Your Weekly Horoscope: Gearing Up for Friday's Total Lunar Eclipse!


On July 22, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Gearing Up for Friday's Total Lunar Eclipse!

July 23 – July 29, 2018

This week looks like it will be busy with further shifts and a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Friday, which will be building all week. You may feel your emotions stirring, so it might be helpful to relax your schedule. With sweet Venus opposing Neptune on Tuesday, it would be easy to lose yourself in daydreams and fantasies, especially of someone you care about.

Get an in-depth look at what career you’ll thrive in AND your strengths and weaknesses.

Chatty Mercury turns retrograde on July 25 and remains so for approximately three weeks, which could lead to misunderstandings or delays. On that same day, the sun angles toward electric Uranus, which could put you in a restless mood.

The lunar eclipse on Friday could coincide with a release of emotions. Don’t rush into anything. Try to avoid doing or saying anything you might come to regret later. Finally, the tie of luscious Venus to potent Pluto that same day could add passion and intensity to a relationship.  

Astrology Dates to Remember:

Mercury retrograde in Leo  — 7/25

Total lunar eclipse in Aquarius — 7/27


Aries Weekly Horoscope
Lively Mercury turns retrograde in your leisure zone on July 25 and remains so for around three weeks, so it could be a great time to reconnect with hobbies you used to love. The sun is forging an angle to restless Uranus in your money zone on Wednesday, which means you might throw caution to the wind and spend some money on something appealing to you. It could be very worth it. Friday’s lunar eclipse could bring change to your social scene — but just know that because of the eclipse’s ties to dynamic mars, tempers might be running hot! Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.   

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Lovely Venus, your guide planet, makes an awkward tie to nebulous Neptune, so you could find yourself taken in by someone’s charming persona — but don’t jump too fast; make sure to think it over first. With chatty Mercury entering its retrograde phase in your home zone on July 25, it’s best to hold off on any projects that are home related. Friday’s lunar eclipse in your sector of career and goals could influence your home life as well. You might have an opportunity that brings you the success you so richly deserve, but does it come at the cost of spending time with your family? Think it over carefully before making any decisions. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
With the sun newly in your communication zone, and moving to align with restless Uranus in a more private sector, you might really feel the need to ~speak your truth~ — just think it over first, OK? Is it worth it? It might or might not be. Eloquent Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde in the same zone on July 25 and remains so for approximately three weeks — that means it’s crucial to back up all of your important documents and files. In fact, just do your whole computer. Friday’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius (and your sector of travel and higher education!) could coincide with a powerful push to expand your horizons and leave your comfort zones behind. Good luck, Gemini! Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
With delectable Venus in your sector of talk and thought making an edgy link to ethereal Neptune in your zone of far horizons, you might be swayed by the ~mysterious beauty~ of a certain place. If you’re searching for peace, make sure to do your research on the exotic locale of your choice — and keep in mind, appearances may deceive. Mercury turns retrograde in your personal money zone on July 25, so be extra careful with your financial situation — and keep those receipts! Friday’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius could be a call to find a balance between your own need for comfort and security and the needs of others. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.  

Leo Weekly Horoscope
With the sun in your sign angling toward electric Uranus in your career sector, you might feel the need to be impulsive in your career. Take a second to think it through so as not to regret it. With Inquisitive Mercury turning retrograde in your sign on Wednesday, you should refrain from spending a lot of money, or making any big changes. The lunar eclipse in your opposite sign of Aquarius on Friday might influence your relationships. Plus, throw retrograde Mars into the mix, and a past issue could resurface to influence the present.  Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
With chatty Mercury, your guide planet, entering its retrograde phase in your spiritual sector on Wednesday (and remaining there for approximately three weeks), it’s an ideal time to go back and resolve any issues that could be holding you back. At the same time, the sun in this zone aligns with restless Uranus in your travel and adventure sector — meaning an impromptu trip could be in your future. Friday’s lunar eclipse could affect your lifestyle zone and spiritual sector. It could be a great time to rethink routines, get organized, and go after what you really want. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
On Tuesday, you may find it hard to say no if someone asks for help, as Sweet Venus, your personal planet, in your spiritual zone and opposing elusive Neptune in your lifestyle sector. Just make sure this person is not asking too much of you — one or two favors is fine, but more than that might be too much. With positive Mercury turning retrograde in your social zone on Wednesday, this could be a time of mixed messages and misunderstandings, so double-check appointment times and dates!A lunar eclipse in your leisure sector could encourage you to let go of a fear of taking risks and really put yourself out there. Take charge, Libra! Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
With sultry Venus opposing ethereal Neptune in your creativity and romance zone, your imagination might run a little *too* wild — make sure your to double check that your dreams are actually reality. Lively Mercury enters its retrograde phase in your zone of career and ambition on Wednesday, which might mean a delay in plans. Take it easy over the next couple of weeks — in fact, it might be a good idea to resist acting on too many grand ideas. Friday’s lunar eclipse in your family zone means you’ll be looking at work/life balance, and the eclipse could encourage you to settle down for some serious self-care. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
The sun moves into your travel zone and angles toward electric Uranus, your sector of work and routine, meaning you might be feeling restless with projects. You can either channel that energy into increased productivity, or decide to get away and take a break. Either can work. Just know that with inquisitive Mercury turning retrograde in your sector of far horizons on July 25, it’s important to double (and triple!) check all your reservations. Friday’s lunar eclipse in your communication zone ties in with feisty Mars, which means you might want to become more active in your community. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
You might find yourself *really* wanting to purchase something — best to hold off a few days to decide if you REALLY want it. With expressive Mercury turning retrograde in your family zone on Wednesday, it’s a good time to purge all that clutter! Friday’s lunar eclipse in your personal money zone might encourage you to consider your personal security. And you could be very motivated to make use of technology when handling your day-to-day financial affairs. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Patience is the name of the game this week — and with the sun in your relationship sector linking to restless Uranus, it might be in short supply. Hang tight, and remember to take care of yourself first. With thoughtful Mercury turning retrograde in your relationship zone on Wednesday, you could get caught up in mixed messages and perhaps misunderstandings. It’s a good time to fully dive into issues, because now could be a great time to clear things up. Friday’s lunar eclipse in your sign means you could experience an increased drive to take charge of your life. Issues concerning appearance and image could also be important now. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.  

Pisces Weekly Horoscope
With sultry Venus in your sector of relating opposing ethereal Neptune in your sign, you’ll need to be very clear about expressing your feelings to loved ones. With xpressive Mercury entering its retrograde phase in your lifestyle sector on July 25, take a few precautions over the next three weeks — back up your important files and makes sure your antivirus software is up to date. And go easy on yourself when it comes to meeting deadlines. Friday’s lunar eclipse in your spiritual sector might encourage you to listen to your intuitive nudges. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope.  

—By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @agercheva via Twenty20

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