Your Weekend New Year's Eve Love Horoscope

By Virginia Mason

On December 29, 2017

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Your Weekend New Year's Eve Love Horoscope

What a year! In numerology, 2017 was a universal one year and the start of a new nine year cycle. Venus in retrograde challenged our spring romances. A total solar eclipse anchored us to our karmic journey. Jupiter moved into Scorpio, digging up some of our darkest truths. And Saturn crossed the Galactic Center, leaving Sagittarius for Capricorn and preparing us to get to work in 2018. We’ve been through a lot! But it’s not over yet. This final weekend brings the sun and Venus together as we continue to crawl out of Mercury’s retrograde shadow. Love and communication are essential now and into 2018. 2018 is a universal two year, and it’s all about partnerships—romantic and otherwise. So this weekend, reflect on your 2017 relationships, celebrate everything you’ve accomplished, and then get ready to let the year go. The new year is starting with a full super moon in Cancer and a huge emotional release. But first, 2017 has one final love lesson to teach you.

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
Uranus trines Mercury and Saturn, and Mars sextile Venus. When you free yourself and express your truth, limitations fade away. You weren’t born to be tactful and tame. You are fierce, brave, and bold. This year has taught you a lot about balance and how to be yourself while maintaining your relationships. The people who’ve stuck by you are there because they accept you as you are. Reflect and rejoice. Your life is full of love, and if you’re feeling sparks with someone – new or old – now’s the time to act. Don’t let love pass you by.

Love Lesson: Be patient. Be kind. Be true to yourself.

Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
A Taurus moon connect Pluto and Jupiter. Staying small and staying safe will block you from experiencing abundance and great love. The key right now is to embrace change. Reflect on the year, the choices you’ve made, the major changes you’ve accepted and those you’ve resisted. This is your time for rebirth. Start anew. Commit to love. The beginning of 2018 is doing everything in its power to unite you to your partner, so let yourself transform. Become a person who feels forgiveness for old wounds. Become someone who lives life with an open heart and is ready to receive all of the love the universe wants to bestow on you.

Love Lesson: Accept the changes life asks you to make in order to be led toward your soulmate.
Passion Prediction:

Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
A Gemini moon strains romance and pushes you to find new ways of thinking about things. The moon opposes Mercury, suggesting that your mind sends your emotions into a tailspin. You’re moody for no apparent reason. There simply isn’t enough space in your mind for your feelings. You’re prone to being hard on yourself, especially when it comes to the last year. You aren’t where you thought you’d be, but instead of beating yourself up, open your mind. Remember where you started and how far you’ve come. Remember that often what seems like a bad thing is actually a good thing.

Love Lesson: The journey to true love paints a far bigger picture than just meeting someone.

Passion Prediction:
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re starting to feel the effects of Monday’s Cancer super moon. It opposes Venus and the sun and forces you to look at your love life. This is essential to your fulfillment, and when it comes to love, you’re focused on marriage. This weekend, you will face a change of mind that helps you honestly face any necessary changes in your relationship. Accepting these truths may hurt and may take time. But the events of this weekend ultimately lead you closer to long term fulfillment. Give yourself space to process and reflect. Think about what you really want, then leave whatever (or whoever) is standing in your way squarely in 2017.

Love Lesson: Give yourself what you want.

Passion Prediction:
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
The spotlight shines on romance. Venus conjuncts the sun, and as you reflect on how love has evolved this year, you are filled with a sense of ennui. You are seeing things clearly and realizing how you’ve kept yourself from the loving partnership you want deep down. Mars squares the karmic north node in Leo, and your actions right now aren’t necessarily helping you feel better. Your sexuality in particular can lead you astray. Don’t act on gut instinct alone. Now’s the time to trust your analytical mind. Think before you act. The next month has a lot in store for your love life, so take some time to reflect and set thoughtful intentions for the new year.

Love Lesson: Follow your heart, but remember, there’s a reason you have a brain.

Passion Prediction:
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
Romance becomes both playful and serious. The sun and Venus in Capricorn are also in your solar fifth house, which is ruled by Leo, and Mercury trines the karmic north node in Leo. In short, Leo energy provides a clear path to partnership. You want a lover who gives to you in the way you have given to everyone you’ve loved. You are ready to be at the center of attention. You are ready to be adored and accepted for all that you are. You are ready to receive as much as you give. Now’s the time to be showered in romance, devotion, and adoration. And if you’ve found yourself settling for less in the past, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just change things. You deserve to be treated like the incredible human you are.
Love Lesson: Choose the lover who thinks you’re the best.

Passion Prediction:
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re usually even-tempered and diplomatic to a fault. Often mistakenly compromising yourself for the sake of seemingly smooth sailing, but as Venus approaches the sun, you can’t do this anymore. Your ego wakes up and isn’t afraid to say no to love that isn’t right. Your boundaries are set, and you aren’t afraid to rock the boat. Be bold. Trust yourself. Fight for the love you want. Not by fighting your lover, but by fighting the fears that keep you from fully showing up. Ask for what you want – all of it – and don’t be afraid to leave if your lover can’t or doesn’t want to give it to you.

Love Lesson: What someone wants is simply another way of expressing what they are capable of.

Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
Love feels easy. Mars in Scorpio sextiles Venus and trines Neptune. You’re in your flow. You feel connected to everything. Your intuition is on point, and your sex drive is on high. You’re getting what you want, and it feels like nothing could go wrong. But be careful not to get so swept up in good feelings that you miss the larger picture. You risk disassociating from material reality and spending too much time with your feelings. This leaves you blissed out but disconnected from your path, and this can disrupt romance. Make sure to ground yourself by addressing practical concerns. Honor your analytical mind by remaining thoughtful and communicative. If you float too far away, your lover won’t be able to find you.

Love Lesson: Don’t neglect your lover.

Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
The Gemini moon makes you feel pulled in even more directions than usual. It’s hard to think clearly and hard to focus. You struggle to get anything done and end up feeling somehow trapped. Take a step back, evaluate your commitments, and notice how they’re draining your emotional energy. How have you set this trap yourself? Are you dating multiple people? This gives you the security of having many sources of affection, but it also means you have to give affection to many people. This can leave you feeling scattered and separate you from what you care about most. How are you fueling this dynamic in your life (either through dating or something else)? Make conscious choices about where you want to spend your energy. It’s a new year and a fresh start. Choose what’s coming with you.

Love Lesson: Romance is an energetic exchange.

Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
Monday’s full moon opposes Saturn, Venus, and the sun in Capricorn. You feel restricted – almost like you’re being squeezed into the new year. You’re experiencing far more emotional turmoil than usual in love, money, or both. But don’t let the painful feelings wear you down. Let them guide you to the best course of action. Right now, you want it all – the successful career and the wonderful relationship. Let your emotions motivate you, and trust your expert strategic thinking to get you where you want to be long term. Draw a map if you have to. Create a vision board. Remember that life won’t always feel this way, and any partner has your back. There are good things in this life. Focus on them.

Love Lesson: Don’t take out your moods on your partner.

Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Uranus trines Saturn and Mercury, and Venus resides in your solar twelfth house. You are retreating to decide what you want in the year to come. Romance becomes a solo affair. You are giving all of your love to yourself, and if you’re single, this is just fine. But if you’re partnered, make sure to communicate how you’re feeling and why you need more time to think. Let them know that it’s not about the relationship – as it likely isn’t. This is more about you and what you want for yourself and your life. You’re thinking about work and practical concerns, so don’t get so swept up in this that you forget to acknowledge what they mean to you.

Love Lesson: Let your partner know you care, especially when you need alone time.

Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
Neptune squares Mercury, sextiles Venus, and trines Mars. Love is hot. Love feels great, but your mind is still out of sync with your heart. It’s going to take some time for clarity to arrive. Just have patience. For now, enjoy the incredible sex and your full heart. Celebrate and play. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from enjoying exactly where you are, which is a beautiful place. The answer now isn’t always the answer tomorrow, but on Monday, the answer is love. Neptune in Pisces forms a grand kite with Mars in Scorpio, the moon in Cancer, and Venus and the sun in Capricorn. Just love. Love with all your heart. In time, the rest will fall into place.

Love Lesson: Love doesn’t always have to make sense.

Passion Prediction:

Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life?

Read last week’s love horoscope here!

Read your December horoscope here.

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