The Perfect Mantra to Attract Love, Abundance, and More

By Virginia Mason

On April 29, 2021

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

The Perfect Mantra to Attract Love, Abundance, and More

Mantra: A repeated word, phrase, or statement, used for inspiration or focus while meditating and chanting. But mantras can also be used to make magic. Very effective magic!

Mantra magic uses a repetitive phrase—as a spell—to make things happen in your life. Of course, if you want someone to tell you what’s up right away, you can always contact a psychic. But in the meantime, mantra magic is powerful, effective, and can provide almost anything you want in life. Personally, I’ve used this method to find my soul partner, build a business, and help my body through a breast cancer scare.

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To begin, craft your custom mantra and write it down on a beautiful piece of paper. I use thick, pearlized cards of varying shapes and sizes that I found at my favorite stationery shop.

Once you have your mantra in hand, read it out loud. Read it again, and again, and again. Let the energy of the words ripple through your body, and stop reading when your body signals that it’s time to stop.

You will feel the fullness of the energy and the need for silence. But if you’re struggling to tune into the flow of energy, then rely on the power of the number three by simply reading the mantra three or nine times.

Mantra magic feels a whole lot like praying, and with every mantra, you’ll read the words out loud. You can read them over and over again for days on end. As often as you need. Reading any mantra for 21 days in a row is highly effective. And the reading is the easy part. What’s harder is finding the right words.

How to Write Your Perfect Mantra

1) Don’t hold back. Ask for what you want.

Write down exactly what you want. Don’t hold yourself back by thinking that it’s not okay to want what you want or that you don’t deserve it. It’s okay to ask for money. It’s okay to ask for love. Go for gold.

I have a client who has her own business. She works with private clients, but for almost a year, she struggled to attract her the clients she wanted. Together, we worked some mantra magic. We called in her abundance, and we got specific. That same week, clients started pouring through her phone line and Instagram feed. And these were her ideal clients—the ones she’d described in her mantra. And throughout all of this, she keeps seeing the same sign on the subway. The sign says, “Exactly what you ask for.”

So don’t hold back. Be specific in your request because you can and will get exactly what you ask for.

2) Be radically honest.

Because you’ll get what you ask for, it’s important that you’re asking for what you honestly want. Be specific in your request, but whittle that request down to the truth of what you want.

For example, if you think you want the new job you’re interviewing for, ask yourself if the job is really what you want. Do you want the job or do you want financial freedom? Do you want this job or do you want the job that will serve you best?

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When writing your mantra, imagine a world where anything and everything is possible. A world in which you can achieve everything you want and there are no limits. In that world, what do you truly want? Don’t sell yourself short. Again, go for gold. And be honest. Ask for what you truly want. Desire is the emotion that fuels the mantra’s efficacy. So tap into your deepest desires, and then ask for those to be fulfilled!

I recommend meditating on what you truly want before writing any mantra.

3) Do no harm!

Don’t ask for anything that will harm yourself or anyone else, and don’t infringe upon the free will of others! Don’t write mantras naming names and asking people to do or feel certain things. Respect and honor individual freedom.

This is why love spells where you ask for a specific person to fall in love with you are not a good idea. Even if the magic works, you’ll face a fallout. There are consequences to harming other people.

So, feel free to add this catchall safety phrase to any mantra: “May this serve the highest purpose of all beings.”

4) Surrender to a higher power.

Don’t assume you know best. Surrender to a higher power. What you think you want and what you think is best for you isn’t necessarily what’s best. Be specific, but also allow room for the higher power to come in and fill in the blanks.

The best mantras are both specific yet general enough to manifest in many shapes.

For example, when I crafted my mantra to attract my soul partner, I couldn’t imagine being with someone who didn’t have tattoos (because I think tattoos are sexy AF). But I didn’t ask for tattoos. I asked for someone sexy because ultimately that’s what mattered to me—not the tattoos. So be specific by getting to the heart of the matter. The heart of your desire (e.g., sexy v. tattoos). Don’t assume you know the shape this will take.

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Trust the universe/God/your guides (whatever you want to call it) to deliver what you want—just like it did for me. I had a first date with someone the day after I wrote my partner mantra. He’s been by my side ever since, and as luck or magic would have it, he happens to have many tattoos.

5) Use your own words.

Be true to your voice. Use the words that feel magical and powerful to you, and write about what you want as if it’s already written in stone.

You can say, “I want a fulfilling career that serves my highest purpose.”

But it’s more powerful to say, “I will have a career that serves my highest purpose.” Or better yet, say, “I have a career that serves my highest purpose.”

Your mantras can be as short or as long as they need to be. Mine are mostly a paragraph in length. Include what you need to include. No restrictions.

Now, craft your mantra, write it down, and read it out loud. Read it again and again, every day, until it comes true. And don’t forget that this stuff works! You will get what you ask for and what you think you deserve. So use this magic with care, love, and kindness.

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