Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 16: Escape Into Fantasy, Win IRL


On November 16, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 16: Escape Into Fantasy, Win IRL

The planets are incredibly active today, pulling us in all different directions as they all inspire us to be our best, most giving, truest selves. This morning, a Venus-Saturn semi square may make us feel self conscious as we second guess our interactions. Don’t overthink things. As the day proceeds, dual trines between the sun and Chiron and Venus and Neptune enhance what could be. You may feel like interactions, meetings, and even dates have an ease and flexibility they simply didn’t in the past. This is you tuning into the flow of the universe. Don’t fight it. Ride the wave. Here, what else to expect on Thursday, November 16, 2017.

Aries Daily Horoscope
With the moon and Jupiter in your intimacy sector, your relationships are on track and on point today. Resist the urge to overanalyze. Things are moving exactly as they should be. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
When the Moon conjuncts with Jupiter today, you lose some suspicion and jealousy you’ve held about another person and are able to take them at face value—which only helps you grow. Sometimes, people truly do mean what they say. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You’ve got a million tasks to accomplish, but you can get them all done. Don’t let self-doubt pull you down. It’s okay to feel overextended, because this situation is temporary and will elevate you closer to where you want to be. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon and Jupiter make you feel more sure of yourself than you have in awhile. Use this sure-footedness to your advantage. Take a step toward something you’ve wanted to do. It’s a great night for a date, with someone new or an established partner—your true self shines through. 
Leo Daily Horoscope
You’re accustomed to driving the conversation and getting things done, but right now, holding back may be far more effective. Listening pays off today. Slow down, breathe, and let others around you do the heavy lifting. Don’t insert yourself into things already in process. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Your instincts are on point today, and it could be a great day to pursue a financial matter, or have some money talks—the moon and Jupiter put you in prime negotiating position. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth.

Libra Daily Horoscope
With the Moon and Jupiter connecting, it’s a great day to take a step back and think longterm. Solutions won’t come if you force them, and the more you step back and allow things to naturally flow, the more effective things will be, and the more accomplished you’ll feel. You don’t always have to be doing things for things to be happening. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
With the sun and Venus in your sign, it’s a good day, Scorpio! You’re feeling proud of yourself, and you should be! That confidence is hard-won, and it’s yours. The past may be trying to pull you back, do what you can to just let it go. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
With the moon and Jupiter in your privacy sector, you’re exploring a rich fantasy world in your mind. You may want to duck under the covers all day today, and that’s okay. After all, in dreams begin reality, and your rich fantasy world is just a precursor to a full, glorious, real life. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
With the moon in Jupiter circling your social sector, it’s a great time to take a chance on someone new and break out of your same-old routine. Spontaneity rules the day, Caps. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Your career is on fire, thanks to the moon and Jupiter in your sector of responsibility. And the great thing is that you’re honestly enjoying the responsibility and career commitment in your life. Ride the wave. Take on more tasks, and know that people are watching favorably. What you do in the next few days has big repercussions for your career in the year ahead. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Your intuition reminds on point, as the moon and Jupiter align to make you feel almost psychic. Trust those vibes—even (especially?) if they’re telling you to do something your mind wants to do. Get your body, mind, and spirit on the same page before you make decisions. 

Want more info to tap into the power of your zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
10 Ways to Make Your Life Even More Magical 
When Jupiter Moves Into Scorpio, Every Sign Wins. Here’s Why! 
Seeking Answers? An Oracle Deck May Be the Key! 
Want to Heal Yourself With Herbs? Here’s How 
Your Sign’s Biggest Weakness (And How to Fix It!)

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