6 Mantras You Need to Memorize, ASAP

By skaiser

On March 7, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

6 Mantras You Need to Memorize, ASAP

Are things not working out as well as you had hopped? Perhaps you’ve been navigating an unexpected life change, or maybe you are about to embark on a new venture and worried it might not work out.

Fear can sneak in anytime and derail us; if were not careful the fear will keep us from living a life that feels good. But with the healing power of mantras we can get through just about anything.

What are mantas? They are the uplifting and positive words we turn to when life presents us with unwelcome obstacles to overcome. Iyanla Vanzant, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, Deepak Chopra and other spiritual champions all practice them. Mantras or affirmations are words and phrases that are repeated often to help retrain the brain to focus on the good.

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Mantras are part of a solid self-love and spiritual practice and they’ve saved my life. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. At the time, I was also suffering from eating disorders and addicted to drugs. I hit rock bottom and one of the main tools to help pull me into a more balanced state was meditation and repeating daily mantras. Repeating mantras daily were the foundation for my healing, and today I continue to use them to help me connect back to my center.

I put my favorite mantras into my new book, Find Your Happy Daily Mantras,that has over 365 days of inspiration to help you live the life you know you are made for. I’ve hand selected my favorite ones to help you overcome life adversity and make the most of your journey.

Each mantra listed here is accompanied by a mini meditation you can say aloud or to yourself to help solidify the impact of the message. Plus pull out your pen and paper for the journal prompt questions which will help you meditate on the mantra and take the work even deeper.

Start With These Peaceful Self-Love Mantras

I release all worry. I celebrate what I get right. 
My worry does not serve me. It is like praying for what I don’t want, and this hinders my ability to be happy. Instead of worry, I turn to trust. I know a plan is at play and I am being guided. When I turn to my future self, I know everything always falls into place. If it is supposed to be part of my life plan, it will. I trust divine timing and allow my life to unfold naturally.

I am only trapped by my own illusions. 
I am surrounded by support and see the opportunities all around me. I am not trapped, as my fear is only an illusion. Only love is real and I let love be my compass.

Things aren’t always what they seem. 
I am a beacon of love and light and I have important things to say. My values matter, and I stand up tall, empowered to be me. I understand that situations may feel uncertain and things aren’t always what they seem. Instead of judging or turning to worry, I look for the truth in everything.

The best advice is directed from my heart, not my head. 
I release my need to control any situation, and I let my fear subside. I no longer work so hard on making things happen. Instead, I let my heart lead the way. My heart has a message for me, and it is my divine mission to listen to it daily.

I am gentle with myself in transitions. 
I am kind and compassionate with myself through all phases of my life. When I am in transition, I pay extra attention to my needs and I serve myself by listening to my inner voice. When I fall into fear, I return back to my own true self, which will show me the next right action to take. Transitions are a joyful experience, as I know I am growing and becoming more of who I am supposed to be.

Everything happens for a reason. 
My life revolves around gratitude, no matter my changing circumstances. I embrace all situations that come to me and release situations, people, and ideals that no longer belong in my life. Every season in life is part of a greater cycle and I honor that with an accepting heart.

Excerpt from Find Your Happy Daily Mantras: 365 Days of Motivation for a Happy, Peaceful and Fulfilling Life, with permission from publisher.

Shannon Kaiser, a wellness writer, life coach, and speaker is the author of The Self Love Experiment.

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

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