Your Weekly Horoscope: The Powerful Flower Moon Can Ignite Passion


On May 28, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: The Powerful Flower Moon Can Ignite Passion

A Sagittarius full moon on Tuesday can put all your innermost thoughts and feelings out in the open, leaving you feeling emotionally raw. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You may have been playing your cards too close to your chest, and you may find that vulnerability helps you to open up. Remember, too, everyone feels weird! Knowing this may help you approach things from an empathetic (and not defensive) viewpoint.

On Tuesday, Mercury shifts into Gemini. The messenger planet can be great at making new connections, feeling more confident, and generally getting sh*t done.

The end of the week can be exceptionally social for all signs, and at the end of the week, as lovely Venus aligns with upbeat Jupiter and nebulous Neptune, romantic opportunities may be closer than you think. Avoid getting too deeply invested though, as Neptune may mix messages. Go with the flow, and don’t read into things. Intimacy will come in its own time. Here, your weekly horoscope for May 29 to June 5.

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The full moon at the beginning of the week ignites your wanderlust, and you’re craving adventure. You have an all or nothing personality, but sometimes, baby steps are the right way to get on track. Even an adventure to a new bar or restaurant can help cure your itch. On Tuesday, your communication game is strong. Schedule meetings! This is a work hard, play hard week, and the weekend rewards you with some fun socialization. Finally, pay attention to people who may be a generation or so older than you — they have some valuable wisdom and insight to give you.


With a full moon in an intense sector of your chart on Tuesday, your emotions are full force, and it may be tough to sort out what’s real and what’s not. You need to process your feelings, and you may need some time and space to do so. This is a great week for financial matters, and you may find that taking some time and organizing everything, as well as finally attending to some to-dos you’ve been putting off forever. This weekend may bring someone from the past, and a love interest may be rekindled. Do you want to recommit, though? The ball’s in your court.

The sun and Mercury in your sign means you can do no wrong on Tuesday. It’s an amazing day to set big plans in motion, and you’re pretty unstoppable. It’s a great day to bring up delicate issues at work, and you may find yourself in the position of master negotiator. On Tuesday, a full moon casts its light in your sector of relating, and a relationship that may have been at an impasse. You may find that blocks or walls magically fall away this week. The weekend can be fun — don’t overthink it!

Your heart has big wishes, and Mercury can help them come true early in the week. The catch: You’ve got to actually voice them. You’ve been playing things close to the chest for so long, but this week, you’ve got to take a risk and speak up. The full moon can help you ditch some bad habits in terms of healthier options. But it’s all about balance. The end of the week is all about enjoying and indulging. Live it up!

The full moon allows you to finally let go of something from your past that’s been holding you back. Let go and look to the future. Things are better than you think they might be. You’re holding on to too much worry. While you like to be part of a big crowd, the weekend may be best with a group of friends or just with one special person. Intimacy trumps action.

Family drama may come out with Tuesday’s full moon. Stick to the truth and let go of grudges. Approach any bombshell with compassion. Venus and Jupiter connect on Friday, creating a path for a sparkling connection with a special plus one. It’s a great weekend for a date to remember.

The full moon may make it important to watch what and who you speak with, as you may find your words come back to haunt you. Mercury ignites your wanderlust on Tuesday — plan a trip for the summer if you haven’t already. The end of the week is social, but can also bring up some complicated feelings. Talk through them. And if you’re feeling conflicted, tell someone — don’t tell someone else about the problems you’re having with Person A. This week is all about forthrightness. Don’t let other people’s feeling supercede your own needs.


The full moon could encourage you to overspend. Reign in your impulses, comparison shop, and leave things in your cart. At the very least, hunt for coupon codes! Yes, you deserve a splurge, but not at the expense of your own stability. Tuesday is a great day to shore up work related things, and the ideal day to finally take charge of any pesky to-dos. This weekend is all about romance with a capital R. Make plans, take the lead, and enjoy.


Tuesday brings a full moon in your sign, which could make you feel larger than life. Feelings may be very much on surface, and it might be easier to express them than keep them in. Nevertheless, this lunar phase could encourage you to be extremely honest, and this is what could affect more sensitive types. If you need to discuss anything important, try to do so as gently and carefully as possible. Also on Tuesday, interactive Mercury joins the sun in your sector of relating. Its presence here could encourage you to meet others halfway and be more diplomatic. On Friday, a lovely tie between luscious Venus and jovial Jupiter, your guide planet, could coincide with a very soulful encounter with a loved one that enhances your intimacy in beautiful ways. Finally, it’s possible that you could attract extra money by following your instincts.



Romance is everything in the early part of the week. Not single? Watch out. Even coupled up Caps may find Your dreams could be very vivid in the early part of the week, thanks to the full moon in Sagittarius and a spiritual sector of your chart on Tuesday. It might be worth writing them down because they could hold valuable guidance for you. Also on Tuesday, chatty Mercury joins the sun in Gemini and your lifestyle sector, which could encourage you to become more organized. If you have too many activities to handle, cutting back on a few can free up your time and make you less anxious.Romantic possibilities abound on Friday and Saturday as luscious Venus aligns with jovial Jupiter and then dreamy Neptune. You could enjoy the perfect date, whether with a partner or new love interest. This blend of energies is also excellent for a fun occasion like a party or family celebration. Even business affairs could go very well at this time.


Tuesday’s full moon in your social sector could make social events quite boisterous. If you’re attending a party or other occasion, things could get very lively. If you love dancing and socializing, you should have a really good time. Indeed, this could be a much-needed opportunity to let off some steam. Also on Tuesday, chatty Mercury joins the sun in Gemini and your leisure sector, and this could inspire you to relax with a favorite hobby or enjoy a competitive sport. Either will restore and energize you. Convivial Venus makes a positive aspect to upbeat Jupiter on Friday, and you could strike it lucky at work. This aspect could coincide with an opportunity that is too good to pass up – and it could be quite lucrative, too. You may also be feeling generous and eager to donate to charity, which is very commendable.


You could be in the spotlight with a full moon in Sagittarius and a more prominent sector of your chart on Tuesday. This could be an opportunity to discuss something important in public and make your feelings known. Once others understand how you truly feel, it could make quite a difference in an awkward situation. Be sure to always act with sensitivity and decorum, though, because people will be watching you. Also on Tuesday, connected Mercury joins the sun in your home zone to encourage you to reflect on more personal matters. This can be a time to get organized, especially regarding family projects and outings. The end of the week can be especially positive for a short break to someplace different or even a romantic vacation for two. This chance to spend quality time with your closest friends or partner should be very enjoyable.


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