16 and 17. This love and passion is so grounded it’s actually more like lava than fireworks. And this is what you need. Love is never completely solid. You can never fully pin it down, but some love is far more stable than others. Some lovers stick around and always have your back and help you feel connected to this Earth so you want to stay here and save it. The sun moves into Taurus, grounding you yet again, on April 19.

All of this leads into Pluto turning retrograde and conjuncting Mars in Capricorn on Earth Day on April 22. It’s time to transform how we approach the material world and our environment, and this includes how you treat your body, money, and sex.
Venus moves out of Taurus and into Gemini on April 24. This inspires the need to be flexible and open-minded in love and life, and it may also inspire more than a few breaks ups!

And a Scorpio full moon on April 29 closes the month by forcing us to face the truth of how we’ve been relating to the material world.

By the end of the month, you’ll be moving forward in life from a grounded place and with an expanded awareness of who you are and what you want.

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Aries Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: It’s Aries season! For your birthday, you’ll be given the gift of greater self-awareness. You’ll learn to use your Aries energy for constructive creation and say goodbye to destructive habits. You’ll likely experience some friction in relationships as you find your way, but by April 15, you just may feel like a whole new person and an even better version of yourself!

This Month’s Mystery: How do you find grounding? What does that even mean? Well, it means literally feeling connected to the earth, anchored, and making choices that honor earthly demands (like food and shelter). There’s a lot happening in the earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus that will challenge you to answer these questions. So answer the call and find your footing. This is how you’ll find long-term love.
This Month’s Mantra: I am in control of my destiny. I can take my time.

Passion Prediction:                                  
Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Venus in Taurus! It’s your month for love, for settling down, for uncovering a new meaning in the phrase “self worth,” and for passionate love-making. Don’t settle. Don’t compromise. You are worth everything you want.
This Month’s Mystery: While love flourishes, it may distract you from your true purpose and work. Your luck is generally stifled by focusing on practical concerns. Jupiter in Scorpio asks you not to forget your spirit and how it’s connected to everyone else’s.
This Month’s Mantra: Every day, I’m planting seeds of love to grow.

Passion Prediction:                            
Gemini Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic:On April 24, Venus enters Gemini. Everything this month is preparing you for this season of Gemini love. This is when love will feel how you want it to feel – how you imagine it could feel! Take care of your practical concerns early in the month so you’re free to enjoy more love at the end.
This Month’s Mystery: Mercury in Aries squares Mars. It’s hard to focus on what you need to focus on. Your to do list sits in a shadowy corner of your mind. Play distracts you, but for most of the month, if you want love, you’re actually going to have to learn to buckle down and take care of these things.  
This Month’s Mantra: I don’t have to overextend myself for love. 

Passion Prediction:                       
Cancer Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Aries challenges you to find your fire and embrace your shadow. Anger, fear, irritability, grief – all the parts of you are welcome now – and as you accept them, so will those around you. Don’t bite your tongue. Let your Self flow freely. Light & dark.

This Month’s Mystery: Pluto conjuncts Mars in Capricorn. You’re likely to feel anxious about your ambitions and pushed to do more than you’re ready for or even should ever do (especially when it comes to partnership). Life is not a competition. Stay true to what feels right for you.
This Month’s Mantra: I release my desire to control and perfect my life. 

Passion Prediction:    
Leo Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: The sun moves into Taurus on April 19. This grounds you and frees you to accomplish your goals AND get your love and sex life going. This is also a great time to attract money. Decide what you want to manifest on the Aries new moon April 15.

This Month’s Mystery: Prior to that, the Aries Sun feels stifled by Saturn and Mars. It’s like you’re trying to get somewhere and you just can’t get there as quickly as you want. This goes for everything you try to do – from work to sex. The trick here is grounding. Get yourself settled into your home and find a sense of security where you can, from there, you’ll go far.
This Month’s Mantra: Slow down and let love in. 

Passion Prediction:                
Virgo Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Taurus bring all romance down to Earth, and that’s your comfort zone. Love and sex thrive. Put yourself out there, and enjoy sensual date nights at home.

This Month’s Mystery: It’s time to get back on your path! Mercury retrograde trines the karmic north node. You refocus and set your sights on what you really want – in love, in life, everywhere. But figuring out what that means will take a few weeks, and communication may be a disaster in the meantime.
This Month’s Mantra: It’s what’s inside that matters most. 

Passion Prediction:
Libra Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: V
enus in Taurus brings stability to love. Even while Aries rocks your mind, partnership feels within reach. Be a rock for those you love and only let in those who are a rock for you in return.
This Month’s Mystery: Aries is all about YOU, and you aren’t used to putting yourself first. Make choices as if no one else was ever going to see them, and there was no judgment anywhere. Whom would you choose to be with then?
This Month’s Mantra: I only have this life. I will make it count. 

Passion Prediction:  
Scorpio Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Your two ruling planets conjunct in Capricorn! The end of the month sends you soaring professionally and romantically – as long as you’re focused on long-term love. Ditch the toxic lovers who don’t offer you the stability that this season demands you find.

This Month’s Mystery: The Scorpio full moon challenges Taurus. How do you avoid addressing practical concerns? Practical may not be exciting and intense, but it’s often necessary. Build yourself a stable foundation – financially and in your relationships – in order to grow.
This Month’s Mantra: I’m ready to receive my abundance. 

Passion Prediction:   
Sagittarius Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Jupiter sextiles Mars in Capricorn. You can be sexually excited even in a committed relationship. This time, sex won’t grow stale. You won’t get bored. If you’re with someone now, they just may be the person who will stick.

This Month’s Mystery: The Aries new moon on April 15 tests your relationship. Will you make a break for it or will you stay? Can you assert your independence within a partnership? This time the answer is yes. But you’re going to have to figure that out for yourself.
This Month’s Mantra: I welcome my soul partner.  

Passion Prediction:      
Capricorn Monthly Love Horoscope 
This Month’s Magic: Mars and Venus breathe new life into romance. And romance isn’t all big gestures and white horses. It’s often found in the tiny, everyday details – like someone remembering your food allergies. See love in these details and the rest will come together.

This Month’s Mystery: Mars and Pluto in Capricorn bring big news! You may experience a major shift in your career or simply in how you see yourself. TBD. But whatever this is, it boosts your confidence, leaving you ready to get it on. No positions barred.
This Month’s Mantra:  Everything will work out. I’ve got this. 

Passion Prediction: 
Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope 
This Month’s Magic: The Aries new moon conjuncts Uranus! Expect an emotional reset that’s for the best. You feel free and ready to take on the world all on your own. There’s no need to stay with anyone who isn’t adding joy to your life.

This Month’s Mystery: Mars squares Uranus. Your sex life stagnates. You want passion, but you’re getting a boring routine. Spice it up or ditch it. This isn’t going to change unless you work to change it.
This Month’s Mantra: Dare to be different. 

Passion Prediction:         
Pisces  Monthly Love Horoscope 
This Month’s Magic: Chiron leaves your sign! Finally. It’s been there for eight years! You’ve done the long, hard healing work. You’ve learned a lot. Embrace the relief in tension and know that smoother sailing lies ahead. You did it!

This Month’s Mystery: Neptune sextiles Venus. Is your lover an earth sign? Because that earthy goodness is exactly what you need to embrace your spiritual powers. Get grounded. Remember you are of this earth. Wave goodbye to your nomad days and settle into a comforting routine…or person.
This Month’s Mantra: Life doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Passion Prediction: 

Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!

Read March’s love horoscope here. 

Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope. 

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