Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 31: Halloween Brings Your Skeletons Out of the Closet


On October 31, 2017

In Aspect, Reading, Spirit

Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 31: Halloween Brings Your Skeletons Out of the Closet

Happy Halloween! Whether you’re looking for tricks, treats, or both (and we don’t judge) take a look at what the stars have in store. And remember: Halloween can be a soul-healing holiday for all signs, if you want it to be (read the amazing Gala Darling’s article on why and how, as well as real-life spells to cast tonight) A square between Saturn and the moon can lead to tension and drama among your nearest and dearest—shake it off, eat a mini candy bar, and remember that all will settle as it should. And even though it’s not astrological, All Soul’s day tomorrow can bring those we love who are no longer with us closer than ever—all signs should be aware that their energy may be touching you in the present. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
The moon is shifting sectors tomorrow, and right now, is wrapping things up in your privacy sector. You may feel like you need some time to yourself to finish some projects and yes, daydreaming counts as one of those projects. Relationships shine bright today—Halloween date, anyone? 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
People need you today, Taurus, and you may find yourself privy to some private information and intel. Listen up, but also make sure you protect your own emotions—it’s a day you don’t want to get pulled into anyone else’s drama. Remember: Listening is enough. You don’t need to fix anything. 

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Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Halloween, what? You’re feeling a ton of pressure, and a ton of conflicting observations. Put yourself first. It’s a good day to firm up your boundaries and remember that no is a complete sentence. Finally, make time for fun. A few hours won’t mess anything up or pull things off track, and may be the sanity check you need. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and encouraging adventure, Crabs! You may get an unexpected invite—stop thinking longterm and enjoy the right now. And don’t disregard the things your family tells you—you sometimes brush aside their observations, but today, admit it: They have a point. 

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Leo Daily Horoscope
You’re winning in the communications department, and are called up to smoothe over a few sticky situations. You’ve got this, Lions. And while you’re being such a smooth talker, today’s the day to speak up about something you care about—sure, it’s fun to talk up someone else’s thing, but today is your day to shine the way you do so well. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Love is in the air, Virgo. Single? Don’t you think “we met on Halloween” will be a great story for the ages? Attached? Skip the party and go straight to bed. Above all, enjoy your partnership and what it brings in your life—if you are attached, you’ve been through some tough times. Now is the time to enjoy what you have. 

Need an instant answer to a tough question? This Tarot deck has it.

Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re getting things done, Libra, and it feels good. In order to keep the momentum, it’s key to triage any requests that come in from outsiders—you like to help others, but again, just like your Gemini friends, it’s essential to remember that no is a complete sentence. You do you today Libra! 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to just let go. Any festering resentments need to just be sighed out, shaken out, danced out, whatever! If you play your cards right, the cosmos say you’re slated to have a really fun Halloween eve—and it may just be pretty freaking sexy, too. But again, only if you can truly live in the moment and let go of the past. 

Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Friendships take center stage today, Sags, and you may find your friends can help you in ways you didn’t imagine possible. More importantly, they want to help. Whether it’s setting you up on a date or helping you KonMari your closet, or even just listen as you talk through what’s on your mind, take them up on it. You’ll feel great. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re laser focused on long term goals, including LTR’s today, Caps. Slow and steady is your motto. While you may not see the results you want (because everyone else is probably in a candy coma) know that what you’re getting done will have longterm repercussions in the future. You don’t need a pat on the back from outsiders to know you’re doing a good job. 

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Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
With the moon in your resources sector, you’re seeting patterns, connections, and ways to fuse together different parts of your life in a cool, dynamic way. Embrace and flow into this energy—you’ll probably find yourself with a billion browser tabs on your laptop open at once, but this state of hyperflow will lead to great things. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Work is intense AF today, Fish. Head down, get things done, but know tomorrow is another day—and tonight is all about parties, celebrating, and shaking off responsibility, at least for a few hours. The more you can work hard and play hard this week, the better off you’ll be. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope.

Read your weekly horoscope.

Read your monthly horoscope.

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Want more info to tap into the power of your zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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