Your Weekly Horoscope: Finally! A Return to Normalcy!


On August 26, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Finally! A Return to Normalcy!

August 27 – September 2, 2018

Feisty Mars turns direct at the start of the week, on August 27, which means that things can slowly return to normal. It probably isn’t wise to leap into action right away, though. Wait until dynamic Mars becomes more established in its forward motion, in about a week and half or so. With chatty Mercury now direct as well, some of the most frustrating delays can begin to melt away.

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Eloquent Mercury also makes an awkward angle to Jupiter for the third and final time, which could inspire you to pool resources and skills with someone and perhaps collaborate on a project. However, it would help to look at the facts before you commit to anything.

The sun continues its journey through Virgo, encouraging you to refine your habits and jettison any that no longer work for you. Finally, jovial Jupiter continues its tie with ethereal Neptune, which could inspire big dreams.

Astrological Events

8/27 — Mars direct in Capricorn

Aries Weekly Horoscope
Mars, your personal planet, turns direct in your sector of career and ambition, and there is good news this week! Also, chatty Mercury is in your creativity sector, meaning that things could get a hints that things could get easier soon. Phew! soon be a lot easier. At the same time, a bubbly aspect between talkative Mercury and positive Jupiter hints that you might be tempted to promise more than you can deliver. Just know your limits! Also, this is potentially a great time for romance and dates — get get ‘em, Aries! Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.   

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Never fear, Taurus! Although things in the travel area might’ve felt like more trouble than they’re worth in the past weeks, but things will soon begin to pick up! With dynamic Mars forging ahead as of Monday, the many frustrations you’ve experienced in this regard can now begin to ease. Abundant Jupiter continues to make a harmonious angle to ethereal Neptune, and this influence might still be having a powerful effect on your social life and relationships. Solo? You’re drawn to artsy folks and things. Spoken for? You might love a date night to a gallery! Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Lively Mercury is moving forward in your communication sector and feisty Mars is turning direct on Monday in your zone of shared assets, so things are looking up. You might not be back in the flow for a few weeks, but you’re on your way. But with eloquent Mercury aligning with abundant Jupiter in your lifestyle sector, you might try biting off more than you can chew — so maybe just take a moment to figure out if it’s worth it. And with delightful Venus continuing her journey through your leisure sector, the cosmos encourage you to indulge in your favorite things. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Courageous Mars moves forward in your relationship zone on Monday, meaning you might want to take a stand. If someone is pressuring you, it can’t hurt to say no. And mean it, Cancer! This is the week to do it! The soulful aspect between generous Jupiter in your leisure sector and dreamy Neptune in your travel zone continues, meaning you might want to spend some quality time with yourself. Rest and rejuvenate, and you’ll come back feeling 100. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Sobering Saturn and powerful Pluto are retrograde in your lifestyle and wellness sector, meaning you might feel a little won out. But never fear — feisty Mars in this same zone turning direct on Monday, so a spark could be ignited this week. But hey, it might not hurt to chill on your workload. Meanwhile, with delectable Venus in your communication sector, this is very much a time to enjoy meeting with people, building new friendships, and enhancing those connections you already have. Enjoy! Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Feeling creatively stuck? That’s OK! Things could start to change soon, as courageous Mars turns direct in your leisure zone on Monday. As it begins to move forward, you might find momentum in all that you do. Plus, with chatty Mercury, your personal planet, forging ahead in a subtler sector of your chart, you might want to trust your instincts, and save a lot of time as a result. There continues to be a very lovely aspect between cheerful Jupiter and caring Neptune that can bring you into contact with spiritual teachers or therapists. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Sweet Venus is continuing her journey through your sign, and she encourages you to respond to others in a very personal and heartfelt way. It’s a great time to reach out to friends and family. Even if you are having difficulties on the home front, things can begin to shift to the positive as focused Mars turns direct on Monday. Give it time to come into fruition, and use this as a time to start new journeys. When it comes to your social life, don’t jump into joining any clubs without figuring out the cost of membership first. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
With fiery Mars, your co-ruler, turning direct on Monday, you’re starting to feel laser-focused. It forges ahead in your communication sector, where sobering Saturn and transformative Pluto continue retrograde. But that’s OK! Cautious Saturn pushes forward next week, and this can really kick-start the positive changes you’ve been hoping to see. It’s time to clear the clutter and prepare the runway, Scorpio. You’ve got this. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Because inquisitive Mercury turned direct in your sector of business and shared assets last week, you might notice you have more leeway in the getting a loan department — that’ll continue through this week and into next, so seek it out if now is a time you need some help. Also, with proactive Mars turning direct in your personal money zone, now is a good time to take control of your finances. Make it happen! With sultry Venus in your social sector, spend time with people you like will be especially rewarding. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Dynamic Mars is in the last few degrees of your sign and it turns direct on Monday, so if you’ve been feeling sluggish the past weeks and month, know that that phase is coming to an end. It might take Mars a little while to get into its forward stride, but you’ll likely feel motivated to get stuff done soon! Plus, with cautious Saturn turning direct next week, your progress is even more assured. Go get it, Cappy! Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Cautious Saturn is in your psychological sector aligning with electric Uranus, so you might get insights into the root cause of a current problem. Now is also a good time for flashes of inspiration, so be on the lookout. Eloquent Mercury is now gathering pace in your relationship zone, so any misunderstandings can begin to resolve, bringing progress regarding key bonds. And with delectable Venus in your travel and adventure zone, it wouldn’t be surprising if a trip is a good opportunity for romance. Ooh la la! Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope
You might want to get away from it all this week — yes, you deserve a break, but getting through important tasks first will mean you will enjoy yourself that much more. On Monday, dynamic Mars turns direct in your social sector, which could inspire you to resolve a situation that might have been bothering you for some time. Romantic opportunities continue to show up for you, too, especially when you move outside your comfort zone. Make it happen, Pisces! Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope.  

—By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @afitrn via Twenty20

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