April 2020 Full Moon Libra Horoscopes

By Laura Brown

On April 6, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

April 2020 Full Moon Libra Horoscopes

April starts off with a bang with the full moon in Libra on April 7, 2020 at 7:35 pm PT.

Libra wants us to seek balance and find a nice cadence to our lives that allows us to move through life with grace and ease—two things that Libra’s ruler, Venus, loves in spades. Venus (planet of love) however, is aligning with Mars (planet of aggression), both in air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, respectively. While these two lovebirds actually get along like peanut butter and jelly, they are going to place an emphasis on our personal relationships.

Libra loves love; this sign delights in romance so it’s no surprise that our relationships would be the center of attention with this lunation. The catch will be the square between Mars (aggression) and Uranus (planet of change). Mars wants what he wants while Uranus is likely to throw a little fit if we do not respond well him. So, you can already tell how well this is going to work out…

This is what brings us to the major theme of this full moon: watching the ways that you may find yourself playing it safe or smiling and nodding when really you want to rip your boss’s eyes out for giving you an assignment five minutes before you’re off the clock. This Libra lunation leaves you with an even stronger need (it is a super moon after all) for balance, that you’d rather play nice than potentially cause any trouble or drama.

We find the lesson of this transit is to learn how we can share and show how we feel even in uncomfortable moments. It’s a call to embrace our light and our shadow so that we can be our most authentic selves. Embrace who you’re with and forget the shade that others may throw. This isn’t their experience honey, and who are you living it for? Them or you?

Here is how this lunation will impact your sign.

How the Full Supermoon in Libra Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

full moon in libra

Courtesy of @becca_reitz


Well, aren’t you just in total alignment with this Libran energy, Aries? This full moon is rolling through your partnership zone. Now is a good time to take a look at what you want out of this relationship—or any relationship, for that matter. Knowing what we want (and what we don’t) is one of the most important aspects of getting that love mojo flowing. This is a good time to clear any issues in an existing partnership or begin to really catapult yourself into finding that special someone.

Read your full Aries monthly horoscope.


With the Libra full moon rolling through your house of wellness, you’re ready to set the bar high where your fitness is concerned. We’re talking an all-in overhaul. I mean, let’s be honest… as a Taurus, you like the best of the best, so when you do something, you do it right and you go all the way. Get your beast mode on in the gym and schedule a nice, relaxing massage. Maybe hit up that new coach or mentor who’s getting all the latest buzz and settle in for a quiet night of journaling. You’ll wake up feeling like a new person!

Read your full Taurus monthly horoscope.


Dearest Gemini, my wish for you this full moon is to pay close attention to how you express yourself. On one hand, you will feel ready to let a certain someone hear your whole truth but on the other hand, you’re feeling a little afraid of how they may take what you say. The best thing you can do is to allow yourself the space to speak freely; how they respond is on them.

Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.


You take to change as a cat takes to water, Cancer. You like your comfort zone to stay just the way it is. Right now, you may find yourself compromising your integrity in order to keep things same-same, when what you really need is to give yourself space to speak freely from the heart. The full moon is rolling through your foundational fourth house—which means that, like it or not, it’s time to address the issues that are upsetting the security beneath your feet.

Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.


This full moon in Libra is placing a major emphasis on communication and you’re not at all exempt from this, Leo. In fact, right now you may find yourself a rather chatty with the full moon rolling through your expressive third house. Everything that comes to your mind passes by your lips with hardly a pause to consider what’s being said. In some cases, this may help you. In others, it may not. A little pause might do you some good, my friend.

Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.


Only the best for you with this Libra full moon, Virgo. This transit is taking place in your second house of worth and value, and as if you didn’t already have a champagne taste (and sometimes a draft beer budget), you’re even more inclined to spend with reckless abandon. Instead, hit pause and really consider what’s worth the money you’re parting with. This lunation encourages that you act in alignment with your values.

Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.


Oh sweet, Libra, this full moon is likely to make you a little emotional. You desire to speak your mind and chances are you’ve got a lot to say but you’re being taught the ultimate lesson in how to speak your piece without anxiety or feeling as though it has to become a thing. Your desire for balance is strong now but if it’s a false balance, it’s not likely to last very long, will it?

Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.


Balance is key for you today and it’s likely going to be a bit difficult to find—especially when it comes to certain patterns and cycles that are seriously jacking with your harmony mojo. This full moon in Libra rolling through your twelfth house encourages you to take a step back and take a time out. Consider, reflect, get some thoughts out and make a plan, Scorpio. Then, proceed once this lunation is over and you’re feeling like you’re on solid ground.

Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.


Be careful how many promises you’re making and to whom, Sagittarius. The Libra full moon touring your eleventh house has you in quite the social mood—ready and willing to help a friend (or eight) in need. Before you know it, you’ve double-booked yourself and are going to end up letting some folks down. Maybe slow it down and only make promises you can actually keep.

Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.


You’ve got some major energy in your career zone, but with that comes the responsibility of maintaining all of that professional juju you’ve been working on lately. With the Libra full moon in full effect in your tenth house, you need to make a plan for how you will balance your professional life with your personal life. You don’t need to settle for success in only one area. You just simply need to make space for both,Capricorn.

Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.


You may be itching to get a little space for yourself and specifically the kind that involves getting in your car or hopping on a plane and jetting off to a place that isn’t your home zone. With the full moon transiting your ninth house, you’re going to crave new horizons—but you’ll have to balance this with your responsibilities and obligations. This is not the time to just jet off and leave it all in someone else’s hands.

Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.


It’s time to create yourself a budget, my dearest Pisces. You have a tendency to spend money like you drink water—and right now, you’ve gotten yourself in a bit of a pickle. You just need to sit down and make some sense of what’s coming in and going out. Bring some order into the situation and finances will improve greatly in no time.

Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz

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