Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 21: Bad News for Anyone Traveling for the Holidays


On December 21, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 21: Bad News for Anyone Traveling for the Holidays

The bad news: Today can be a tough day for all signs. As the sun transits toward Capricorn and aligns with Saturn, the pressure is on all signs to perform. But with Mercury retrograde, nothing is ever easy, and you may find yourself caught up in a complicated web of who said this or who did (or didn’t) do what. (Read more about why today could be the worst day of the year, astrologically speaking.) Rise above the fray and focus on big picture. Today is a day to make sure i’s are dotted, t’s are crossed, and for goodness sake, make sure you get to the airport early if you’re traveling for the holidays. Here, what else to expect with your daily horoscope for Thursday, December 21. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
The sun is in your house of career and reputation, and you feel some intensity today. You may be under extra scrutiny or expected to perform the impossible. The good news: If you perform well, you’re in an excellent space for future opportunities. The bad news: You have to give it your all. You may find yourself working all night or canceling plans, but it’ll all be worth it. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
The sun in Saturn upsets the work-life balance you’ve tried so damn hard to cultivate, Taurus. You can set the scale right, but today is all about putting out fires. Rank them according to crisis level and let your adrenaline push you past any limits. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You’re turning deeply introspective today, and may have to sit with a few uncomfortable feelings. Feel them. Learn from them. And know that everything is temporary. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
The sun shines it’s light on your house of partnerships, where it remains for a month. You may find a relationship becoming surprisingly serious, surprisingly fast, almost knocking you off your feet. Stop overthinking. You deserve this. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Work is getting serious, and it may feel like you’re being asked to achieve the impossible. You can get everything done, but you need to be honest with yourself. No, you can’t stay up all night for a week straight and expect a sparkling work product. Time to cut some social activities from the calendar. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Today isn’t a day to take action, as Mercury retrograde may still cloud your judgment or confuse messages. Hold off. Today could be a good day to socialize and trust that everything will shake out as it should. Patience will be rewarded. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
This month is the perfect month to hibernate. You’ve been rushing, but as the planets cast their energy on your home and family sector, you may find simple pleasures (like going to bed at a decent hour) to truly be the best and most soul-sustaining. It’s okay to take it easy! 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today is a day when you feel the full weight of the responsibilities you’ve taken upon yourself. You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Remember: This is what you chose. And you can do it. Developing a smart admin system for handling multiple requests and deadlines is smart. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
This is a time to take action. You feel lighter, more centered, and more committed to goals. As the sun transits toward Capricorn and out of your sign, you’ve learned plenty of lessons, and now is the time to implement them. Today, you’re feeling enchanted by possibilities. Let your imagination soar and dwell on specifics and next steps in the new year. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
As the sun shifts into your sign, you’re turning inward, focusing on major plans and moves. Saturn adds extra pressure and intensity to your feelings—you truly feel that this year is your year. And it can be. But all or nothing thinking will only hold you back. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
The sun and Saturn ask you to direct your attention toward someone else’s needs, and the person may be surprising. While you may have to shuffle around your obligations, dropping everything to help out will prove to be beneficial to you in the long run. Altruism is everything today.

Pisces Daily Horoscope
As the sun starts to shift into your social sector, invites pick up—you may be invited on a far-flung adventure (or, #girlsweekend) and you may think you can’t afford it or aren’t able to take the time off. Don’t be so quick to say no, though. Travel could prove to be incredibly important and restorative in the new year. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
Is Today Really the Worst Day of the Year According to Astrology?
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Your Favorite Holiday Traditions, Based on Sign
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