5 Moves You Must Make In Sagittarius Season to Let Your Imagination Soar!

By Horoscope.com

On November 20, 2017

In Aspect, Date, Success

5 Moves You Must Make In Sagittarius Season to Let Your Imagination Soar!

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

The sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21. A wildly adventurous, exploratory sign, Sagittarius season is a great time to break down barriers, explore parts unknown, and go deep within yourself. While Scorpio season allowed you to explore your passions, your moods, and get in touch with your shadow side, Sagittarius season asks you to turn outward and engage with the world at large. If Scorpio season was a time for getting comfortable with the uncomfortable parts of yourself, Sagittarius season is all about getting uncomfortable in the world. Try a new food, learn a new language, and if you’re feeling especially gutsy, book a plane ticket to a place you’ve never been. Archer season is about going the distance, pushing yourself, and, yes, shooting for gutsy goals you never thought possible.

No matter what sign you are, it’s possible to harness the power of Sagittarius season. Here, five ways to make the most of this magical time of year.

1. Set a Vision
Time to give your screensaver a makeover. Choose a far flung location that inspires you—even if you’ve never visited IRL. (Need inspiration? These hauntingly beautiful magic forests can transport your imagination) Put it on your phone, your tablet, your laptop—”seeing” a place that’s different than your everyday existence can help you expand your own psychic boundaries. Remember, it’s a big, big world and seeing an image from far away can take you away from your everyday issues and help you see big picture.

A sacred forest in Hawaii. Even seeing a picture on your desktop can “grow” your soul. 

2. Daydream
Right before you fall asleep, imagine you’re in a foreign country where you don’t know anyone. Picture entering a cafe, ordering a drink in the local language, and watching locals visit, chat, and communicate with each other. Imagine if you would be in a city, near the ocean, or in the countryside. What would you be wearing? How would the air feel against your skin? The more you visualize this other life, the closer you are to fully feeling how interconnected we all are. For all you know, the scene you’re imagining is playing out somewhere around the world. The more you “feel” this interconnectedness with all people, the more open you’ll be to chance encounters, interactions, and experiences with others.

3. Try a Crystal Spell 
Golden quartz (also known as golden aura quartz) is a crystal known for helping inspire adventure, as well as golden healer lemurian. Having one of these on your person can be a good reminder to seek adventure in all experiences, even if you’re just heading to the grocery store. Want to work more pointedly with this crystal? Try a ritual: Place the golden lemurian on a postcard or image of a place you hope to visit. Close your eyes, breathe out, and truly imagine yourself inhabiting that place. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and even the inconveniences. The more you picture it, the more the crystal and your intentions can help you manifest a trip.  

Golden Lemurian, $15.99

4. Explore Metaphysics
You don’t need a farflung trip to break boundaries. The mysterious, solstice-infused energies of Sagittarius season are ideal for suspending disbelief and trying something new within yourself. Book a reiki appointment. Consult a psychic. Learn the tarot. Browse a crystal shop and choose a stone that speaks to you. All these actions may seem small, but taking steps into the world we cannot necessarily see can fully help us experience the range and mysteries of our existence.

5. Go Solo 
Mysterious Archers always choose their own path, and enjoy their own company. A Sagittarius will never hang out with others just because they don’t want to be alone. In fact, they find spending time by themselves one of their favorite things to do, and always are inspired by some one on one time with themselves. Take an hour and spend it solo—especially in public. Browse a musem. Have a sit down lunch for one. Listen to other people’s conversations and get lost in eavesdropping. You may find yourself engaged in convo with a stranger—by all means, pursue it if it’s inspiring to you, but if it’s not, let it go and move on. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more connected you’ll feel to the universe at large. 

For more spirituality, mysticism, and advice for bringing your spirit to the next level, Follow us on Instagram.

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

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