A November Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs: Change is Coming. Are You Ready?

By Horoscope.com

On November 1, 2017

In Aspect, Future, Spirit

A November Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs: Change is Coming. Are You Ready?

Scorpio season can be tricky for all signs to navigate. While all Zodiac signs received a major boost when Jupiter transited to Scorpio in the middle of last month, all Zodiac signs are also facing challenges, frustrations, and setbacks as they push to wrap up the year and move onto the next. Not only are you feeling the conscious stress of the close of the calendar year and the start of the holiday season, you’re also seeing a few challenging celestial aspects that may cause you to question loyalty, engage in self-doubt, and otherwise find yourself wondering: Who am I and what do I want? In order to answer these questions, you may find yourself seeking out more solo time than usual. It’s normal. Cuddle up, and expose yourself to the mysteries of the season!

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Aries November Horoscope
It’s a sparkling month for you, Aries! In the beginning of the month, a full moon lights up your resources sector, and you’re suddenly finding money easily flowing into your life. Embrace it! On the fourteenth, a Moon-Mars conjunction means that everything is going your way, and you’re the master of persuasion. Work this week, as it’s a great one to go after (and get!) exactly what you want. A new moon on November 18 suggests that the next month is going to be smooth sailing—again, in order to take advantage, a little prep work is in order. Know what you want, do some legwork, and be prepared to burn the midnight oil. After all, the more you put into this time, the more you’ll get out of it,
Standout Days: 5, 10, 25
Challenging Days: 1, 19 

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Taurus November Horoscope
The full moon on November 3 casts it’s light on you, and it’s your chance to shine bright, Bulls. Mark that day in the calendar and make plans now. If you’re single, it could be an amazing day for a first date. On the seventh, Venus enters Scorpio. This move means that love is in the air, and romance is a big focus for you. You may find stirrings of something big happening, and by the eighteenth, a potential relationship opportunity will manifest itself. Attached? Expect a revelation around this time, which, even though it could be surprising or momentarily through you off kilter, will actually be really positive. And the stars will reflect whatever you’re putting out into the universe. Looking for love? Acts of kindness and generosity will boomerang that giving spirit right back to you. 
Standout Days: 13, 16, 21
Challenging Days: 4, 26

Gemini November Horoscope   
November 3—the full moon—gives you just the breathing space you need. You’ve been firing on all cylinders, and now, more than anything, Gemini just wants to chill. We know you suffer from a serious case of FOMO, but trust that you’re not missing out if you stay in during the first weekend of the month. Mid-month, the new moon ignites your ambition, and you may find yourself being asked to amp up your responsibilities at work, consider another job, or do another sort of career pivot. On November 27, a conjunction between Mercury and Saturn may connect some major dots that have been recurring throughout the year. Maybe a friend will introduce you to a coworker who just might make a great romantic partner. Be open, and look for coincidences to help lead the way to where you need to be.
Standout Days: 5, 17, 25
Challenging Days: 1, 13

Cancer November Horoscope
The November 3 full moon casts the spotlight on your social life. You’re inundated with invites, and saying yes is going to be far more enjoyable than staying home. And remember: Sometimes last-minute plans turn out to be the most fun. The new moon on the 18 amps up your creativity, and doing something small, even if it’s just doodling while on a phone call, will make you feel more connected, in tune, and happier with your life. Weird but true! And at the end of the month, your past comes back into your present. You may even find yourself settling an ancient argument with an old friend. Go into the month with a full heart, and you’ll be surprised at just what might manifest. 
Standout Days: 7, 13, 21
Challenging Days: 9, 19

Leo November Horoscope
You’ve had an awesome month, and it’s just going to keep getting better, Leo. The November 3 full moon brings up career opportunities that may have you acting fast—and in dramatic fashion (read: jetting across the country at the drop of a hat for a last-minute interview) The odds are in your favor, to paraphrase The Hunger Games, but you may feel some Hunger Games level competition near the beginning of the month. Lions, your muse is Katniss. Be cautious, watch, but don’t get caught in the fray. Your time will come, and you’ll come out on top. Midmonth, your home sector lights up, and you may finally tie up some loose ends that have been plaguing you—maybe it’s moving into a new home, maybe it’s finally coming up with a home for the holidays plan everyone can get on board with. Finally, the end of the month is so, so good as the Sun enters Sagittarius. RSVP yes to every single party and dance until dawn!
Standout Days: 3, 9, 29
Challenging Days: 16, 28

Virgo November Horoscope
The November 3 full moon helps you break through a major barrier, and you could not feel happier. That relief is palpable, and translates across sectors, including your sector of romance, Virgo. When Mercury enters Sagittarius on the fifth, you’re all about thinking big picture, and it may be tough to concentrate on the small stuff. As hard as it may seem, try to make sure the day to day is running while you make major plans and moves. At the end of the month, the new moon on the 18 encourages you to stay close to home and celebrate your nearest and dearest. Pouring energy into your most important relationships is really important—a big trip can wait.
Standout Days: 9, 17, 28
Challenging Days: 12, 24

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Libra November Horoscope
You’ve had a major issue weighing on you these past few weeks, Libra, and the November 3 full moon is a time to let it go, lay it to rest, or otherwise deal with it. Once that mental real estate is clear, you’ll be surprised at how much more free and relieved you’ll feel. And even if whatever you’ve got to do seems overwhelming, remember: You have so many people in your corner cheering you on. Lean on them and don’t go it alone. The new moon on November 18 makes you take a serious look at your posessions. You may be thinking about how you’ll afford the holiday, and may find the answers lie in the things you have. It may be time to embrace minimalism, or consider a “no presents please” holiday celebration. Finally, focus on family at the end of the month. Making the extra effort to see them for the holidays may be exactly what your soul needs.
Standout Days: 7. 16, 28
Challenging Days: 9, 26

Scorpio November Horoscope
Romance is in the air at the beginning of the month, with the November 3 full moon cranking up your sexual confidence. Now’s the time to truly connect with your significant other, or finally put all your vulnerabilities and inconsistencies on the table with a newish date. In order to get to the next level, you’ve first got to go deep. All month, you’re showing different layers of yourself to people. Revel in this vulnerability, you may find that you like it, even if at first it feels strange or uncomfortable. Midmonth could also be a great time to try a new look—you’re exploring different facets of your personality, and how you present yourself on the outside has a lot to do with you experience the world. On November 21, a Venus-Pluto sextile could help you in the romance department, smoothing over some rough edges or misunderstandings to help create a deeper connection. 
Standout Days: 5, 12, 22
Challenging Days: 4, 26

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Sagittarius November Horoscope
The November 3 full moon spotlights health, happiness, and all you have going on in your life. Archers are feeling extra reflective this month thanks to their birthdays coming up, and this full moon can help you clarify your accomplishments from the past year and set goals for what you hope to happen in the year to come. The thirteenth could be a magical day for love, and love may come from an unexpected source—be open to it, and let things unfold via a Venus-Jupiter conjunction. A new moon on November 18 makes you feel extra dreamy. Get lost in your own imagination, it’s magical there.
Standout Days: 7. 16, 21
Challenging Days: 4, 26

Capricorn November Horoscope
The November 3 full moon inspires you to focus on your home, and you’ll soon find having everything in order makes a world of difference when it comes to your overall happiness levels! Midmonth, the new moon cranks up your social life. Have fun and remember: A balanced life is a life worth living. So what if you’re not up at the crack of dawn one day? Staying out late will be worth it. It’s a fun month, but for you, Caps, it’s all about letting go of some of your anxieties and inner “shoulds.” By the end of the month, a conjunction between Mercury and Saturn could shift a romantic relationship. Remember, change is good. Don’t fight the flow. 
Standout Days: 11, 15, 20
Challenging Days: 2, 13

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Aquarius November Horoscope 
You’ve had an intense month, Aquarius. This month, work/life balance is at the forefront of your mind. Ask yourself: If you were on your death bed, what decision would be most important, and go from there. Sounds morbid, but the perspective change is so key for Aquarians to suss out the truly important issues in life. Everything else can wait for tomorrow. It’s especially key to clarify your feelings because the new moon on the 18 brings up a career opportunity. Knowing where you stand can help you in negotiations and actually make you a much stronger candidate, if you are looking at a new job opportunity. On November 25, a secret is revealed—don’t jump to conclusions, and wait before you take action.
Standout Days: 2, 11, 20
Challenging Days: 4, 17

Pisces November Horoscope
The full moon of November 3 lights up your home sector, and you’re doing some spring cleaning. Who cares if it’s fall? Making your house a home you can’t wait to curl up in is key for the beginning of the month, Pisces. The new moon on the eighteenth encourages you to expand your horizons—you’ve had travel on your brain for awhile, and why not just take the plunge and book the ticket? And you don’t have to do it solo. Joining a travel-specific social media group, like Girls Love Travel, can help you find likeminded friends and travelers. Finally, at the end of the month, a Moon-Neptune conjunction on the 26 suggests you lean into your emotions and let your passion lead the way.
Standout Days: 13, 16, 22
Challenging Days: 9, 19

Want to get a jump start on 2018? Order your exclusive, personalized 2018 horoscope here! 

Read every sign’s October horoscope here!

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