An October Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs: The Good, the Bad, and the Sexy!

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Libra season just began, and you may feel like everything is placid. But that’s not the case. A lot is happening below the surface for all signs—your subconscious is whispering, not shouting, at you. That’s why it’s so important, this month, to pay attention to small signs, feelings, or coincidences. This is a building month, and the full moon on October 5 is a great time to set intentions for the next few weeks.
Aries October Horoscope
The October 5 full moon energizes you and asks you to take a look at your social circle and consider adding someone new. If you’re single, the beginning of the month is a great time to go out of your comfort zone and ask someone out. On October 11, a Mars-Saturn square may bring an unexpected disagreement up between a close friend or coworker. Listen to what they say. Rams always like to be right, and this time you may agree they have a valid point. The new moon on October 19 spotlights romance: Do your part and crank up your flirtation game! You’re charming all month long, so use that mojo for good.
Standout Days: 1, 22, 27
Challenging Days: 11, 24
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Taurus October Horoscope
The full moon on the fifth brings some dreams to the forefront of your mind, and if you have a personal project or goal you’ve been putting off, the stars say this is the time to get it done, and even baby steps will be extra productive. The new moon on October 19 amplifies your health goals—it’s a great time to make a change, commit to the gym, or even just take five minutes for yourself every day. Find someone to cheer you on: A friend who has a similar goal can help a lot. On October 27, a Venus-Pluto square tests your bond, if you’re attached. Remember: Sometimes, relationships need compromise. Single? The end of the month is stressful for dating. Take a deep breath and don’t take anything too seriously.
Standout Days: 5, 12, 17
Challenging Days: 10, 23
Gemini September Horoscope
The full moon on October 5 lights up your social sector. Social Gemini is always friendly and always has plans, but this is a great time to make sure that your plans, activities, and friends energize instead of drain you. On October 17, when Mercury enters Scorpio, some annoying issues that you’ve been ignoring demand your attention. Deal with them now, because they aren’t going away. You also may find you have more resilience and patience than you thought you did. The October 19 new moon gives you a bit of a reprieve—if you’re single, you may find yourself seriously distracted by a potential partner. Don’t take things too seriously, and see what happens—next month will bring more clarity.
Standout Days: 8, 18, 24
Challenging Days: 9, 27
Cancer October Horoscope
All your hard work has paid off, Crabs! On the fifth, the full moon brings good news, related to a goal or project you’ve been manifesting all summer. The key is to make sure your eyes and ears are open, as this info may not be obvious at first glance. If everything feels “good” right now, it’s time to ask: How can you make things feel great? You’ve got a strong, stable circle of people who have your back, so now’s the time to aim higher and aim for excellence in your life. On October 12, Mercury sextiles Saturn while the Moon is in Cancer. This combination may cause some drama in your home sector; ride out the waves and don’t get too upset, especially about situations you can’t control. On October 19, the new moon urges you to focus on you—the more you love yourself, the more love and energy you can bring to others.
Standout Days: 10, 20, 28
Challenging Days: 8, 27
Leo October Horoscope
The full moon on the fifth says to get even bolder, Lions. Make the first move, send an intro email, or do something to say that you are here! You’re always ambitious, but you’ve skated by a bit this summer, and you know it. Now, the universe is asking yourself to step up. The new moon on October 19 will remind you to pay attention to your extended family—you may not even have realized what a source of support your far-flung relatives may be. On October 26, the sun conjoins Jupiter. What this means? You are lucky at month’s end! Take a risk; it’s time!
Standout Days: 8, 16, 26
Challenging Days: 9, 19
Virgo October Horoscope
The full moon on October 5 shines a light on your finances, and you’ll see that small lifestyle changes add up to big savings. It’s worth it to pay attention to receipts, credit card statements, and any checks—mistakes may occur. This month is a great time to begin saving and strategizing for a major purchase; the timeline may be a lot shorter than you think. The October 19 new moon may give you even more incentive, as well as some ideas for how to generate extra income. On October 24, a Mercury-Neptune trine casts a golden light on the week ahead. Shine bright!
Standout Days: 8, 12, 24
Challenging Days: 9, 17
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Libra October Horoscope
Libra, this is your month! The October 5 full moon shines bright on your heart, Libra, and you are ready for love. Single? While you tend to be private, let people help you and set you up—they want to help, and may have a friend who you’ll click with. Attached? Plan a date. It’s been too long. The new moon on October 19 energizes you and makes you feel 24/7 charming. Pack your calendar those few days, you only live once, and yes, you can manage multiple events in one day, especially if they’re fun. On October 22, Mars enters Libra and reminds you that it’s okay to be selfish! This is a golden week; soak up every single second!
Standout Days: 3, 14, 28
Challenging Days: 8, 27
Scorpio October Horoscope
The October 5 new moon lights up your sector of self improvement. Scorpio is known for being perfectionistic, but you may be getting in your own way. A 10-minute walk every day is much more effective than waiting for the time when you have an hour to run, which might be never. Just do something—you’ll be happy you did. On October 10, Jupiter enters Scorpio. This is a great configuration and brings good luck and fortune for the next year. But you can’t wait for things to come to you. Be proactive and make a one year plan, now. When you put your mind to it, you can absolutely manifest those goals. On October 19, and through the end of the month, the new moon says it’s time to snuggle and stay close to home. Single? If you’ve been seeing someone casually, it may be time to suss out whether you should get more serious or not. Again, taking the lead is key.
Standout Days: 1, 18, 26
Challenging Days: 9, 27
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Sagittarius October Horoscope
Creative Archers have spent the past month focused on nuts and bolts of certain plans, ignoring their creative side. The new moon asks you now to honor that side of yourself. Take a class, walk around a museum, or otherwise spend time engaged with your right brain. When Jupiter leaves Scorpio and enters Libra on October 10, you’re grappling with big questions: Where am I, and where do I want to be in five years? Journaling and connecting with friends can help you answer these questions. And you don’t have to have the answers all at once! The October 19 new moon asks you to break free of routine. Plan a mini trip for a weekend or even just get out of town for a few days. And if you can, go solo. You need that time in your head!
Standout Days: 10, 20, 26
Challenging Days: 21, 27
Capricorn October Horoscope
The October 5 full moon urges you to pay attention to your home sector. Buying something especially for fall is a nice treat and can make your house even more of a happy place for you. You’re always so careful with money, which is a great thing, but at the beginning of the month, a minor financial outlay can result in a serious happiness boost—spending money isn’t “bad!” The new moon on October 19 highlights your work life—if you’ve been neglecting work or slacking a bit, now’s the time to step it up. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, people are watching. Impress them. On October 24, as the moon conjoins Saturn, your relationship takes priority. A few thoughtful gestures, or even a “thinking of you!” text goes a long way.
Standout Days: 10, 20, 26
Challenging Days: 21, 27
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Aquarius October Horoscope
The full moon on October 5 urges you to spend time with friends and family—and this time, do what they want. You’re great at planning the itinerary and pace of the day, but your friends want you to indulge in their interests, too. On October 15, as Mercury opposes Uranus, you may have second thoughts about a project or idea. It’s okay to shift directions, and the work you’ve done hasn’t been wasted, but you may need to double down to move forward. On October 19, it’s time to think big picture and ask yourself where you want to be a year from now. Acknowledge what you love in life—you may find your passions and professional life can find a way to work together.
Standout Days: 15, 24, 29
Challenging Days: 6, 26
Pisces October Horoscope
Money matters are illuminated by the full moon of October 5. You may have ignored a money matter, but now’s the time to actually get things moving. You may need to invest some time and patience, but it’ll pay off to get the cash owed you, or to finally start a passive revenue stream. On October 10, when Jupiter leaves Libra and enters emotional Scorpio, you may feel weepy, nostalgic, and sad about missed opportunities. Let yourself feel. On October 19, the new moon asks you what you can give to another person, even a stranger. The more you give, even if it’s just five minutes to listen to someone’s story, the better you’ll feel.
Standout Days: 10, 24, 30
Challenging Days: 4, 16
Read every sign’s September horoscope here!
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