Your Weekly Horoscope: Things Are About to Get *Very* Romantic!


On July 15, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Things Are About to Get *Very* Romantic!

July 16 – July 22, 2018

The astrological picture is quieter this week than last, which is just as well because you may be winding down after experiencing a dynamic solar eclipse. Over the coming days the stellar map encourages you to pace yourself, look after your well-being, and perhaps indulge in some self-care.  

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There is a quarter moon in the harmonious sign of Libra on Thursday, which can be an opportunity to discuss a plan or project to make sure everyone agrees. If anything needs changing, this can be a good time to make those vital adjustments.  

Over the weekend lovely Venus makes a delightful aspect to positive Jupiter, which can give a special boost to social occasions and date nights. On Sunday, the sun moves into charismatic Leo, making this a great time to showcase your creative skills and talents and enjoy getting out and about with friends and family.

Astrology Dates to Remember:

Perseid Meteor Shower Begins — 7/17

Sun Enters Leo — 7/22

Aries Weekly Horoscope
Relax, it looks like some of the pressure you’ve been feeling could be fading. After last week’s solar eclipse in your domestic sector, the coming week is a chance to chill and reflect on everything that’s happening. The quarter moon in your relationship zone could be an opportunity to ask others what they think about your plans — their advice might help. This weekend, lovely Venus aligns with expansive Jupiter, making this a fabulous time for all kinds of social occasions and romantic evenings. And as the sun moves into Leo and your leisure sector on Sunday, you’ll enter a lighter and brighter phase when creativity and having fun are the name of the game. Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.   

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
You could feel extremely determined in pursuing your goals with lively Mars continuing its move through the topmost sector of your chart. It could be the perfect time for an interview — you will most certainly stand out in the crowd. The quarter moon in Libra might providing an opportunity to say no if you’re feeling overwhelmed. This weekend could be a total blast — the sun’s move into your home and family sector brings a chance to spend time with loved ones, as well as a little treating yourself. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Time to get things done, Gemini! Lively Mercury, your guide planet, is in your communication sector, meaning it could be a great time to tackle some chores. It’s also a good time to explore your local area, and discover all sorts of new things. With lovely Venus in Virgo and your home zone, you might enjoy staying home and curling up. How about giving yourself a mani? The sun’s move into Leo and your sector of talk and thought this weekend can bring even more opportunities to network. Make it happen! Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Last week’s solar eclipse in your sign means you might feel like you deserve a break. And with positive Jupiter is in your sector of relaxation and leisure, it’s the perfect time to treat yourself. Lovely Venus is in your communication zone, so if you need to negotiate anything, you might find that you’re extra charming. Thursday’s quarter moon in your home zone is an opportunity to get your family’s opinion on something — if everyone’s in agreement, it could be smooth sailing.

On Sunday, the sun moves into Leo and your sector of resources and material goods, which could encourage a selling spree. It could be an ideal time to say goodbye to that which no longer serves you. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.  

Leo Weekly Horoscope
It’s Leo time! The sun is traveling through the last part of your spiritual sector this week and then moves into your sign on Sunday for a four-week stay. Because of this, you may feel energized and ready to go! Don’t worry if you’re feeling restless before the Sun is in your sign; everything can begin to come together. Thursday’s quarter moon provides an excellent time to listen to your intuition. The weekend brings a very uplifting aspect between luscious Venus and generous Jupiter, which could inspire you to buy something nice for your home or perhaps host a party — perhaps for your birthday!? Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
While your social sector is still in focus, it’s in a more quieter way than last week. The next few days could provide a great time for reflection before making a decision. Mercury, your personal planet, continues its journey through your spiritual sector and can align you more closely with your feelings. This can be a good time to talk out your ~feelings~. Venus in your sign aligns with expansive Jupiter in your sector of talk and thought over the weekend, so you could be a great time to party. Whatever you do, it can be a lot of fun. On Sunday, the sun enters your spiritual sector, and it could be a great to meditate. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Lively Mars, your relationship planet, is in your creativity and romance sector, so the coming days and weeks might encourage you to be more assertive. It’s a great time to get out of your comfort zone and show the world what you can do. Thursday’s quarter moon in your sign brings an excellent opportunity to reflect on goals and adjust your path, if necessary. With the sun moving into Leo and your friendship zone on Sunday, your social life could begin to sparkle — consider raising money for charity. It’ll feel good. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
After last week’s solar eclipse in your travel and exploration zone, new adventures could be calling your way. You might feel some self-doubt, but if you can move past that, you’ll know new opportunities and freedom. Lively Mars is in your home and family sector, so it’s a great time to tackle DIY projects. Delectable Venus is linking to generous Jupiter, which means the weekend could be great for your love life. No matter what, you’re gonna have a wonderful time! And when the illuminating sun moves into your sector of career and ambition on Sunday, the coming weeks are an ideal time to seek the spotlight. Go forth and shine, Scorpio. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Inquisitive Mercury is in your sector of travel and study, so it’s an ideal time to explore new places and new ideas. Feisty Mars is in your sector of talk and thought, so this pattern can also apply to teaching and/or writing. Thursday’s quarter moon means you might want to share a secret — listen to your intuition to know if it’s the right thing to do. With the sun moving into Leo and your travel zone over the weekend, it’s a great time to book a much needed vacay — or even plan a staycation! Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
With electric Uranus moving farther into your leisure sector, you might feel the urge to try new things — which could be a great thing if you’re having a good time. Expansive Jupiter is moving forward in your social sector, so a budding romance or friendship could show more promise. The weekend brings a change of focus as the sun moves into Leo and your sector of intimacy, business, and shared assets. Its four-week stay here could encourage you to release anything that’s holding you back. Let go, Capricorn! Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
With the sun in your lifestyle sector, you’re encouraged to let go of habits that no longer serve you. If you’ve been considering a big change, the days ahead could help you figure out exactly how you can meet your current needs. With chatty Mercury in your relationship zone, you could be extra talkative — that’s a good thing, as fresh perspectives might help you think outside the box. With the sun’s moves into your sector of relating on Sunday, lighting up this area and bringing into focus key friendships and partnerships. The coming four weeks may bring an opportunity to collaborate on new plans or take a relationship to the next level. Also, keep your eyes open this weekend for an opportunity that’s potentially lucrative. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.  

Pisces Weekly Horoscope
With innovative Uranus moving further into your communication sector, you might want to add more technology to your home to make your life easier. The sun is in your leisure zone for most of the week, which could inspiring creativity. When the sun enters Leo and your lifestyle sector at the end of the week, you could be inspired to make good on some deadlines. The weekend might bring an exciting trip that leaves you feeling amazing. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope.  

—By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @Ruupic via Twenty20

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