Your Weekly Horoscope: Tread Carefully and Try Not to Lose Your Sh*t!


On September 23, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Tread Carefully and Try Not to Lose Your Sh*t!

September 24 – 3o, 2018

The week begins with a full moon in Aries making some awkward angles to sobering Saturn and Chiron, the celestial body associated with the wounded healer. Because of this, it requires careful handling. 

Full moons in general can heighten feelings, which can lead to greater unpredictability. And since Aries is a more forthright and impulsive sign, the chances are greater of doing something you might regret later. Leaving decisions for a few days can help things settle and make the decision-making process much easier.

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On Tuesday, the sun angles toward prudent Saturn in Capricorn, which could coincide with a lack of confidence in someone’s judgment. Giving them a chance to explain would be a better move, and something they share could be useful to you.

Social events and community projects sparkle from Thursday. And empowering Pluto turns direct on Sunday, making it possible for changes to take place that you wish to see.

Aries Weekly Horoscope
No matter how frustrating a situation seems, staying calm and refusing to react might be the better way forward. With a full moon in your sign on Monday making some edgy aspects, this lunar phase could leave you feeling rather uptight and vulnerable. Things may be a lot more easygoing and relaxed by Thursday, so holding key conversations at this time might be more helpful. Your social life also sparkles with fresh possibilities. Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Peace of mind could come at a price this week. The full moon in your spiritual sector suggests that you might need to let go of something in order to maintain it. This powerful lunar phase could leave you feeling a tad frustrated, especially if you’ve been seeking opportunities to progress. This could just be the wrong time. Dropping it now doesn’t mean forever. The sun’s positive aspect with feisty Mars on Thursday suggests someone in authority could be very impressed by you. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
On Monday, your social life could be marred by tension and petty arguments that sour an event or leave you and a friend at odds. This could be due to the full moon in your social sector and the difficult aspects it makes. Rather than prolong any arguments, it might be wiser to take a step back. If you want to showcase your work, Thursday’s lively aspect between the sun and fiery Mars can be an excellent time to make a start. And radical Pluto’s forward motion as of Sunday might help you let go of a niggling issue. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
You could be dealing with important issues and responsibilities at the start of the week. However, with a full moon in Aries in a prominent sector of your chart, someone may not respond as expected. In fact, their approach could seem rather immature. Nevertheless, this isn’t the time to wade in and say your peace because it could make things worse. Empowering Pluto’s forward motion in your relationship sector on Sunday could ring in some positive changes. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
On Monday, the full moon in your sector of travel and new opportunity looks rather edgy. With cautious Saturn and wounded healer Chiron involved in the mix, the day could see emotions rising and a tendency to be argumentative. The focus on your sector of communication can be helpful no matter what you need to talk about. With the sun and thoughtful Mercury in this zone, this is an excellent time for negotiation and discussion. Thursday can be especially positive for networking and upbeat social events. It’s a good time to make new connections. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Monday could be a difficult day with a potent full moon in a very sensitive sector of your chart associated with business, finance, and deep emotional bonds. It would be best not to make any snap decisions or overreact now. Instead, adopt a more detached approach and you could avoid a lot of hassle. Thursday can be especially positive with the offer of a contract or extra cash. Buying and selling might also be lucrative at this time. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Relationships might need special care on Monday. A full moon in your relationship zone could coincide with some very frustrating circumstances. There could be some drama, and it might take a great deal of tact on your part not to overreact. Where spending is concerned, lovely Venus and jovial Jupiter in your money zone could inspire you to go on a spending spree. If you do, you’ll thoroughly enjoy it. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Feeling a bit overwhelmed with plans? This might be due to the full moon in your sector of work and lifestyle disrupting your schedule on Monday. Try not to lash out at anyone because it most likely won’t be worth it. With the sun and lively Mercury in a more secluded zone, you might find it more productive to do the opposite and make time for a period of quiet reflection and meditation. Luscious Venus and jovial Jupiter are in your sign, so part of you is in the mood to party. Have fun, Scorpio! Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Financial restraints could mean that a plan of yours is unable to proceed. The extent to which this might affect you could sink in at the time of the full moon in your leisure zone on Monday. As it angles toward sobering Saturn in your money sector, you could feel a huge sense of frustration and powerlessness at not being able to do what you want. Taking time out for some self-care and a chance to deeply relax can be healing and rejuvenating. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
If you were hoping for a quiet week, the full moon in your home and family sector on Monday suggests you might not get one. You might be feeling some frustration with a family member who seems to be in a childish and manipulative mood. Bide your time and let this wash over you if you can. Thursday might bring an offer or opportunity that you certainly won’t want to miss. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
What you say and the way you say it can be important over the coming days, especially on Monday when a full moon in your communication zone could cause an outburst. If you’ve had it with something or someone, you likely won’t be in the mood to hold back (but it might be best if you did)! With a delightful focus on your sector of travel, you might be ready for a vacation or a chance to get away for a few days. This lighter energy could see you reaching out for new opportunities and enjoying the chance to explore new terrain. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Go easy with the spending, especially around the time of the full moon in your money zone on Monday. The temptation could be to give in to impulsive urges and buy something that blows a hole in your budget. If you’re shopping, set yourself some spending limits. With lovely Venus and joyous Jupiter in your sector of far horizons, a vacation or travel opportunity could leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.  Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @stellioo via Twenty20

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