Your April Love & Sex Horoscope: The Feels Get Real

By Maressa Brown

On March 30, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope, Love

Your April Love & Sex Horoscope: The Feels Get Real

With spring flowers blooming, and rainy, cooler days mixing in with warmer, sunnier ones, April is brimming with new life and balance. Given how early spring makes us feel both excitable and centered all at once, it’s no wonder why it encompasses two weeks worth of fiery Aries season and another two of grounded Taurus season. That’s when spring fever starts to set in, as the feeling of possibility lies ahead and the days get longer, warmer, and brighter.

This year, April is filled with opportunities for new growth, self-reflection, and drive for balance, all of which can help relationships—new or existing—flourish.

Read This Now: How You Should Take Advantage of Aries Season, Based on Your Sign

Astrological ‘Love’ Dates to Watch For in April 2019

Courtesy of @adrisanlo_design

The month kicks off with a new moon in Aries on April 5, encouraging us to give into our impulses, be bold, dive in, and embrace a fresh start.

But by mid-April, emotions will start to get a little more intense. From April 17 to May 6, Mercury (planet of communication) travels through Aries, making it more difficult to hold back from saying exactly how you feel as soon as you feel it. At best, this might look like sending off flirty or risqué texts. At worst, it could mean spouting off harsh words that could wound a lover. Speaking first, thinking later is Aries’s forte, and it can lead to lasting conflicts stemming from careless language.

How’s your love life looking this year?

Later in the month, on April 19, the second full moon to fall in Libra (the first was on the Spring Equinox, March 20) nudges us to get our relationships in balance. With so many planets in Aries, the contrasting vibe of this peaceful full moon should stir up reflection around partnership and, perhaps, peacemaking. It may be time to put an end to an ongoing saga in order to land on solid ground.

While Venus (planet of love) makes its own trip through the sign of the Ram from April 20 to May 15, we’ll do well to lean into Aries’s playful, excitable nature, as opposed to its argumentative style in matters of the heart. As Venus enters Aries, the sun enters down-to-earth Taurus, which could amp up our thirst for sensuality for the next four weeks.

Any Retrogrades That Will Affect My Love Life? 

Relax, it’s not as bad as you think. Just as we recover from March’s Mercury retrograde, two of the outer planets will begin their retrogrades this month on April 10 and April 29luckily, these planets are abundance-bringing Jupiter and taskmaster Saturn, respectively. The Jupiter retrograde on April 10 will open up lucky possibilities for growth, while the Saturn retrograde on April 29 may bring back past opportunities. For the next several months, self-reflection is encouraged, especially around personal philosophies, values, achievement, and growth.

How will these grounding energies affect your relationship? You might want to take a time-out from a partnership in order to see a relationship in a new light.

Here’s what each sign can expect in matters of love and between the sheets this April. (If you know your rising sign, you’d do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Your Love Life in April 2019, Based on Your Sign

Courtesy of @eugenia_loli

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Around April 5, when the new moon is in your sign, you’ll have a big green light shining on your intentions and wildest dreams. Whether you’ve been fantasizing about your ideal match or getting out of your comfort zone in the bedroom, taking even a small step toward making those fantasies a reality can make for jaw-dropping results. Around April 20, the second full moon of the year in your seventh house of partnership provides a powerful reality check around an ongoing arrangement. Embrace your impulse to have a heart-to-heart, make significant changes, or even call it quits in order to reclaim a sense of balance and calm.

Read your full Aries love horoscope for 2019.

Read This Now: The Best Sex Positions for Aries

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

While your key planet Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from April 20 to May 15, you may find yourself spending solo time reflecting on your desires either within an existing partnership or your ultimate one. While you may not be ready to share what you’ve discovered just yet, you’ll do well to take note and allow yourself to feel empowered by better understanding your needs. That same day, the sun’s shift into your sign for the next four weeks has you craving more cuddling, kissing, and downtime with your S.O. Give into natural impulses that feed your heart and soul, and you won’t be sorry.

Read your full Taurus love horoscope for 2019.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Around April 19, you’ll ache to own that need for carefree, playful fun. Play hooky, rendezvous with a lover, or chat up a storm on dating apps. You’ll be surprised how the universe responds to your heart’s desire for connection. As if you needed even more of an excuse to plan those group dates or parties, Venus’ move through your eleventh house of friendship from April 20 to May 15 makes you a Gemini social butterfly on steroids. Enjoy picking and choosing between intimate time with your mate—or flirting with potential ones—and that laundry list of gatherings and events!

Read your full Gemini love horoscope for 2019.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

While the sun moves through Cancer’s eleventh house of friendship from April 20 to May 15, you’ll be spending even more time with your lover and/or inner circle, discussing your wildest dreams. These conversations have you feeling like that dream you’ve been envisioning might not be too far off at all. And from April 29 to September 18, Saturn’s retrograde through your seventh house of partnership has you reflecting on the big picture direction of your most intimate bonds. If you feel as though you’ve been missing out on this kind of connection, you’ll do well to devote headspace and energy toward the self-work that will invite it into your life.

Read your full Cancer love horoscope for 2019.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Around April 5 when the new moon is in your ninth house of adventure, you’ll do well to set an intention related to long-distance travel or otherwise broadening your horizons in a fresh way. Talking it through with your lover or a potential mate makes it even more real and offers an opportunity to bond over a shared goal. From April 10 to August 11, Jupiter’s retrograde through your fifth house of romance spurs you to do soul-searching around the ways you fulfill your cravings for fun and sex. If something doesn’t sit right with you, Leo, you’re more than up to the challenge of making significant change.

Read your full Leo love horoscope for 2019.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Around April 5, when the new moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, trust your gut when it comes to new adventures—explore that kinky fantasy or say yes to that impromptu date. Getting outside your comfort zone isn’t always a Virgo’s favorite thing to do. But if it spurs an adrenaline rush, it may be setting the stage for even more pleasurable thrills to come. Then, while Saturn is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from April 29 to September 18, you’ll be driven to meditate on what you’ve done and what you still can do to invite in love or deepen intimacy with an existing mate. Journaling, talk therapy, or other forms of self-work could offer valuable insights that you’ll actively apply later in the year.

Read your full Virgo love horoscope for 2019.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Around April 19, yet another full moon falls in your sign (the first of the year was on March 20), and you’re bound to be reflecting on ties you need to cut loose and those that you feel are worth putting in the work for. Though you’re a pro at dodging conflict, you’ll make the most of this aspect if you’re brutally honest with yourself and those closest to you. While Venus moves through your seventh house of partnership from April 20 to May 15, you’ll do well to take a light-hearted, playful approach to tackling shared goals with your love or when navigating dates with potential S.O.s. Going with the flow while focusing on self-care keeps you centered and happy!  

Read your full Libra love horoscope for 2019.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Around April 19, when the full moon is in your twelfth house of spirituality, take a time-out from the daily grind to sit with your thoughts and take care of your heart. Contending with emotional baggage you’ve been holding onto for some time can feel incredibly freeing for you personally and within your relationships. Then, while the sun moves through Scorpio’s seventh house of partnership from April 20 to May 21, you may consider hitting the pause button on exploring kinky scenarios, and instead opt to prioritize simpler, more sensual pleasures with your mate. Simply snuggling up under the stars or cooking during a night in might have you feeling even more turned on than usual.

Read your full Scorpio love horoscope for 2019.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

While Jupiter moves backward through your sign from April 10 to August 11, you’ll be compelled to reflect on where you stand with your biggest picture goals, including your spiritual and philosophical pursuits. Deep conversations on these subjects with your significant other or a potential partner can offer peace of mind and clarity. While Venus moves through your fifth house of romance from April 20 to May 15, spring fever could hit you hard, stirring your need to flirt and enjoy out-of-the-blue sex play or impromptu travel with a lover. Own it, Sagittarius, and there will certainly be fireworks!

Read your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2019.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

While the sun moves through your fifth house of romance from April 20 to May 21, you’ll find even more pleasure in simple but joyful activities, like grabbing ice cream on a warm Friday night with your bae or going out dancing with friends and flirting with a lucky someone. While Saturn moves backward through your sign from April 29 to September 18, you’ll be reflecting on how far you’ve come on personal goals, analyzing the work you’ve done and still need to do. It might be tough for you to see the forest for the trees, so you’ll do well to open up and let your love offer a fresh and important point of view.

Read your full Capricorn love horoscope for 2019.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, it may be time to have a significant, emotional conversation with your significant other. Around April 5, the new moon is in your third house of communication—take advantage of this. While it may be challenging in the short-term, saying what you need to say will go far to set healthy expectations for you and your lover. Around April 19, when the full moon is in your ninth house of adventure, you’ll need to check in with your heart—and gut. If you’re feeling like you’re itching to explore uncharted waters, or as though you can’t be 100% your quirky self with a lover, you won’t want to hide from reality any longer. It’s time to speak up and address this issue in order to move forward.

Read your full Aquarius love horoscope for 2019.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Being a Pisces, you secretly love the sappiness that comes with a relationship. Around April 19, when the full moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you’ll do well to initiate a conversation with your lover about your deepest-rooted desires. Giving yourself permission to ask for and pursue exactly what you deserve is a game-changer now. While the sun moves through your third house of communication from April 20 to May 21, don’t be surprised if you’re even more drawn to composing love letters, sending super-romantic text messages, and possibly even expressing how you feel through your favorite art form. Though you may feel like you’re putting your heart on the line, as long as you’re expressing your truth, you’re on track.

Read your full Pisces love horoscope for 2019.

Lead photo courtesy of @eugenia_loli

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